Press Release 24.10.2008
Recently, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute’s efforts towards collection of new data on the Armenian genocide have experienced great success with the enrichment of AGMI’s collection of documentary photographs. The most recent discovery is a photo testify...continua |
Reflections on the Occasion of the First Anniversary of Keghart.com
By Dikran Abrahamian BA, MD
Three years ago I started collecting email addresses from several sources that had come my way. The easiest of course was through personal friends who had sent messages with addresses of third par...continua |
Dear Friend and Colleague,
I transmit to you an urgent Appeal of Mr. Eilian Williams from Wales-Armenia Solidarity.
This man is Welsh and he allowed the significant advance of the Armenian cause in the U.K. On 2007, we owe with him the erection of the Armenian memorial in Cardiff (Wales). ...continua |
AGBU Armenia News Bulletin -Friday, August 22, 2008 http://varand.blogspot.com/
Well-known Armenian Iranian writer and translator Varand was recently elected and registered as a member of Great Britain's Guild of International Songwriters and Composers. According to "Aliq" daily, the requi...continua |
On November 13 from 9.30am to 1.00 pm
AGBU Europe will host a conference in the European Parliament entitled «A Journey of Cultural Rediscovery: Armenian Heritage in Turkey ».
The conference, which is part of the official European Year for Intercultura...continua |
Special Announcment
Antonia Arslan, Armenian-Italian award-winning novelist, will visit the University of Rhode Island in Kingston on Monday, October 20, to present Skylark Farm, the English translation of her novel La masseria delle allodole (2004), based on the true story of her family's expe...continua |
Shortcut to: http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/article.php?enewsid=116462
Armenian-American writer's soul back in Turkey
Saturday, October 4, 2008
ISTANBUL - Turkish Daily News
The Turkish Culture Ministry has announce...continua |
AZG Armenian Daily #188, 14/10/2008
Analysis Most recent developments in the South Caucasus
In order to prevent various comments, it is first necessary to put down that this article only aims at outlining the picture that has been formed by the Armenian foreig...continua |
14/10/2008 - Stability and security in the Black Sea region - A socialist initiative.
Leading members of the European Parliament Socialist Group are to hold a conference on the Black Sea region on Friday, this week, in Sofia.
Themes for discussion include regional security and conflict ...continua |
I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, lite...continua |
A message to the European institutions concerning the need to urgently modify the policies on the Roma ethnic group
Rome, October 15, 2008
The European Union has demonstrated over the last few years that it possesses neither the experience nor adequate means for facing the "ra...continua |
A PORTION FOR EACH: Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, right, of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, based in Burbank, distributes vials of muron Tuesday to priests from across Southern California.
In an age...continua |
Jean Eckian Independent correspondent
October 15, 2006
Nobel Prize Ohran Pamuk attacks Turkish government
Turkish writer Ohran Pamuk, Nobel Prize of literature, accused, Tuesday, Turkey to restrict freedom of expression, at the time of the inaugural ceremony of the Frankfurt's Fair ...continua |
Official says France "not to intervene" in Turkey-Armenia relations Turkish Parliament Speaker Koksal Toptan said on Tuesday that Turkey would have the right to become a European Union (EU) member after fulfilling the reforms.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 17:36
Speaking at a meeting w...continua |
De notre envoyé spécial à Bakou, P. P.
13/10/2008 | Mise à jour : 08:32 |
Des centaines de jeunes Azerbaïdjanais sont partis étudier en Arabie saoudite ou chez le grand voisin iranien. Des dizaines de mosquées se sont construites, financ...continua |
De notre envoyé spécial à Bakou, Pierre Prier
13/10/2008 | Mise à jour : 12:37 | Commentaires 23
Un homme prie devant des champs pétroliers autour de Bakou. L'Azerbaïdjan, avec ses réserves de pétrole et de gaz, est devenu un enjeu entre la Russie et...continua |
VIDEO PRESENTATION >>> http://www.keghart.com/ADLP.htm
A Public Discussion About Current Affairs: The Georgian Crisis & "Football Diplomacy"
Their Impact On Armenia & Armenians - Toronto - 28 September 2008
Watch for the Q&A Session in the next update <...continua |
The United Nations Development Program in Armenia launches its first project enhancing know-how exchange among Armenians worldwide.
The project is part of an initiative of UNDP Armenia, which aims at supporting contribution to the socio-...continua |
Washington Post Thursday, October 9, 2008; Page A21
By David Ignatius
In William Saroyan's Depression-era drama "The Time of Your Life," there is a laconic character called "The Arab" who keeps muttering the play's signature line: "No foundation. All the way down th...continua |
Let me to introduce you Mr. Luigi Giuliani.
And I can perfectly hear your question: who is this man?
Let me explain all things but, first of all, some words about the man.
I am very happy and proud to say to all those who follow us in the world (on the daily news on INTERNET) that ...continua |
Peter Semneby, l.Envoyé Spécial de l.Union européenne dans le Sud-Caucase et Hilda Tchoboian, la présidente de la Fédération Euro-Arménienne, ont eu une entrevue le 24 septembre dernier . dans le cadre des consultations régulières entre l.ONG euro-arm...continua |
Liana Sayadyan , Edik Baghdasaryan <BR>
October 06, 2008 <BR>
http://www.hetq.am/eng/economy/8403/ English<BR>
http://www.hetq.am/arm/economy/8394/ Armenian<BR>
During the past few years Armenian oligarches have transferred a significant portion of their c...continua |
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
Armenians worldwide have been following with great concern sinister Turkish attempts at rapprochement with Armenia.
Their apprehension is based on several factors. The first is that Turkey has pre-conditioned its rapprochement with t...continua |
abbiamo ricevuto la notizia che il documentario HUSHER di Avedis Ohanian, aveva vinto a New York nel mese di marzo scorso, ha vinto ancora a luglio,a Los Angeles.
Best International Director of a Documentary: Avedis Ohan...continua |
04.10.2008 13:56 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iran is hopeful that Armenia and Azerbaijan will have their say about Iran's proposal for mediation in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process in the near future.
"Iran is...continua |
Shortcut to: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/robert-fisks-world-bush-rescues-wall-street-but-leaves-his-soldiers-to-die-in-iraq-944071.html
Robert Fisk's World: Bush rescues Wall Street but leaves his soldiers to die in Iraq Until the elections, the people in the Middle Ea...continua |
Università di Lausanne-Svizzera
Laura Bernardi: Una Nuova proffessoresa all'Istituto Interdisciplinare dello Studio della traiettoria biografica
l'Associazione della Comunità Armena di Roma e del Lazio si congratula con Laura per il brillante successo e codivide la gioia dei geni...continua |
Jean Eckian - Independent correspondent
Paris, october 1, 2008
About 300 Armenians gathered yesterday, october 1, in front of the French Senate to require that the socialist bill, punishing of one year of prison and 45,000 euros fine, the denial of Armenian genocide adopted by National Asse...continua |
By David Ignatius
Thursday, September 25, 2008; Page A19
In times like these, when even the most sober analysts are wondering if we're heading for another Great Depression, it's wise to take a deep breath, head to the basement and dust off a copy of John Maynard Keynes's modestly titled 19...continua |
Los Angeles, Calif.--A civil action against the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States was filed yesterday seeking documents as they relate to the Armenian Genocide (1914 to 1925). (Vartkes Yeghiayan v. National Archives and Records Administration of the United States of ...continua |