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Le CDCA Belgique interpelle l’Université Libre de Bruxelles La Fédération Euro-Arménienne demande des explications à la Commission européenne L’UETD, un lobby de la Turquie installé à Bruxelles, organise ce vendredi 15 décembre un « ympos...continua

Subject: International Herald Tribune mer massin
Armenian group criticizes EU decision on Turkey
The Associated PressPublished: December 12, 2006
BRUSSELS, Belgium: An Armenian pressure group criticized the European Union on Tuesday for basing its decision to partially suspend membe

-- European Leaders Again Allow Turkey to Avoid Ratifying the Ankara's Protocol
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - December 11, 2006 - Two days before the European summit in Brussels, diplomats representing Member-States reached an agreement that represented a major retreat from European values and the Union

-- Parmi ses nombreux manquements, les 25 ont choisi de n'appuyer leur décision que sur la non ratification par la Turquie du protocole d'Ankara --

Bruxelles (11/12/2006) - A deux jours du sommet européen de Bruxelles,les diplomates des Etats-membres sont parvenus à un accord

-- Parmi ses nombreux manquements, les 25 ont choisi de n’appuyer leur décision que sur la non ratification par la Turquie du protocole d’Ankara --

Bruxelles (11/12/2006) - A deux jours du sommet européen de Bruxelles, les diplomates des Etats-membres sont parvenus 

Armenia on French TV - Paris, December 11, 2006
Jean Eckian -
On December 6, french TV, France 3, french TV presented a 30 minute old document devoted to Armenia.Itis available on Google at this address

Jean Eckian
Paris, December 10, 2006
New French-Armenian college
Sunday December 10, in presence of many French personalities and Armenian origin, was posed the first stone of the French-Armenian college "Nevarte Gulbenkian" and cultural space "Teb

5th Dec 06 - Aztag/Leb - (From ECKIAN JEAN)
The time has come for Armenians around the world to move forward. In the past couple of decades, we have witnessed a surge of research by independent
scholars who have confirmed that what the Armenians were subjected to - massacres and forced depo

Kindly provide to fill the form and send back as privates or associations by e-mail to]


Angela Merkel et Jacques Chirac le 5 décembre 2006 à Mettlach, dans l'ouest de l'Allemagne.Paris et Berlin ont proposé ce mardi que les 25 adoptent un nouveau calendrier pour les négociations qu'ils mènent avec la Turquie en vue de son adhésion à l'Union europé...continua

04.12.2006 - 09:24 CET | By Mark Beunderman
France and Germany are demanding a toughening-up of the European Commission- proposed sanctions on Turkey, with president Jacques Chirac and chancellor Angela Merkel set to push for a fresh EU deadline on Ankara to normalise its relations with Cyprus

lundi 4 décembre 2006, Stéphane/armenews
La Ligue du Nord prépare une proposition de loi visant à pénaliser la négation du génocide des Arméniens de 1915.

« Une institution comme l'Union Européenne, qui ne réussit pas à se donn

By Petros Keshishian-AZG Armenian Daily ,02/12/2006
Nagorno Karabakh conflict can have no military settlement, US foreign policy and military expert Wayne Mary stated in a speech delivered at John Hopkins University in Washington. "The military option of Nagorno Karabakh regulation has bee
By Zaman -Friday, December 01, 2006- (A.M.USA)

The EU Committee of Regions Chief Michel Delebarre invited Istanbul to become a member of the Committee of Regions.

As a part of his Brussels program, Mayor


01 December 2006 [10:55] - Today.Az- ( A.M.USA)
According to a report by Iran's state-run daily Jomhouri Islami, on November 27, Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader has threatened Baku, reminding this neighboring country, situated
INTERNATIONAL 12.01.2006 Friday - ISTANBUL 23:24
by Suleyman Kurt, Ankara- ( from A.M. -USA )
Friday, December 01, 2006

Turkey said it was determine to press ahead with its European Uni

-- The Commission suggests only half-measures, consisting in temporary suspension of technical chapters of the negotiation process --

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - The European Commission recommended on Wednesday 29th November the suspension of 8 of the 35 tracks, or chapters, of Turkey's negotiation

In ENGLISH to fallow
Junta de mensajes de agradecimiento a los diputados.
-175 votos a favor y 2 abstenciones-

Mas de 4.500 e-mails de protesta fueron
enviados a Patricia Fadel.

Gracias a todos por participar de la Campaña.
Ustedes son parte importante en esta

Jean Eckian- November 30, 2006
With 173 favorable votes and 2 abstentions, the Argentinian Parliament recognized the existence of the Armenian Genocide on November 29, 2006.

Argentina is the second country of the South-American continent (first was Uruguay) to qualify the Armenian case

-- La Commission propose de suspendre temporairement quelques chapitres techniques en réponse à l'humiliation imposée par Ankara --

La Commission européenne a recommandé ce mercredi 29 novembre de suspendre 8 des 35 chapitres constituant la partie technique du proce

Turkish Media against Article 301
Jean Eckian
Relayed from November 29, 2006
Turkish Media against Article 301
The Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code is incorrect and should be amended, Nursun Erel, a political observer of The New Anatolian

Belgio: Genocidio Armeno - forti pressioni su un giornalista d'origine turca
Jean Eckian -

Parigi, 28 Novembre 2006
Belgio: Genocidio Armeno - forti pressioni su un giornalista d'origine turca.

Da due anni, il giornalista indipendente, Mehmet Koksal

hurriyet: (FROM A.M.- USA)
Mehmet Y. Yilmaz: So what if the Pope prays at the Hagia Sophia?

It was said that up to a million people might attend the "Don't let the Pope come" protest rally sponsored by the Saadet Party

More than $20,000,000 stolen by the German firm during Genocide era

Legal proceedings under way to seek justice for heirs of those who assets
By Agence France Presse (AFP)
Daily Star- Lebanon . Monday, November 27, 2006

NICOSIA: Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian is reaching out to historical foe Turkey to normalize ties as t

Once again, the generals are muttering angrily about how the government is undermining the secular state—and Turkey.
Newsweek International (A.M.- USA)
Baran is a Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute.
Dec. 4, 2006 issue -

A Glendale telethon unites the globally dispersed community to help the homeland.
By James Ricci, Times Staff Writer
LATimes- November 24, 2006 (A.M.- USA)

For 12 hours on Thursday, the world's Armenians — from the 3 million in the Republic of Armenia to the 1.4 million in the

By David Ignatius- Washington Post
Friday, November 24, 2006; Page A41- (An.Melikian USA)
A disease is eating away at the Middle East. It afflicts the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Lebanese, even the Israelis. It is the idea that the only political determinant in the Arab world is raw force -- th
From Annette Melikian- USA Armenia: Forestfree 2024
Simon over at Blogian has posted a link to a video he’s made and put online about deforestation in Armenia. He says that viewers should not expect something highly professional as it’s the first video he’s m

Subject: Fw: Fw:Caravan this gave me chills what a moving production please watch it complete

Watch this video and send it to all your friends, and let the Turks say that there was no Genocid
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