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Scientists uncovered human brain dating 6 thousand years back
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In a cave overlooking southeastern Armenia’s Arpa River, just across the border from Iran, scientists have uncovered what may be the oldest preserved human brain from an ancient society. The cave also offers s

Conducted by: Hagop Antreassian
Before beginning our interview, Your Eminence, may I extend my congratulations on your designation as Patriarchal Vicar which has just taken place.
ANM: Thank you.
HA: Your Eminence, please enlighten us what your duties as Patriarchal Vicar (“Pokhano

jeudi8 janvier 2009, par Stéphane/armenews La principale chaîne de télévision d.informations de Russie en langue anglaise est dirigée par une arménienne.

Né en Russie, . 100% arménienne . Margarita Simonyan est la rédactrice en chef de Russia Today . Elle a seulement 26 ans selon Passepor

Why I Cannot Be a Conservative

Part III: The Armenian Perspective

A. A Conservative’s Public Statement about Conservatism
In a public interview (Horizon Armenian Weekly, October 6 2008), an Armenian candidate, running recently under the Conservat
Political Prisoners in Armenia

Dialogue and Support for the Vision of Turkish-Armenian Journalist Hrant Dink

Organized by Friends of Hrant: Voices in Dialogue On the occasion of a 2nd annual public event

NAASR News - January 9, 2008
Dear Friends:

NAASR will be a participating organization in a special open forum at Fordham University entitled "What is the Future of Armenia and Its Diaspora in the 21st Century?" on Tuesday, January 13, from 7:00-9:00 pm, at 113 West 60 Stree

Wednesday, 7 January 2009
So once again, Israel has opened the gates of hell to the Palestinians. Forty civilian refugees dead in a United Nations school, three more in another. Not bad for a night's work in Gaza by the army that believes in "purity of arms". But why should we be surp
"One People, One Nation, One Church"...and One Puzzle
PDF versionSend to friendPrinter-friendly versionBy Avedis Kevorkian Philadelphia PA, 16 December 2008

But, first: Full Disclosure: In my opinion, Rev. Nerses Nersessian is the greatest livi

By PETER BERGEN- Washington
A FEW days before the presidential election, the director of national intelligence, Mike McConnell, told a group of intelligence officials that the new administration could well be tested by a terrorist attack on the homeland in its first year in office. “The Wo

Per decreto presidenziale del 25 dicembre è stata conferita la cittadinanza armena a Charles Aznavour, celebre cantante e Eroe Nazionale della Repubblica d'Armenia e al suo impresario Levon Sayan detentore della Medaglia Movses Khorenatsi

14:22 26/12/2008

Question of Semantics
Based on history work, Mr. Armenag Aprahamian, veteran in Karabakh, member of Armenian National Council (France), asserts that today exists a Armenian Muslim world.
They go to Mecca and make Ramadan. They are the descendants of the Janissaries (17th century) when the ch

By Dikran Abrahamian BA, MD,
Turkey appeared to have the upper hand following the Georgian crisis and it took advantage of Russia’s interests in the Caucasus. It pressed Armenia to make concessions both with respect to establishing a joint commission of historians and relinquishing the lan

Cari amici,
per vostra informazione allego il messaggio (in francese) del nostro amico Sarkis Shahinian (presidente dell’associazione Svizzera-Armenia).
La classe intellettuale turca si scusa verso gli armeni per gli avvenimenti del 1915…….
Questo avvenimento crea diversi attriti in T

Conosciamo ARTSAKH-la Repubblica di Nagorno Karabagh..
Un bellissimo documentario di circa 10 min. su Youtube all'indirizzo sottoindicato..

A very informative, professional presentation - less than 10 minutes

Turkish Petitions: War on internet
Website özür diliyoruz removes the 13.315 names signatories of the petition
Yesterday, December 18, after a 3 hours interruption, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m, website özür diliyoruz which diffuses the petition of the intellectuals Turks b

Stop by our book store at 395 Concord Ave. in Belmont, MA for your last minute Christmas shopping. We have a wide range of books, 2009 Calendars, and for a limited time items from Made in Armenia Direct.

New and just in time for Christmas -

Byzantium: Faith and P

By Harut Sassounian, Publisher, The California Courier, 18 December 2008

The Armenian Genocide issue has been attracting ever-growing attention despite the Turkish government’s persistent attempts to suppress its discussion at home and recognition abroad.

During the past week

The Turkish civil society forces the hand of its government‏
Da: Jean ECKIAN (
Inviato: martedì 16 dicembre 2008 19.10.19
This is a fact without precedent in the history of Turkey. Thousands of Turkish people sign each day a petition launched by im

On December 9, 2008, the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAEC) of the European Union adopted its annual conclusions regarding the Enlargement Policy. In these conclusions which insist on the “fair and rigorous conditionality” and on the “reference criteria” ta...continua

An open letter sent to president Gül by more than 300 intellectuals from Armenia echoes a similar request from Turkish intellectuals.

- The European Parliament’s report on Turkey challenged by the letter and the request.

More than 300 intellectuals from Armenia have published last

Track the campaign at
Some 2,500 Sign Turkish 'Apology' Petition on First Day
ISTANBUL (Combined Sources)--Some 2424 Turks Monday signed a petition apologizing to the Armenian people for what they call the “the great catastrophe” of 1915 on the fi

- Une lettre ouverte envoyée au président Gül par plus de 300 intellectuels d’Arménie fait écho à une demande similaire d’intellectuels turcs.

- Le rapport du Parlement européen sur la Turquie mis au défi par ces prises de position

Le Conseil Affaires Générales et Relations Extérieures (GAEC) de l’Union européenne a rendu ses conclusions annuelles sur la politique d’Elargissement de l’Union européenne. Ces conclusions qui insistent sur la « conditionnalité équitable et ...continua

La nouvelle Politique Orientale de l’Union ouvre les portes de l’Europe économique et sociale aux trois républiques caucasiennes, à l’Ukraine et à la Moldavie
La Fédération Euro-Arménienne salue chaleureusement la décision du Conseil euro

Le Conseil Affaires Générales et Relations Extérieures (GAEC) del.Union européenne a rendu ses conclusions [4] annuelles sur lapolitique d.Elargissement de l.Union européenne. Ces conclusionsqui insistent sur la « conditionnalité équitable et rigoureuse »...continua

Khatchatur I. Pilikian
60th Anniversary of the UN Genocide Convention
9th December 2008 In Committee Room 17 of the House of Commons London
Sponsor and Chair: Dr. Bob Spink MP (Independent)
Co-organisers: Solidarity with the Victims of All Genocides, (SVAG)
Nor Serount


Il Giornale (Italy), Sunday 23 November 2008, p. 56 56
by Rino di Stefano

Roberto Saviano is not the only writer to have been threatened with death for havin

Join Us - for Our Christmas Open Housea

Thursday, December 11, 2008 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
At the NAASR Center 395 Concord Avenue
Belmont, Massachusetts 02478


Why I Cannot Be a Conservative
Part II: The Canadian Perspective
Public Good as a foundation of the Canadian existence
It is always time for the public good. Especially in Canada.
Public good, as within the context of a broader concern for the well-being of

- the draft report presented Tuesday in the European Parliament seems to definitely abandon the prospect of Turkey’s progress as well as its accession perspective

- December 2009 set as a deadline date

The Member of the European Parliament Ria Oomen-Ruijten (European Popular
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