Seyed Mohammad Khatami, the fifth president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was born in Ardakan, in the central Province of Yazd in 1943. Son of respected Ayatollah Ruhollah Khatami, President Khatami finished his early school years in his homeland. Then he attended Qom Theology School in 1961. Lat...continua |
hrach@emirates.net.ae - http://www.azad-hye.net
Karekin II visits Madras and oldest Armenian Church in Far East.
Having arrived at Chennai Airport on the previous night, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, accompanied by his delegation visited the Ar...continua |
News from Ragmar party -Appeal to all Armenians
115 Idema Road, Markham, Ontario, L3R 1A9 Canada. Fax: +1(905)709-4005, e-mail: ramgavar @gmail.com
During recent years, a number of Armenian individuals have considered themselves “authorized” to est...continua |
http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detay&link=109819 30.04.2007 YONCA POYRAZ DOÐAN ( A. Melikian <BR>
[MONDAY TALK]‘US-Turkish relations should not remain hostage to Armenian issue ’Turkey should not relax thinking that April 24 is over. Actually T...continua |
http://news.independent.co.uk/media/article2494674.ece (A, Melikian)
Independent- LondonPublished: 30 April 2007 Agos - The paper in the news 'Agos', an Armenian-Turkish newspaper based in Istanbul, was rocked in January when its editor, Hrant Dink, was shot on its offices' doorstep. Ian Herbert l...continua |
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- ( A. Melikian)dyn/content/article/2007/04/26/AR2007042601888.html Washington PostSigns of A Spring ThawInterest on Both Sides In U.S.-Iran TalksBy David IgnatiusFriday, April 27, 2007; Page A23 Sometimes big developments are hidden in plain sight, and that appears...continua |
In memory of the victims and in tribute to the survivors of the Armenian Genocide, NAASR will present a screening of artist and filmmaker Apo Torosyan’s
latest project, Voices, a 40-minute documentary. Following the screening Torosyan will discuss the film and answer questions.
<...continua |
Armenian genocide dispute erupts at LAT (Los Angeles Times) A.M.
Kevin Roderick
A dispute that has been quietly bubbling in the Times newsroom went public today when the publisher of the California Courier dem...continua |
PARIS (AFP) - Bertrand Delanoë, le maire socialiste de Paris, a proposé mardi de donner le nom de Hrant Dink, un journaliste arménien assassiné le 19 janvier 2007 à Istanbul, à une rue ou une place de la capitale.
M. Dink, rédacteur en chef de l'hebdomadai...continua |
Robert Fisk: Caught in the deadly web of the internet
Any political filth or personal libel can be hurled at the innocent published: 21 April 2007
Could it possibly be that the security men who guard the frontiers of North ...continua |
Prof. Stephan Astourian -KPFA -FM Radio April 25th, at 7:00 pm
The Program is broadcasted from Berkeley, you can listen on line http://www.kpfa.org/ (- annette)
Dear Friends,
An interview about the Armenian Genocide with Prof. Stephan Astourian, Executive Director of the Armenian ...continua |
International Herald Tribune-Europe 4/24/07
Greek police clash with Armenian demonstrators outside Turkish consulate
The Associated Press
Published: April 24, 2007
THESSALONIKI...continua |
Voices From The Lake & Jewish Federation
Da Annette (L.A.) per i nostri amici:
I thought you would be interested to see the Film program and Dinner scheduled in a Conservative Jewish Synagogue for the remembrance of A...continua |
Cengiz Aktar:Don't worry, nothing happened on Apr. 24 (Turkish Daily News)
Is the Turkish media coming to grips with what's going on internationally? Has lobbying the various governments made things better or worse by inciting the Turkish ultranationalists to be more oppositional? Does it mat...continua |
Jean Eckian Paris, April 23
« [...] 'our' memorial day as the horrific genocide that was inflicted on the Armenian is a crime against humanity , and as brothers in humanity », wrote yesterday, April 23, Zulfi Buhkari, president of
Muslim Public Affairs Committee of the U.K., i...continua |
The politics of saying 'genocide'
More than 90 years after the Armenian genocide, the U.S. is deadlocked in a humiliating linguistic debate.
