Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:


From Arthur Hagopian
Jerusalem, Nov 20 - For the first time within living memory, the Armenian church in Jerusalem is to have a co-adjutor Patriarch whose primary mission
will be to assist the incumbent guardian of the keys of St James, Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, in the administration

21-year-old talented Armenian GM Zaven Andriasian had an excellent performance in the Russian Cup held in Belgorod and justified his internet nickname "Zaven the Terrible".
Zaven achieved the honorable prize, having victories over his grandm

An illustrated talk by renowned photographer Hrair “Hawk” Khatcherian, entitled “Western Armenia: A Photographer's Journey to Discover His Cultural Heritage,” will highlight NAASR’s 2010 Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 16. The Open House will begin at 6:00 p...continua

Orphans of the Genocide (7 minute trailer)
Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
Da: : In case ANYONE had any doubts.
In case ANYONE had any doubts…
Almost 4000 people demonstrated Sunday in Paris to protest against the attack which killed 58 Christians in Baghdad on October 31 in syriac church Notre-Dame of the Perpetual Help. The movement Pax Christi as asked at international community and France

I am among those who joined the Facebook group against the showing of Azerbaijani films in Armenia recently. Am I really that narrow-minded of a patriot that I would go against cultural interactions? Not at all. A few years ago when – as always, with foreign financing – a survey was bein...continua's_Stone_Henge
or on Youtube
A stone circle located high in the highlands of Southern Armenia may in fact be the oldest stone observatory in the world, predating England’s Ston

An Illustrated Talk by
Edward & Mary Ann Kazanjian
Journey To Historic Armenia 2010:
There Really Is Something There
In May 2010, Edward and Mary Ann Arakelian Kazanjian of Belmont, MA, returned for the second time to the interior of Turkey (Historic Armenia) with to

November 10, 2010
Ottawa--Raffi K. Hovannisian, Armenia's first minister of foreign affairs and current chairman of the Heritage Party, was on Parliament Hill to address the Ottawa Conference on Combating Antisemitism. Convened by the Government of Canada and the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition f

The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy announced that a delegation of Members of the European Parliament visited Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh from 27th to 31st October, in order to investigate the Karabakh conflict.

During their stay, Mrs Michele Rivasi (member of Euron

Sociologists and historians have long considered that World War II was a watershed period for millions of ethnic Americans, as wartime service and sacrifices enabled so-called hyphenated Americans to prove they were just as American" as anyone else and to shed the "foreigner" label th...continua

Speaker: Missak Keleshian
On The Tracks of The Old Photos
On November 11 at the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute a public speech will be held by Missak Keleshian. He will present the photographic and the video materials regarding the American Near East Relief Organization’s orphan ca

Human Rights Defender of Armenia to speak at the European Parliament, hold high-level meetings with EU institutions

Armen Harutyunyan, the Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of Armenia, will be in Brussels from November 15 to November 18, 2010, in order to meet with European Institutions. T

Save the ArQ - Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem
On Thursday evening, October 21st 2010, over 240 guests enthusiastically came to support Michael Aram and Save the ArQ at Tabula Tua in Chicago, IL. This was the second annual fundraiser for Save the ArQ and the evening was so successful thanks in pa

International observers on Monday sharply criticized elections in Azerbaijan in which the main opposition parties appear to have won no seats, giving a landslide victory to candidates loyal to the country's president, Ilham Aliyev.

A preliminary statement from some 405

Interview with Azerbaijami MP Bakhtiyar Aliyev.
Q: Official Yerevan, in the face of the spokesman for its defense ministry, has said that Azerbaijan needs to negotiate with Karabakh to return its servicemen in Armenian captivity. Does the declaration, reached between the president of Azerbaijan

By Gayane Mkrtchyan- ArmeniaNow reporter
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan has accepted the resignations of two senior ministry officials less than a week after publicly scolding several cabinet members over corruption in their sectors and urging them to clamp down on the social malady.


Tue 09 November 2010
News.Az has been provided with press-release of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan related to US Department of State statement made on November 8 regarding the parliamentary elections held on November 7, 2010 in Azerbaijan.

The document says

By Naira Hayrumyan
ArmeniaNow correspondent
Corruption and allegations of Armenia’s ties with international criminal groups are becoming a headache for authorities in Yerevan.
Government representatives say that high-profile revelations are made for putting pressure on the Armeni

By Arthur Hagopian On November 9, 2010
SYDNEY, Australia— He was only two years old when his feet first trod upon the distant shores of the “lucky country”, marking the end of a traumatic trek that had dragged the family all the way from the land of the Pharaohs, but Artin Etm

Man of the June 18, 1940, father of the Fifth French Republic, of the reconciliation
with Germany and openness to Europe, visiting Syria during the occupation,
on july 1941, paid homage to survivors of the Armenian genocide in 1915,
young people with an average age of 30.


Fundamental principles
1. Regulations of the Pan-Armenian Games

1.1 The present Regulations of the Pan-Armenian Games is a code of articles which details provisions of the Charter concerning the organization of the Pan-Armenian Games. It includes: Program of the Games, the Rules of com

November 04, 2010
RFE/RL - BAKU -- Azerbaijan and Turkey have reportedly agreed during a visit by Turkish Defense Minister Vacdi Konul to Baku to build missiles jointly, RFE/RL's Azerbaijani Service reports.

Konul met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and other officials from Nov

Armenia’s Human Rights Defender, Armen Harutunyan to address the European Parliament Delegation to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

AGBU Europe is pleased to announce that the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, Armen Harutyunyan, will address a public session of the Delegation of the E

Jennifer Dixon
Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley
Changing the State's Story:
The Politics of the Past
in Turkey and Japan
In this lecture, Jennifer Dixon will discuss the sources of continuity and change in states' narratives of past atrocities, drawing on her in-depth research into

Sulle musiche di Astor Piazzola, John Coltrane, Bill Evans and Claude Debussy ..con la partecipazione del famoso fisarmonista francese i Richard Galliano...col patrocinio del Ministero della Cultura

Tango in Yerevan: New festival promises Argentinean rhythms
By Karine Io

Family of Shadows:
A Century of Murder, Memory, and the
Armenian American Dream
An Author's Talk by Garin Hovannisian
As a world war rages through Europe in 1915, Ottoman authorities begin the systematic slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians-the first genocide of the 20th

The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Presents a Lecture by
Jennifer Dixon Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley

In this lecture, Jennifer Dixon will discuss the sources of continuity and change in states' narratives of past atrocities, drawing on her in-depth

Posted By Weekly Staff On October 27, 2010
WASHINGTON (A.W.)—The YouTube video of a conversation between an Armenian American activist and Vice-President Joe Biden, in which the latter said that Armenian President Serge Sarkisian had asked him not to recognize the Armenian Genocide on the

The newly published Italian-Armenian
dictionary will be presented October 20 at the Armenian Diaspora

Ministry. It is already 10 years where days of Italian are being held in the countries where there are Italian embassies October 18-22. The number of such countries increases fr
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