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Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
The bill voted up on December 22 by the French parliament (Assemblee Nationale), which would make denial of genocide (including the 1915 genocide against the Armenians in Ottoman Turkey) a crime, has provoked strong reactions from the Turkish government and sparked a deba
Iran/Armenia: Venerdì mattina Ahmadinejad è partito per Yerevan
TEHERAN – Stamane è partito alla volta della capitale armena il president

Dec.23, 2011
Jean Eckian
Prague - Today, in an interview with journalists from the French television France
2, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, reacts to criticism of Ankara, said:
"France supremely defined policy. France does not require authorization.
France has convicti
Iran’s Ahmadinejad to visit Armenia on December 23
December 22, 2011 | 13:03
President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will arrive on a visit to Armenia on Friday, Armenian Ambassador in Tehran Grigor Arakelyan told IRNA agency. The visit is mad

Exclusive Special Report, 22 December 2011

Armenian activists from all corners of the far-flung Armenian communities converged Dec. 10 on Sèvres, a suburb in southwest of Paris, to launch the Third Congress of Western Armenians and to open a new and optimistic page in the

Hope in January the law is accepted in the Senate too …..
French Lawmakers Pass Genocide Law on Armenians
By ELAINE GANLEY Associated Press
PARIS December 22, 2011 (AP)
French lawmakers easily passed a measure Thursday to make it a crime in France to deny that the mass killing
The Armenian Mirror Spectator
Posted on November 25, 2011 by Editor
Wanted: Owners of Six Tons of Gold Left in Historic Armenia
By Edmond Y. Adazian
Every time a nostalgic Armen
MEHMET ALİ BİRAND > Fighting genocide calls for radical steps
The “genocide” resolution in France is only a signal flare. It is the ti

From Arthur Hagopian
Sydney, Dec - His home in Sydney's high-end Chatswood suburb is a far cry from the ramshackle camp in Greece where his family had found refuge from the 1915 Turkish massacres and where he grew up, and he no longer goes hungry or unshod.
But Chris Dikian still bears the

Queen Keran Gets Back Her Royal Train
Arthur Hagopian
Roslin's depiction of the evangelist St. Mark
Queen Keran has regained her royal train and her glory.
The first time I saw her, I could not even bring myself to touch her with my own hands. She looked so ineffably fragile and sac

Dec.16 2011
Paris- During last weeks, Ankara has warned France against the bill which will be discussed next Thursday, dec.22, in National Assembly and which proposes to sanction of a custodial sentence and a fine denial of the Armenian genocide, that Ankara refuses to recognize.

On Thu

Armenian president meets with his Italian counterpart19:48 • 13.12.11
Dec. 13, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan who is on a working visit to Italy, held a meeting with his Italian counterpart Giorgio Napolitano.
The Armenian leader noted he fondly recalled his visit to Italy on the o

2011-11-15 15:45:18
November 15, 2011. ( Twenty years ago, Armenia gained independence from the Soviet Union. To remember this event, Rome has opened its doors to an elaborate exhibition on the city of Dvin, the capital of Armenia between the fifth and ninth centuries.

From Arthur Hagopian

Jerusalem, Nov 27 - Queen Keran has regained her royal train and her glory.
The first time I saw her, I could not even bring myself to touch her with my own hands. She looked so ineffably fragile and sacrosanct, I was terrified I would be committing a sacrile

By Khatchatur I. Pilikian

23 November 2011, Houses of Parliament, Parliamentary Offices at 1 Parliament St.
Meeting Sponsored by Michael Connarty MP
To Support Ragip Zar

Anoush Ter Taulian .. aveva cofezionato un T-shirt con la scritta Turchia Orientale occupa l'Armenia Occidentale... decise di allestire un tavolo d'informazione e depliant segnalando la macchina di guerra americana ....che spendeva $7 milioni di dollari per armi... alla Turchia e altri milioni per d...continua

Former Secretary of the Navy Paul R. Ignatius will speak in conjunction with the publication of his memoir Now I Know in Part by NAASR’s Armenian Heritage Press, highlighting NAASR’s 2011 Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 8, 2011. The Open House will begin at 6:00 p.m. and conc...continua

Armenian Orthodox Church seeks eight pages of the Zeyt'un Gospels (from Church of Zeytun now Suleymanli , illustrated by Toros Roslin 1256 ) that the Getty Museum bought in 1994. The Getty asked the motion to be dismissed, but judge orders mediation.
The suit against the Getty says that before

Can Germany Mediate Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation?
Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

In 2005, the German Bundestag passed a resolution calling on the German government to facilitate a process of Armenian-Turkish understanding and reconciliation. Now, six years later, scholars and civil society a
October 17, 2011 | 11:41
ISTANBUL. – Turkish press widely covered Taraf daily’s columnist Roni Margulies’ funny story about three unlucky Turks, who were found guilty of wearing Emporio Armani t-shirts and thus carrying out Armenian pro

We are a reWe are search group and our purpose is to prove that the biblical Deluge positively took place and that the remains of the ark are still laying at over 4000 meters on the Mount Ararat. The statements of clergy ministers, storians, Russian and American pilots, and many other people, who c...continua

Prof. James R. Russell, Mashtots Professor of Armenian Studies at Harvard University, will give a lecture entitled “An Armeno-Hebrew Mystery: Or, a 1,000-Year-Old Armenian Text in a Cairo Synagogue and the Stories It Tells” on Thursday, November 3, 2011, at 8:00 p.m., at the National Ass...continua

forza, coraggio e VITTORIA ALL'ARMENIA!
Ecco il commento di Bleacher Report, il sito sportivo seguito da più di 20 milioni di lettori:..........

Republic of Ireland v Armenia

Just over a year ago, the qualifications for the 2012 European Cup began, and since then we ha

Video del discorso di SarKosy

Robert Gediguian, Serge Avedekian, Alain Terzian, Simon Abkarian, Vahan Martirosian, André Manoukian, Michel Legrand, Hélène Segara, et Charles Aznavour, ce sont de grands Français et de grand

Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 2:48 PM
Also in Wikipedia.
Steve Jobs spoke fluent Armenian
15:06 • 06.10.11
Apple CEO Steve jobs who, passed away on Wednesday at age 56, is said to have had a good command of the Armenian language.

Conducting a probe into t

On September 14, Dr. Sebouh D. Aslanian, the newly-appointed Richard Hovannisian Term Chair of Modern Armenian History, established by the Armenian Educational Foundation at UCLA, spoke at Harvard University's Center for Government and International Studies on "From the Indian Ocean to

Multi-year appointment with the Department of Near East Languages and Civilizations, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Yale seeks a full-time Lector in Persian language beginning July 1, 2012 for a three

The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University is sponsoring an interdisciplinary conference, Beyond The Armenian Genocide: The Question of Restitution and Reparation in Comparative Review, organized by Taner Akçam, the Robert Aram '52 and Marianne Kaloosdian and St...continua
Montreal, September 22, 2011 – Members of the Armenian community were graciously received at the Montreal City Hall by Montreal Mayor Gérald Tremblay and the Chairman of the Council, Mr. Harout Chitilian to mark the 20th anniversary of the inde

After having attended the special concert of Charles Aznavour in Olympia, President Sargsyan was received Thursday by the mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë. The two men are happiness of the good relationships between Erevan and Paris, a friendship which will be reinforced in 2012 with the arriva...continua
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