Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 08:35:13 -0400
The goal of the boycott is bring economic pressure to the Republic of Turkey by boycotting Turkish made goods and tourism to Turkey.
The boycott is initiated to compel the Republic of Turkey to clean up its Human Right...continua |
23-04-2010 di Chiara Andreola
Fonte: Città nuova
Sabato 24 aprile ricorre il 95° anniversario dell'inizio del Medz Yeghern.
Numerose le iniziative per farne memoria.
Tutto iniziò all'alba di sabato 24 aprile 1915, quando la maggioranza della popolazione arm...continua |
Frank Westerman a Trieste
La libreria Lovat ospiterà lo scrittore olandese, giovedì 29 aprile, autore del romanzo "Ararat"
Il 26 aprile sarà in libreria l'edizione italiana del libro Ararat. di Frank Westerman, pubblicato dall'autore olandese nel 2007 e ora tradotto ...continua |
Siena, 23 aprile 2010 - Appuntamento d'eccezione per la stagione concertistica del Teatro Politeama di Poggibonsi. Lunedì 26 aprile alle 21 nella Sala Maggiore ci sarà il concerto di Ludovico Einaudi e i suoni d'Africa e d'Armenia. Accanto al grande pianista italiano e all'Orchestra della ...continua |
Si chiamava Heranush
23-04-2010 di Oreste Paliotti
La "vendetta dell'amore" di un'armena sopravvissuta al genocidio. La sua tragica e stupenda storia viene ora raccontata dalla nipote turca.
«Io non mi chiamo Seher, io mi chiamo Heranush. Io non sono...continua |
-Il genocidio dimenticato degli armeni
Verso sera per le strade deserte
Passa un carro cigolando.
Un cavallo sauro lo tira, dietro
Cammina un soldato ubriaco.
È la bara dei massacrati, che va
Al cimitero degli Ar...continua |
Catholicos Garegin II- April 22, 2010
YEREVAN -- The supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Catholicos Garegin II, will make a first-ever visit to Azerbaijan next week to take part in a summit of world religious leaders, RFE/RL's Armenian Service reports.
Garegin's press office...continua |
Original Version: The Anatolian Diaspora
E' del tutto irrealistico per la Turchia trascurare gli armeni della Diaspora, mentre cerca la normalizzazione dei rapporti e una soluzione alla questione armena “ scrive l'analista e accademico turco Cengiz Aktar
A m...continua |
To: info@armenica.org
April 22 2010 info@armenica.org
Light the Night, 2010 Campaign
On the eve of April 24th, we encourage to "Light the Night" by lighting a candle through the night of the 23rd and into the morning of the 24th, ...continua |
Inviato:giovedì 22 aprile 2010 17.33.13
Turkish academic Cengiz Aktar Internet petition apologizing for the “Great Catastrophe” of 1915 (adopting the Armenians’ own phrase fo...continua |
PRESS RELEASE - April 21, 2010
In April 22. 2010, at 12:00, the Armenian Genocide Museum opens a temporary exhibition Armenian genocide: frontpage coverage in the foreign media. The exhibition comprises over 70 Russian, Italian, French, American and British original newspapers and magazines...continua |
EVENT ALERT Videos of the week:
Miasnoutian shourhcbar by Hamazkayin's Sipan Dance Ensemble in Limassol
click here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZuJnKVrD-0
Pert Bar here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek_jzsH9Mr0
...continua |
To mark the 95th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, I appeal to all Armenians around the world to write the names of victims in the Armenian Memorial inhomage.com
This contribution is a moral obligation for those who can bring together by number and name those members of their families who...continua |
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Berman Letter Condemning Armenian Genocide Denial
Washington, DC – Howard L. Berman (D-CA), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, this week sent a strongly-word...continua |
Dear All,
AGHET, a new documentary on the Armenian Genocide, premiered last weekend throughout Germany and has received exceptional praise.
