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La notizia apparsa oggi su TIMES ed altri quotidiani inglesi !!!..e che abbiamo letto sul televideo della RAI.... La mamma della trisnonna della Principessa Diana era armena si chiamava Eliza Kewark(o Kevork )..

During his visit Prince Charles is to hold meetings with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II.

He is the first member of the British royal family to visit Armenia, Azatutyun Radio reports.
Prince Charles has visited the Institute of Ancien
After years of drafting text and consulting with officials, women’s group finds that its proposal to protect victims and punish abusers has been abandoned.
By Mary Aleksanyan - 23 May 2013
The Armenian government has reje

From Arthur Hagopian
Sydney, May 25 - Ever since he was a little child, dribbling a dilapidated football across the footpaths of Hadjen, the Armenian "suburb" of Beirut, Vatche Jelenkerian had aspirations of one day joining the ranks of an elite football team and kicking a real ball.

About Dorians
The most popular Armenian rock band Dorians represents Armenia in the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest, with the song Lonely Planet, written by Tony Iommi, the guitarist and songwriter of Black Sabbath, an

Article: Obama should have pushed Erdogan for Genocide apology

April 13, 2013 - 16:29 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - President Barack Obama's first trip to Israel since he became president had the potential to yield many tangible results, not the least of which could have been a demand on the

- 2nd conference
Organized by:
Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena - Venezia
Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi Balcanici e Internazionali - Università Ca' Foscari - Venezia

Wednesday April 17, 5:30 pm. Biblioteca zenobiana del Temanza
Giorgio Gianighia

Forum for Environmental Issues in Armenia - Sun Apr 21‎
For centuries, the Armenian nation has persevered through countless hardships. The latest danger ‎confronting our compatriots in the homeland comes in the form of deforestation and mining. The land’s ‎threatened state r

We would like to represent our school which is Artashat afterschool center in town Artashat, Republic of Armenia.
Artashat afterschool center is a school where about 500 pupils attend 65 groups of the school.
Artashat afterschool center is in the center of city Artas

Historian Vahé Tachjian will give a lecture in commemoration of the 98th anniversary ‎of the Armenian Genocide entitled “Genocide Diaries: A Microhistory of Two Armenian ‎Families, 1915-1918,” on Wednesday, April 17, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. at the National Association ‎for Armenian Stud...continua

The federal court building in Los Angeles.‎
On March 26, 2013, a U.S. federal district court in Los Angeles sided ‎wit

Bennett & Bloom / Book Release News…‎
Clash of Histories in the South Caucasus
Redrawing the Map of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran
A new study by Rouben Galichian
Now Published

‎“Rewriting history and redrawing boundaries are ancient political strategies for

‎"Profoundly respecting the freedom of people to express their opinions, to enforce its ‎principles and to enforce, the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Paris:‎
considers that no individual or group of individuals has the right to speak on behalf of ‎all of the "Arm

29 Jan 2013 Mayor of Bari,
On behalf of the European Citizens of Armenian origin, we would like to congratulate and thank You for the ýdecision of the City of Bari,regarding the placement of an Armenian Cross Stone on the 11th of January 2013.
Furthermore we were delighted to learn tha

Honorable Mr.Michele Emiliano,
Mayor of Bari

Dear Mr. Emiliano,
The Armenians scattered all over the world feel obliged and are indebted to you for the stance taken to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide of 1915. The horrific crimes planned to wipe out a whole nation b

Il testo seguente usa la utf-8 nazionalità. Il tuo sistema usa la iso-8859-1 nazionalità, qualche carattere potrebbe essere visualizzato non correttamente.

I just signed the petition "The British Museum: Stop the Misrepresentation of Armenian Heritage a

Paris-On February 26, during a meeting organized by ARF Dashnaktsutyun at the French parliament in memory of the victims of Sumgait, a fight broke out at the end of the meeting between Azerbaijani and French-Armenians.

According to witnesses, two people have refused to stand and observe a

Dear Colleague
Sunday 3 March, 2013, at CAIA – Hayashen
‎105a Mill Hill Road Acton, London W3 8JF‎

Time: 1.30pm-4.00pm‎
Prof. Khatchatur I. Pilikian
Refreshments 1.30-2.00pm‎
Overture: Audi

The British Museum: Stop misrepresentation of Armenian Heritage as "Ancient Turkey"

The British Museum is misinforming visitors about the artifacts found within room 54, claiming they originated from Ancient Turkey and Ancient Anatolia. This is absolutely ridiculous and beyond inaccurate

As you know, Pasadena is home to one of the strongest Armenian communities in the diaspora. As such, it’s important to ensure that there is a public space of reflection and remembrance for the victims of the Armenian Genocide. Last year community leaders came together and formed the Pasadena...continua

By Diana Markosian| Religion News Service, Published: February 20
YEREVAN, Armenia — Sarkiss Rshdouni escaped the fighting in the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo months ago but cannot shake memories of what he witnessed.

“I was with a friend when I heard gunshots,” said Rshdouni
BAKU (RFE/RL)—Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has stripped a prominent novelist of the title of “People’s Writer” as well as his presidentially awarded pension for writing a book that casts a sy

Click Here >>>>‎
‎15 February 2013 Last updated at 01:09 GMT‎
By Damien McGuinness BBC News, Tbilisi Anti-Aylisli protesters Anti-Aylisli protests have been held in Azerbaijan over his book
Continue reading the main st

Funds raised from this event will be used to provide scholarships for
State Engineering University of Armenia honors and needy students
Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 9:30 am
401 W. Colorado Boulevard, Glendale. Phone: (818) 240-26
Public Artwork Designed by Catherine Menard Will Be Completed in Time for 100th ‎Anniversary Commemorations in 2015‎
Art Center College of Design Student Wins Pasadena Armenian ‎Gen
An exhibition of artworks by Iranian Armenians; ‎
‎ ‎
Iran’s Armenian association has organized an exhibition to showcase the art

Prof. Steven L. Jacobs, Aaron Aronov Chair of Judaic Studies at the University of Alabama, will give a lecture entitled “Raphael Lemkin and the Armenian Genocide,” on Tuesday, February 19, 2013, at 8:00 p.m. at the National Association for Armenian Studies

From Arthur Hagopian
Jerusalem, Jan 24 - The Armenian church in Jerusalem is perched on the verge of a new era following the election today ‎of its new Patriarch, the 97th in a direct line of succession from Abraham, the first Armenian patriarch of the Holy City.‎
Abraham was a

Tehran air pollution leaves 4,460 dead: health official
Jan 6 - Air pollution in Tehran has left 4,460 people dead in a year, an Iranian health official said in reports Sunday, with another sounding the alarm over high dose of carcinogens in domestically-made petrol.
Hassan Aqajani, an ad

Ugo Buocompagni, más conocido como papa Gregorio XIII, quien sustituyó en 1582 al calendario juliano, utilizado desde que Julio César lo instaurara en el año 46 a. C.

(Urgente24). El calendario gregoriano es un calendario originario de Europa, utilizado de manera oficial en casi todo el
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