NOUVELOBS.COM | 12.01.2008 | 11:10
IRAN 5 réactions
Des vedettes iraniennes ont approché en décembre des navires de guerre américains à deux reprises dans le détroit d'Ormuz, provoquant dans l'un des cas un tir de sommation de la Marine américaine. ...continua |
Réagissez à l'article 6 réactions
"Selon le gouvernement, il s'agit d'une question historique qu'on doit laisse...continua |
08/01/2008 19:20
edouard italarmena
Près de 130 000 chrétiens vivent encore en Iran. La communauté arménienne d'Ispahan, vieille de 400 ans, essaie de retenir ses jeunes tentés par l'exil ...continua |
Sunday morning, January 6, 2008, Armenian Christmas Day, a false bomb scare disturbed the religious service of the Paris's Armenian church.
It's an anonymous call coming from a phone box located close to the Avenue des Champs-Elysees which started a vast police operation.
Arrive...continua |
How do they think they can sell a global, luxury product which appeals to a niche market, as a made in Turkey product, like turkish delights, kebabs and sticky sweets? Perhaps they intend to rebrand it as Lady Hanoum Godiva and sell it with lukum at street stalls……..
http://business....continua |
These papers are made in Italy, but it is called Armenian papers (maybe for the original recipe came form Armenia??)
Carta d'Armenia - Armenian Burning Paper
Farmacia di Santa Maria Novella
Famous throughout Europe...continua |
Read in English
Giornate della Cultura Armena in Cina
-Pechino-26 Dicembre - Con un concerto di galà nella Sala de...continua |
Check out this link to Yann Arthus-Bertrand's project: Armenie. The French photographer is known for his aerial project: The Earth from Above
Those who like photography go to the site and se...continua |
In english to follow ! Conozca las milenarias Tradiciones armenias del Año Nuevo y Navidad !
Una completa recopilación de las tradiciones del primer
pueblo del mundo que adopta el Cristianismo como religión de Estado en el 301.
...continua |
Jabarian's column -- Sadly for so-called "nationalist" Turks ...; 2) Sassounian's commentary -- Turks Could Gain More Than Armenians ...
1) Sadly for so-called "nationalist" Turks,
Armenians are not going away
2) Turks Could Gain More Than Armeni...continua |
The ultimate benefit could bless the right-sized Turkey.
Those Who Want Reconciliation - Versus Those Who Seek Justice. Publisher, The California Courier
Hundreds of newspapers, internet sites, wire services, and radio and TV programs in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, France and m...continua |
Una intervista a ALINOUSH TARIAN, prima donna iraniana, professore di fisica...
http://www.BMarz.com - 12/19/07
The first Iranian woman, teacher of physics, the founder of the first solar telescopic observatory in Iran, was graduated from Sorbonne University in Paris, and after teaching fo...continua |
Hurriyet - December 19,2006
Turkish pianist: Art is belittled in Turkey
Turkish pianist Fazýl Say issued a written statement yesterday after an interview he gave to a German magazine sparked controversy.
...continua |
At the end of a long fight, the Swiss-Armenian Association has learnt with great satisfaction of the Federal Court's ruling published today that the President of the Party of Turkish Workers, Dogu Perinçek, has been condemned as guilty of racial discrimination (article 261bis of the Penal...continua |
In a groundbreaking move, the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) has voted overwhelmingly to recognize the genocides inflicted on Assyrian and Greek populations of the Ottoman Empire between 1914 and 1923.
The resolution passed with the support of fully 83 percent of IAG...continua |
The philanthropists’ maestro
By Pamela Ryckman
Published: December 15 2007 02:11 | Last updated: December 15 2007 02:11
Among Vartan Gregorian’s dedicated gatekeepers is a security guard at the Carnegie Corporation’s Madison Avenue headquarters. “That’s a g...continua |
Jabarian's column -- Turkish Law Prof. Lucidly Recognizes...; 2) Sassounian's commentary -- Those Who Want Reconciliation Versus Those Who Seek Justice
1) Turkish Law Prof. Lucidly Recognizes
The Fairness Of The Armenian Demand For Justice
2) Those Who Wan...continua |
Publisher, The California Courier
While I anticipated that Turkish denialists would be unhappy with my last column, “Armenians Demand Justice, Not Recognition,” I did not expect that among my vocal critics would be “liberal” Turkish scholars and th...continua |
Friday, December 14, 2007
Semih ÝDÝZ
As Armenians prepare for their presidential elections to be held in February, Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora are seen to be increasingly debating the question of relations wit...continua |
|Published: December 14, 2007 10:05 AM
BRUSSELS (AFP)--Hundreds of European Armenians demonstrated in Brussels Friday to urge the European Union to force Turkey to recognize the Armenian genocide before joining the bl...continua |
washingtonpost.com Davide Ignatius
• RSS Feed: Get notified when articles by David Ignatius are published.
Writer Feedback
» Columnist and Associate Editor | David Ignatius is a twice-weekly columnist for The Post, writing on global politics, economics and international affairs. ...continua |
Hripsimé Pagliarini
de Vahram Najjar Aghazarian
VERNISSAGE : vendredi 14 decembre 2007
Horaire : 19.30h – 23.00h - Centre Culturel Alex Manougian
118 rue de Courcelles
75017 Paris
Fermeture exposition diman...continua |
Publisher, The California Courier
The National Herald, a Greek-American weekly, published a lengthy interview with this writer last week on the issue of genocide recognition. This column was prompted by the ideas expressed in that interview.
The Armenia...continua |
The European Armenian Federation calls upon the citizens of Europe to demonstrate on December 14 in Brussels
The Permanent Representatives of the 27 Member States didn't succeed last week in reaching an agreement on the draft conclusion that must be adopted by the conference of their Mini...continua |
Kegahrt.com 6 December, 2007
Dear Friend,
* For many years Harut Sassounian has been in the forefront advocating for Armenian causes. Whether people agree with him or not his ideas have travelled far and wide and are frequently the centre of discussions. The article Armenians Demand Justi...continua |
Segue in Francese
Riceviamo e trasmettiamo una intervista del quotidiano "Le Figaro" a Abdulla Gul giunto in Francia per promuovere la candidatura della città di IZMIR all'Esposizione Universale del 2015:
Malgrado l'opposizione della Francia o più precisamente del Presid...continua |
beauty in Glendale
hortcut to: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/valley/la-hm-lomax29nov29,1,5260496,full.story?ctrack=2&cset=true
How do you make someone else's dream home feel truly yours? New owners of a glass-and-steel beauty in Glendale rise to the challenge.
By Bettijane ...continua |
The theremin
The entry for theremin in wikipedia.com offers the following description of the instrument:
The theremin or thereminvox, is one of the earliest fully electronic musical instruments. It was invented by Russian inventor Léon Theremin in 1919, ...continua |
La Turchia tenta ancora una volta a far fallire un riadattamento del film "I quaranta giorni di Mussa Dagh"* (dal libro dell'autore austriaco Franz Werfel ).
Un primo tentativo fallì nel 1936 con Clarke Gable previsto nel ruolo princilpale. Nel 2006 una valang...continua |
Harut Sassounian
First Nationwide Turkish Survey Reveals Millions of Turks Support Genocide Bill
Posted Novemb...continua |