By Matt Welch, MATT WELCH is The Times' assistant editorial pages editor.
Los Angeles Times
April 22, 2007
ON TUESDAY, Presiden...continua |
Click on www.GenocideEvents.com
Remember, when two Armenians get together, they will create a new Armenia. Be proud of your Armenian heritage and carry the torch of your ancestors. The justice will prevail! (Getseh Hayastan)
Locate Worldwide Armenian Genocide Commemoration Events in you...continua |
Dr. Lusine Sahakyan to present "The results of forceful islamization of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire" on April 22, 2007 - April 21, 2007
Dear friends:
You are cordially invited to a lecture and book presentation by Dr. Lusine Sahakyan, on Sunday, April 22, 20...continua |
In English to follow Cronograma de Actos Oficiales en toda Latinoamérica y España
Armenia en la Feria del Libro en Buenos Aires
http:/...continua |
La Fédération Euro-Arménienne exhorte les Ministres de la Justice des Etats-membres de l’Union européenne à ne pas succomber aux pressions de la Turquie visant à exclure la négation du génocide des Arméniens du champ...continua |
4000 anni di storia ridotti a nulla in alcuni mesi dal crimine più ignoble che un popolo possano conoscere. Un genocidio. Un genocidio che ne non finisce di fare devastazioni a nei focolari della diaspora con l'aggressività di uno Stato che non vuole ammettere la verità. Chi vuole ri...continua |
da il Gazzettino
"Nelle plaghe dell'Oriente / sia pace sulla terra. / Non più sangue, ma sudore / irrori le vene dei campi, / e al tocco della campana di ogni paese / sia un canto di benedizione". Questi e altri versi del poeta armeno Daniel Varujan sono riportati, insieme con l...continua |
Iacocca: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
American Empire | Books . From Annette Melikian;
Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
By Lee Iacocca with Catherine Whitney
04/11/07 "ICH" -- -- -Had Enough? Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Wh...continua |
Massacres and Resistance: The Genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians Based on New Archival Evidence
A Lecture by - Dr. David Gaunt
Professor of History, Södertörn University College, Stockholm, Sweden
This lecture will be based on Dr. Gaunt’s recently- published bo...continua |
Evènement exceptionnel http://yerazcom.free.fr/
La Compagnie de danse arménienne YERAZ
présente son spectacle
(nouvelles créations, nouveaux costumes)
le 8 Mai 2007
Réservez les places sans tarder, ça...continua |
-- La Fédération Euro-Arménienne a appelé l’ONU à revenir sur sa décision d’annuler une exposition sur le génocide des Tutsi. --
Dans un courrier adressé à M. Kiyotaka Akasaka, Sous-secrétaire général de l’ON...continua |
Call of David André Belhassen to the Israeli government In a long letter addressed to the Israeli government, former academic, Eastern specialist in language and archaeology, author of documentary films and journalist, David André Belhassen are indignant at the position of the Israeli gov...continua |
Prices in parentheses are available only to NAASR members.
Contact NAASR to confirm availability and price. Mastercard and Visa accepted.
Armenia 1915: The Slaughter of a Civilized
People at the Hands of the Turks/ Heinrich
Vierbucher [H886, $25 ($21.25)]
...continua |
Dr. Armen Ayvazyan to speak on Strategy and Security
The “Studies on Strategy and Security” is a summary of various expert analysis and com¬men¬tary on the issue of military-political security of Armenia. It aims at identifying and clas...continua |
En Español- In English
Hackers turcos intentan controlar el sitio IAN y borran mas de 1500 firmas del Petitorio !
Lamentamos informar que hemos sufrido un ataque de "hackers", quienes han intentado borrar sin &...continua |