Aghet, meaning "Calamity" in Armenian, has been produced by Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR, North German Broadcasting) and addresses the politica...continua |
Cari Amici= dear freinds;
We are all aware that this year marks the 95th anniversary of the Genocide of the Armenians. Recently the question of the Acknowledgment is again troubling both the Turkish and the Israeli governments-- following the dictums of the BIG BOSS.
As political poetry is ...continua |
Cultural genocide International Conference
April 20, 2010, Yerevan
Erebuni plaza, 9th floor, “Erebuni” hall
10:30 – 11:00 Registration of Participants
Prayer – Navasard Archbishop Ktchoyan
11:00- 11:30 Plenary session
Opening speech
...continua |
Last Friday, April 9th, ARD, one of the biggest TV stations in Germany broadcast a 90-minute documentary on the Genocide of the Armenians. The documentary has incredible footage and it is full of damning evidence. The fact that it has been prepared by the Germans, the wartime allies of turkey, makes...continua |
NAASR's busy schedule continues with four lectures at our Belmont, Mass. headquarters during April and May. Other events in the Boston area and elsewhere are being planned.
Weds., April 28, 7:30 p.m.: ...continua |
The following press release provides details on the April 30 APS dinner event featuring a presentation on Arshile Gorky by MOCA. . .
Glendale, CA - April 15, 2010
Paul Schimmel, Chief Curator of The Museum of...continua |
Armenian News Network / Groong
The Literary Groong - 02/24/2007
Redistribution of Groong articles, such as this one, to any other media, including but not limited to other mailing lists and Usenet bulletin boards, is strictly prohibited wit...continua |
Dr. George Bournoutian will give a lecture entitled “The Historic Armenian Presence in Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh): Documentation and Falsification,” on Thursday, May 6, at 8:00 p.m., at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Center, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont,...continua |
Prof. James R. Russell, Mashtots Professor of Armenian Studies at Harvard University, will give a lecture entitled “Magic From Greater Iran: The Parthian-Armenian-Russian Trian-gle” on Thursday, May 13, at 7:30 p.m., at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) C...continua |
La settimana tra il 16-26 aprile è stata proclamata in California dal Governatore Arnold Schwarzenegger..."Giornate della memoria per il genocidio armeno" ...
"..è importante ricordare gli orrori del passato per impedire che la storia si ripeta...."
Oggi Califo...continua |
http://www.nelsonafian.com/en/biography/ English
http://www.nelsonafian.com/ Russian
Sculptor Nelson Afian was born in Yerevan, Armenia on October 6, 1979. Coming from a family of artists, Nelson has followed in the historical practices begun by his grandfather a...continua |
Tutto sulla Chiesa Surp Asdvatzatzin di Chennai (ex Madras) una delle chiese più antiche dell'India.... e sulle influenti personalità armene ......
La chiesa Surp Asdvatzatzin fù costruita nel 1772 dai ricchi commercianti armeni sulle rovine di una cappella del 1...continua |
Holocaust survivor's kin can keep $10M relic
Posted: 3:27 AM, April 6, 2010
The family of a Long Island Holocaust survivor can keep a $10 million ancient...continua |
Invitato a Washington dal Presidente Obama a partecipare al Summit sulla Sicurezza Nucleare Serge Sargsyan ha avuto numerosi incontri collaterali col Presidente Obama con Hillary Clinton, Erdogan e ha ribadito ogni volta la ferma posizione dell'Armenia sui vari argomenti, dai Protocolli senza preco...continua |
April 12, 2010
French Armenian community commemorated the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Sevres
Yesterday, Armenian community of Paris and close surrounding commemorated the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Sevres.
Approximately 250 people are atten...continua |
in questo triste giorno per la Repubblica Polacca in nome dell’Associazione “Italiani In Polonia” vogliamo porgere le nostre più sentite condoglianze.
La comunità italiana che risiede in Polonia si sente vicina a tutti i famigliari per questa grande perdita.
Onori al Presidente Lech Kac...continua |