April 30, 2011 | 16:16
YEREVAN. – Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan received on Friday participants of Armenian business summit started in Yerevan on Friday.
The summit brought together representatives of Armenian trade chambers and business unions.
President stressed th...continua |
• http://www.haaretz.com/print-
It is because of my admiration for Turkey that I find it difficult to understand its insensitive position on the Armenian issue. After all, it was not this generation that spilled the blood 100 years ago.
By Yossi Sarid
I have achieved a great succ...continua |
Iranian Armenians, the Weight of a Minority Among a Nation by Sirus Ali Nejad, BBC Persian
Living four hundred years in Iran, that gave the Armenians their Iranian identity, and since accepting all that is good is in their nature, they took in as much as they could from Iranian culture and the...continua |
Friends of Hrant Dink
Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives Armenian Library and Museum of America and NAASR
Present an Illustrated Talk by Osman Köker
"Images of Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago"
In 2005, Osman Köker first came to international
...continua |
Armenian Library and Museum of America
Present an Illustrated Talk by
Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian
"The Life and Art of Sumbat"
Sumbat Der Kiureghian (1913-1999) is the most celebrated Iranian watercolorist
of the 20th century. A descendant of 17th ce...continua |
Author and anthropologist Dr. Susan Pattie, Director of the Armenian Institute in London and Senior Research Fellow, University College London, will give a lecture entitled "Who Are the Armenians? Bring...continua |
Author and anthropologist Dr. Susan Pattie, Director of the Armenian Institute in London and Senior Research Fellow, University College London, will give a lecture entitled "Who Are the Armenians? Bring...continua |
– May 20, 2011California Courier
By Harut Sassounian
It is unfortunate that the noble and sacred concept of establishing an Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial (AGM&M) in Washington, D.C. had to end up in court. But contrary to popular belief, the issue was not simply a feud betw...continua |
On May 18, at a meeting of the Knesset Commission on Education and Culture, deputy of extreme left, Zaava Galon (Meretz party) submitted a resolution to the Parliament for a vote on the subject of the recognition of Armenian genocide. The proposal was adopted has unanimity and particularly by Likou...continua |
On May 18, at a meeting of the Knesset Commission on Education and Culture, deputy of extreme left, Zaava Galon (Meretz party) submitted a resolution to the Parliament for a vote on the subject of the recognition of Armenian genocide. The proposal was adopted has unanimity and particularly by Likou...continua |
Dear Readers,
Armenian Genocide remembrance month is upon us, and we honor the memory of our fallen ancestors year after year on the 24th of April for the atrocities committed by the Turkish Ottoman Empire leading to the deaths of more than 1.5 million Armenians.
It is a somber month, but at...continua |
On Thursday, April 21 at 3 p.m., all Armenian-Americans in Southern California are urged to join in a public protest to be held outside a fundraising event for President Barack H. Obama at the Sony Studios located at 10202 W. Washington Boulevard in Culver City, California.
...continua |
April 11, 2011 - By Ivan Gharibyan - Azerbaijani President has actually called on the international community to follow the Libyan scenario and start bombing Nagorno-Karabakh and the security zone surrounding it.
That is the leading idea of his interview with the Russia-24 TV channel. Res...continua |
Like Obama, Sarkozy has betrayed the Armenian community
The Elysée and the Armenian Genocide Denial
The Great Treachery of Nicolas Sarkozy
Paris, July 18, 2011
The Great Treachery of Nicolas Sarkozy
Mr. President
As such, breaches can be more or less serious. Bu...continua |
From Arthur Hagopian
Jerusalem, April 13 -The heads of Christian Churches in Jerusalem have expressed grave concern over renewed moves by the Israeli authorities to tax Church buildings and properties.
While previous such moves have ended in failure, the Israelis have not tried hard to mask ...continua |
Photo caption: Prof. Taner Akçam and NAASR Chairman Raffi P. Yeghiayan.
