Envoyé : lundi 1 décembre 2008 16:25
À : ateliers du soleil
Cher(e)s ami(e)s,
Le président de notre association Dogan Özgüden se trouve sous la menace de lynchage des milieux ultranationalistes et diplomatiques turcs...continua |
www dot gibrahayer dot com
The largest circulation Armenian emagazine
Circulates every Wednesday . Established in 1999
GIBRAHAYER e-magazine
AT...continua |
Dr. Helen Evans Looks at "The Larger Picture"
of Armenia and Byzantium in NAASR Lecture
Dr. Helen Evans, Mary and Michael Jaharis Curator for Byzantine Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, presented an illustrated lecture entitled "Armenia and Byz...continua |
Una dissacrazione scandalosa del memoriale di Zizernakabert su Google Earth che mostra il nome di Talaat Pasha sulla postazione satellitare del monumento..l'ha scoperta Hayk Demoyan il Direttore stesso dell'Istituto del Museo del Genocidio che scopre suo nome trasformato in Haluk Dolmayan e fitmat...continua |
Pejman Tadajon (Iran): Tar, Setar, Oud, Canto
Sanjiay Kansa Banik (India): Tabla, Konnakol
Andrea Piccioni (Italia): Tamburelli, Riqq, Def
La raffinata estetica di tre grandi culture millenarie si fonde attraverso i suoni di tre grandi interpreti; dal ...continua |
postato 1 giorno fa da APCOM ARTICOLI A TEMAiran/ frattini: servono sanzioni. iran: frattini, sanzioni credibili austria/ nominati ministri del nuovo. Altri Istanbul, 24 nov. (Apcom-Nuova Europa) - Il ministro degli esteri armeno Edward Nalbandian si trova oggi a Istanbul in occasione dell'incontro ...continua |
Scritto da Angela Ambrogetti Korazim.com Lunedì 24 Novembre 2008 12:17 Il canto liturgico, a volte triste ma melodioso, ha invaso la cappella Redemptoris Mater che con la sua decorazione orientale è stata il perfetto ambiente per la preghiera ecumenica del papa e de...continua |
Udienza in Vaticano a 'catholicos' di Cilicia Aram I
postato 20 ore fa da APCOM ARTICOLI A TEMA
papa: con egoismo mondo in rovina papa/ pranza in vaticano con il… papa/ i monasteri siano oasi ascetiche,…
Altri Città del Vaticano, 24 nov. (Apcom) - I...continua |
da Il Velino 24-11-08
Città del Vaticano, 24 nov (Velino) - “Le Chiese, le religioni e gli Stati devono riconoscere tutti i genocidi, incluso il genocidio degli armeni”: è
l’esortazione di Aram I, Catholicos di Cilicia degli Armeni, ricevuto oggi in udienza da Be...continua |
El lunes 17 de noviembre de 2008 a las 19 Horas, se realizó el acto de lanzamiento oficial de los sellos postales de la primera emisión conjunta "Argentina-Armenia".
Los sellos del Correo de Armenia son milares,escritos en idioma armenio y con valores expresados en dram. ...continua |
Dear friend,
If you agree with the content of the letter appearing below, please click on We Demand Justice [ http://justice.keghart.com] to add your name.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
We Demand Justice
23 November 2008, Canada
On November 17, 2008, ...continua |
Sito ufficiale:http://www.zulal.org.
Riceviamo e trasmettiamo l'annuncio del gruppo armeno "Yeraz" di New York che ha composto la colonna sonora del documentario "Stone Touch Time" del cineasta armeno Torossian che a vinto il premio del Miglior Documentario al Festival Intern...continua |
Cette Turquie, ça suffit!
A l'occasion de la conférence sur les massacres de Dersim, organisée le 13 novembre 2008 au Parlement européen,
cinq organisations bruxelloises issues des communautés différentes en provenance de Turquie ont publié le communi...continua |
Ici je ne veux pas faire une analyse générale en ce qui concerne la Question Kurde. Tout simplement je veux résumer ce qui se passe ces derniers temps au Kurdistan et en Turquie.
