Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:


Un completo cronograma de las actividades en
Latinoamérica y España por el 93 aniv. del
impune Genocidio Armenio perpetrado por Turquía . WWW.IAN.CC MOVILÍZATE POR LA VERDAD, LA JUSTICIA y LA MEMORIA !ADEM&#

La ville de Rousse a voté ce jeudi 17 avril 2008 une résolution municipale reconnaissant le Génocide des Arméniens par 36 voix pour, 3 contre et 5 abstent

Moscow Mayor's Office Frustrating Armenian Genocide Commemorative Event?
April 15 / Every year on April 24, marking the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Young Turks in 1915-1923, the Union of Armenians of Russia (UAR) organizes a rally at the Turkish Embassy in

Inizia oggi per il pubblico libanese, in prima visione, la proiezione del film "La masseria delle allodole" dei fratelli Taviani tratto dal libro omonimo di Antonia Arslan.
Sono circa 100000 gli armeni del Libano, in maggior parte figli e nipoti di soppravvissuti, che lo vedrano per la prima v

w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m
By Barak Ravid
The chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the Turkish
parliament, Hasan Murat Mercan, has asked the Prime Minister's Bureau to cancel a scheduled discussion in the Knesset on the Armenian genocide.

Mercan was in I
It is not correct to blame religion
Stated His Holiness Aram I in Barcelona

BARCELONA – In a context of a long intervention at an International inter-religious conference taking place in Barcelona, His Holiness Aram I addressed on the inte

vendredi11 avril 2008, par Gari/armenews
L’Azerbaïdjan entend inscrire le conflit du Haut Karabagh à l’ordre du jour de la session de printemps de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe (APCE) qui va se tenir du 14 au 18 avril prochains à St

vendredi11 avril 2008, par Stéphane/armenews
Le 90ème anniversaire de la victoire turque sur les Arméniens a été célébré dans la ville de Gurpinar dans la province orientale de Van avec une représentation théâtrale reproduisant le même

The head of the European Commission on Tuesday criticised Turkey's chief prosecutor's move to close the ruling party AKP, saying the process is "not normal" and added secularism can't be imposed. Jose-Manuel Barroso and Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn will visit Turkey on Thursday. (UPD...continua

La Turquie accusée d'entraver la lutte contre les clandestins dans l'UE

Le refus de la Turquie de reprendre les immigrants passés clandestinement par son territoire pour rejoindre l'Union européenne pose de sérieux problèmes, a déclaré mardi un porte-parol

The recent decision by the Russian energy giant Gazprom to increase prices for Central Asian natural gas will damage construction prospects for the Nabucco pipeline, some Azerbaijani analysts believe. Even prior to the Gazprom move, support in Azerbaijan for the Nabucco

Fighting for free speech in Turkey
Hundreds of writers have been prosecuted in Turkey for "insulting Turkishness", but Sarah Rainsford discovers that there are still some people willing to publish controversial books.
It is a very difficult time to be a writer in Turkey.

Date: 11 Apr 2008, 02:17:10 PM
Turkey seeks to block Knesset debate on Armenian Genocide By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent Tags: Armenia, Israel, Turkey The chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in the Turkish parliament, Hasan Murat Mercan, has asked the Prime Minister's Bu

Ieri,9 aprile 2008, in una solenne cerimonia a Yerevan, è stato insediato il nuovo Presidente della Repubblica d'Armenia, Serge Sarkisian.
Il neopresidente ha giurato fedelta alla bandiera armena, la mano, come di tradizione, sul libro della Costituzione e il più vecchio vangelo manosc

The head of the European Commission on Tuesday criticised Turkey's chief prosecutor's move to close the ruling party AKP, saying the process is "not normal" and added secularism can't be imposed. Jose-Manuel Barroso and Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn will visit Turkey on Thursday. (UPD...continua

The report says, in part:
“Armenia made progress in several important areas in the implementation of the ENP Action Plan, despite delays caused by parliamentary elections in May 2007 and internal coordination problems between different Armenian ministries. Good progress was achieved in par

Newly elected President of Armenia

A delegation from the Catholicosate of Cilicia will represent His Holiness Aram I and the Catholicosate and at the swearing-in ceremony of the newly

(Bush, Putin sign new initiative to promote security between nations) (1076)
Office of the Press Secretary (Sochi, Russia)
April 6, 2008

President Bush and President Putin issued on April 6, 2008, in Sochi a Declaration setting forth a framework for strategic c

1) Jabarian's Apr. 4 Column
Ter-Petrossyan's Glendale Surrogates Reject Dialog
Armenia Fends Off Three-Pronged Assault on her Sovereignty
2) Sassounian's Mar. 31 Column
A Lesson for Azerbaijan on
How To Win a Vote and Lose a Cause
3) Disinformation By RFE/RL

301 to be revised very soon, PM Erdoðan says

PM Recep Tayyip Erdoðan
Turkey will move to change an anti-free speech penal code article as soon as Parliament finishes its work on a social security reform bill that is currently under discussion, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo

Historical decision or historical mistake of the Knesset?
In their fight against the recognition of the Armenian Genocide the Israeli researchers have taken a rather improper role: they consider the Holocaust a unique phenomenon, incomparable with any genocide in the entire history of humanity.

Risque de refroidissement de relations UE-Turquie déjà fraîches

Les relations déjà difficiles d'Ankara avec l'Union européenne risquent de se détériorer encore après le lancement lundi du procès visant à interdire le parti AKP au pou

Tenuto conto degli ultimi sviluppi della politica internazionale (l'indipendenza del Kosovo, gli sforzi dell'Azerbaijan a sciogliere il Gruppo Minsk dell'OSCE e le retoriche di guerra a Baku...) il Presidente Kocharian ritiene di rivedere la posizione del'Armenia sulla sicurezza e lo statuto di Karb...continua

01 April 2008, Resource : Turkish Daily News
We are a few weeks away from the date the Armenian Diaspora chooses to commemorate their interpretation of the events of 1915 as "genocide." This marks an especially strident peak of tension in a geo-political relationship that is already

01 April 2008, The U.S. Azeris Network (USAN) joins the Azerbaijani-American communities across the country, as well as all Azerbaijanis and their friends across the globe and in the Republic of Azerbaijan, in commemorating the great tragedy that has befallen on the people of Azerbaijan through the ...continua

da Cineproduzione- Francia
L'Armée du crime: Guédiguian entra nella Resistenza
Mentre il suo ultimo film, il poliziesco Lady Jane (presentato in concorso a Berlino), esce il 9 aprile sugli schermi francesi, Robert Guédiguian prepara
già il suo 16mo lungometraggio, L'Armée du crime, ce

Dear Reader,
Since the Presidential Election in Armenia and its aftermath the press, organisations and the public at large have been busy in anlyzing and reanalyzing what happened and why. Very few have proposed pragmatic solutions based on principles of democratic governance. Regrettably som
26.03.08 16:45
Azerbaijan, Baku, 26 March / TrendNews corr S. Ilhamgizi/ On 27 March, Berlin will host the meeting of the Coordination Council of the Azerbaijani and Turkish diaspora organizations, the State Committ

roundtable discussion
The Pontiff Endorses the UN’s “Global Armenia” Initiative
ANTELIAS, Lebanon - His Holiness Aram I hosted an unpreceden

1.YouTube Removes Videos Banned in Turkey 8 hours ago
ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) — YouTube has removed several video clips that had prompted Turkish authorities to block access to the video-sharing Web site, a move the company believes will lead to a restoration of access soon.

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