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Iniziativa Culturale:


Magazine: Christianity Today,April1998Vol.42,No.5
By Baroness Caroline Cox of Queensbury
The ancient kingdom of Armenia was the first nation to embrace Christianity — in AD 301. Modern Armenia, formerly a Soviet republic, declared autonomy in Se

Without Pre-Conditions
The European Armenian Federation for Justice & Democracy welcomes the statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Catherine Ashton, confirming European Union’s unwavering commitment to the normalisation of relations between Armenia and Turkey wi
SPIEGEL Interview with Turkey's Prime Minister
'There Can be No Talk of Genocide'
In a SPIEGEL interview, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 56, discusses Ankara's relationship with the Euro
is pleased to announce the opening of its enrollment period for Spring Term 2010. Courses in Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, History of Armenia and Introduction to Armenian Architecture are offered in multiple languages, including: Eastern Armenian, Western Armenia

Un articolo interessantissimo sull'influenza dell'arte armena su Leonardo Da Vinci... in particolare sull'"ultima cena"del pittore ......(raffigurata l'"ultima cena" da un manoscritto armeno del 1038 della Scuola Vanian)...
Armenians inspire Leonardo Da Vinci in painting his

L'intervista di Der Spiegel al Presidente Serge Sargsyan (versione integrale)
Titolo: Il mondo deve rispondere . Il Presidente della Repubblica d'Armenia sulla gustizia e la proposta di Ankara

A Hollywood girl finds her mother shot to death 18 months after her father and sister were slain.

A man walks through the building where Karine Hakobyan was found shot to death in her car on Friday night. (Katie Falkenberg/For The Times / March 29, 2010)

On a December afternoon

March 24 Event at ALMA in Watertown Postponed
Due to unavoidable complications, the Wednesday, March 24, presentation at ALMA, "Images of Armenia in Turkey 100 Years Ago" by Osman Köker, has been postponed indefinitely.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this

News di Oggi- postato 14 ore fa da APCOM
New York, 17 mar. (Apcom) - L'amministrazione Obama corregge il tiro sul delicato dossier del genocidio armeno e fa sapere che non c'è alcun accordo con i leader democratici al Congresso per bloccare la risoluzione alla Camera, dopo il tentativo di
The argument stands for treating children as children, but we will not hear it
David Aaronovitch
From The Times March 18, 2010
Uncomfortable Truth

Genocide Exhibition at URI Feinstein Providence Campus Gallery Finalized March 5, 2010 by Naomi Kuromiya Over the past few weeks, the elements and details of the commemorative exhibition, “THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE—95 YEARS LATER, IN REMEMBRANCE,” have been confirmed and finalized. This historica...continua

Mar 12, 2010 - ZAMAN TODAY
Turkish and Armenian intellectuals and journalists gathered for the third meeting of the Turkey-Armenia Dialogue Series, organized by the Caucasus Institute and the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation.
Amid increasing tension in US-Turkish relations a

Genocide Mar 12, 2010 - ZAMAN TODAY
Everyone is in front of their TV, watching in excitement as if it's a national football game. What is going on? A commission of the US Congress is voting on the “Armenian Genocide” resolution. We lose the “game” 23-22 as a result of various lobbying activi

a profile of Ahmet Altan:
A friend forwarded me this amateur translation, see the original at :
Pen against sword: a profile of Ahmet Altan
A number of months ago, Turk
The Polish delegation visited Tsitsernakaberd
Today the delegation of the Republic of Poland headed by Prime Minister Donald Tusk visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial complex and laid a wreath at the monument of the Armenian genocide v
A few days ago I commented on the House Foreign Affairs Committee passage of the resolution condemning the Armenian genocide. I generally sided with those who said that the resolution was a bad idea, on the ground that 1.) Congress has better things to do than arbit

Stockholm, Sweden- March 12, 2010
Thank You Sweden!
It is no exaggeration to say that it took a while before we realized that the numbers 130 ”yes”
and “131” no on the monitor, in reality meant 131 “yes”.

By Peter Vinthagen Simpson, The Local, 11 March 2010
Though the motion had the backing of members of five of the seven Swedish parliamentary parties, the vote's outcome was uncertain to the last as the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs had recommended its rejection.
But with several

jeudi11 mars 2010, par Stéphane/armenews
Le Parlement de Suède a voté cet après-midi la motion 2008/09 :U332 reconnaissant le génocide de 1915 des arméniens, assyriens/syriens/chaldéens et des grecs pontiques par une voix d’avance 131

On March 8, the well known British anti-Armenian historian Proff. Norman Stone wrote an article in The Times newspaper of London, completely negating the Genocide and offering modified and falsified "facts".
I have written a letter to the Times about this article.
Note articles are atta

From: John J. Hamre
Date: March 4, 2010 (Number 320. Two pages.)
Re: Steady patience rather than frozen hostility
Every spring Washington experiences two annual events—the cherry blossoms and the annual Armenian genocide resolution in the Congress. Cold weather is delaying the c

Tessa Hofmann:
liebe Freunde,
die Nachricht von Massakern an der armenischen Minderheit in der Aserbaidschanischen Industriestadt Sumgait erschütterte Ende Februar 1988, vor 22 Jahren, das internationale Vertrauen in die Reformierbarkeit der UdSSR.
Interethnische Gewalt im Sü

Thursday, March 18, 7:00 p.m.:
"Images of the Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago," an illustrated talk by Osman Köker. At the Glendale Central Library Auditorium, 222 E. Harvard Street (2nd floor), Glendale, CA 91205.

Sponsored by the Glendale Public Library. Co

The House of Representatives' Committee's voting is unbinding: already in the past, in 2000, 2005 and 2007 the House Committee voted similar but in the end heavy pressure by the White House prevented the drafts from reaching the House of Representatives floor.

To become law of the US, the d

Tufts University, the Darakjian-Jafarian Chair in Armenian History, the Department of History, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will sponsor the annual Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide at Tufts on Tuesday, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. The Tufts Day of Remembranc...continua

For Immediate Release
March 4, 2010

Washington, DC - By a vote of 23 to 22 the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee approved H.Res. 252, the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

The committee passed the motion despite a well-funded lobbying

Press Release Stockholm, 4 March, 2010
Six out of Seven Swedish Parties for a Genocide Recognition However, the existing ruling Alliance cooperation hinders the governing parties to recognize the 1915 Genocide. That is the interpretation of therecommenda

Edward and Mary Ann Kazanjian of Belmont will present an illustrated talk entitled “A Journey To Historic Armenia: There Is Something There,” on Thursday, March 18, 2010, at 7:30 p.m., at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAA

The Neo-Mask of Genocide—Collateral Damage
Khatchatur I. Pilikian

27 January 2010, Holocaust Memorial Day, 7pm
IJAN, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, House of Commons, Westminster, London

We all know of course

David Boyajian
Meeting at the White House with a group of Armenian Americans, the chief U.S. negotiator for the OSCE peace talks on Artsakh (Karabagh) announced that the United States would be satisfied if a peace agreement were to last for only 10 years.

The official was Joseph A. Pre
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