Pendant le mois d’Octobre et la première partie du mois de Novembre plusieurs manifestati...continua |
Faruk Logoglu, former Ambassador of Turkey to the United States sent a letter to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, Hurriyet daily reports. The letter reads: "I urge you, Mr. President, to pay attention to the following issues to ensure that our partnership remains strong, constructive
and mut...continua |
Madame, Monsieur,
Un problème technique survenu sur nos serveurs nous empêche actuellement de diffuser nos communiqués de presse par la voie habituelle. Nous utilisons donc une voie de secours. Cependant cette voie de secours présente l’inconvénient de ne pas discr...continua |
Julfa - Prepared by
Iraj Bashiri
Iran's introduction to the 17th century international scene was relatively smooth, calculated, and well executed. As a new competitive economic power in the region, Iran's Sh...continua |
Shortcut to: http://www.hetq.am/eng/politics/8563/
November 17, 2008
Earlier this year Hetq requested an interview with Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia, Seid Ali Saghaian, who was appointed his country's representative to A...continua |
Salutiamo e ringraziamo il nostro carissimo Amico e il primo Ambasciatore della Repubblica d'Armeniain Italia- Gaghik Baghdassarian, per averci ricordato con il presente articolon di sondaggi:
MSNBC is doing a survey whether the Armenian Genocide ...continua |
By Dikran Abrahamian BA, MD, Ontario, Canada, 13 November 2008
Turkey appeared to have the upper hand following the Georgian crisis and it took advantage of Russia’s interests in the Caucasus. It pressed Armenia to make concessions both with respect to establishing a ...continua |
Razmik Ghazarian (razmikgh@yahoo.com)
Shortcut to:
Wind towers, Yazd
Wind towers (Badgir) are important elements in traditional Iranian architecture, providing natural air-conditioning in hot, dry and humid clima...continua |
What is this about?
The Status Quo of 1829 kept unchanged the religious communities, including the Armenian's, rights, claims, and privileges to the Holy places of Jerusalem and surrounding areas. According to the terms of the Status Quo agreement, we, the Armenians, have the right to own, use...continua |
Sireli Hairenakits,
I'm the author of the Armenian well-known song: Karmir Kapuit Tsiranaguin (Red Blue Apricot), and the artistic director of the Armenian State Jazz Orchestra (it's known as Armenian Jazz Band).
>> Currently we are planning a EU concert tour with my band in 2009. We ...continua |
Iacocca: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
American Empire
Excerpt: Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
By Lee Iacocca with Catherine Whitney
04/11/07 "ICH" -- -- -Had Enough? Am I the only guy in this country ...continua |
ahahah -- Turkish PM volunteers to be a mediator between U.S. and Iran‏
Da: infotrade@moda-srl.com
Inviato: giovedì 13 novembre 2008 9.30.27
A: ;Allegati: 2 allegati Scansione antivirus a cura i Trend Micro ®
Turkey the obvious universal mediator: problem betwee...continua |
Cérémonie scandaleuse à l'Ambassade de Turquie:
Le ministre turc a fait des éloges de la déportation des Grecs et Arméniens
(Info-Türk, 11 novembre 2008)
La cérémonie de commémoration organisée le 10 novembre à l'Ambassade...continua |
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, American CNN international channel is going to show a documentary film dedicated to the genocides of the 20th century.
The film touches upon the theme of the "nightmare of...continua |
A Letter to a Friend - Why the Silence and Inactivity?
By Dikran Abrahamian BA, MD, Ontario, 10 November 2008
From the moment that the present rulers came to power in Armenia, there were reservations and critical appraisals. Initially that involved the fraudulent p...continua |
Racism in Italy: a spiral of violence and intolerance which calls for an active commitment from everyone.
Let us take, for example, the Romagna-Marche coastline, which has a reputation for being an area of
hospitality and tolerance. From Pesaro to Forlì, from Cesena to Rimini the s...continua |
Iviato: Mercoledì 12 novembre 2008 9.15.14
Cérémonie scandaleuse à l'Ambassade de Turquie:
Le ministre turc a fait des éloges de la déportation des Grecs et Arméniens (Info-Türk, 11 novembre 2008)
La cérémonie de commémorati...continua |