The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research willhold its 57th Annual Assembly of Members on Saturday, May 14, 2011, at theNAASR Headquarter...continua |
From: Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 3:54 PM
Nella capitale iraniana verrà proiettato un film sul genocidio armeno
La notizia è su uno dei più impotanti giornali turchi e ha destato una ...continua |
An Illustrated Lecture by
Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian
AEF Professor of Modern Armenian History, UCLA
Sponsored by
Armenian Church of the Holy Translators And National Association for Armenian Studies and Research
After traveling through much of historic Western Armenia four year...continua |
Mar 10, 2011 By Wendy Soderburg
Nurse directs UCLA’s outreach efforts in Armenia
When Salpy Akaragian talks about Armenia, she’s used to people’s blank stares. “Where’s Armenia?”...continua |
Lara Setrakian la figlia di Berge Setrakian Presidente dell'UGAB (Union Générale Armenienne de Bienfaisance) Reporter di Bloomberg Television......
Lara Setrakian Joins Bloomberg Television as Dubai-Based Reporter
Setrakian Based in Bloomberg's Expanded Dubai bureau NEW...continua |
A Talk by
Marc A. Mamigonian Director of Academic Affairs, NAASR
This presentation of a work-in-progress will give an overview of the gradual growth of Armenian Studies in the United States, which over the course of about 70 years evolved from the work of a few individuals who were in...continua |
Here is link to video: http://vimeo.com/21277024
and the "tongue twister" question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dzAuZ1TDbM
Frank Barat asks Prof Noam Chomsky 6 questions that were sent by Alice Walker, John Berger, Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Amira Hass and Chris Hedges.Inter...continua |
LIVORNO. Nel Caucaso la tragedia nucleare di Fukushima ha riportato alla luce il fantasma nucleare dimenticato di Metsamor (Oktemberyan o Medzamor) e si intreccia con antiche e sanguinose rivalità etniche e geopolitiche che dividono una delle aree più sismiche del pianeta. I turchi hanno r...continua |
In Association with Armenian Research Center,
Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn
Finding Zabel Yesayan
A Documentary by Lara Aharonian and Talin Suciyan
Followed by discussion with Talin Suciyan
An Armenian writer, activist, and feminist, Zabel Yesayan was one of the m...continua |
Per il terzo anno consecutivo l'Armenia pertecipa alla fiera del Libro di Parigi.
l'Armenia è rappresentata da Arev Samuelyan, Deputato del Ministero della Cultura
Con lo slogan," L'Armenia nel Libro", l'Armenia partecipa con 250 libri di vario genere .....
Si ricorda il ...continua |
On sunday to protest against the publication of a book made available free to the French public and denying the Armenian Genocide, heading: "2000 Years of History of Turkey", Nor Serount Association has protested strongly in front of Turkish stand from International Salon du Livre, curr...continua |
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
The Glendale-based nonprofit Center for Armenian Remembrance (CAR) sued the U.S. Federal Reserve on March 4, seeking information on its acquisition of a large amount of Armenian gold looted by the Ottoman government in 1915.
CAR ...continua |
Is really the fight only over a donation to Coservatoire de la Memoire Armenienne ?? Asbarez -March 14,2011Geragos Sues Yeghiayan Alleging Fraud in Genocide Survivor Settlements LOS ANGELES-Attorneys Mark Geragos and Brian Kabateck filed a law suit in Los Angeles County Superior Cou...continua |
- La France privilégie le droit à l’autodétermination des peuples dans le conflit du Haut-Karabagh
- L’Union européenne reconnaît le Conseil National de Transition Libyen comme interlocuteur
La Fédération Euro-Arménienne pour la J...continua |
Martin Marootian dies at 95; lead plaintiff in suit over Armenian genocide victims' insurance policies
The retired pharmacist joined a legal battle in 1999 to force New York Life to honor policies bought b...continua |