Gül: 301 casts shadow over reform process The government reiterated yesterday its strong will to change the infamous Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, with Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül openly expressing uneasiness with the interpretation of the law by the judiciary.
"Artic...continua |
Hurryet Ana sayfa- Tuesday, February 13, 2007 23:34
(From A. Melikian ):
The top commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, General Yasar Buyukanit, arrived two days ago in the US for an official visit, and will be going today from New York to Washington for the start of his meetings.
...continua |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 23:36
English http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/
General Buyukanit to meet with US Congressman Tom Lantos re Armenian bill The top commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, General Yasar Buyukanit, arrived two days ago in the US for an official visit, and will be ...continua |
http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detay&link=10245 -- From A. Melikian
‘Nationalism race’
“They shall digest Turkishness!” says Republican People’s Party (CHP) Leader Deniz Baykal, speaking about the controversial Article 301 of the Turkish Pen...continua |
I saw your website, and want to know if we can advertise our youth-oriented non-profit program on your website.
Our organization is called Birthright Armenia.
We are an organization that promotes and sponsors diasporan youth to connect with Armenia through long term volunteer work ...continua |
An Illustrated Lecture by
Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian
AEF Professor of Modern Armenian History
University of California, Los Angeles
The landscape of Historic Western Armenia is ever changing. The mystical names of t...continua |
On February 3rd, the International Union of Socialist Youth
(IUSY)unanimously adopted a resolution strongly condemning the recent assassination of journalist and human rights activist Hrant Dink in Istanbul, Turkey, recriminating the Turkish government for the shocking
daytime murder, report...continua |
anticonformista -2007-02-11 22:40(FORUM di MAGDI ALAM)
Genocidio: Raphael Lemkin
"Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, published in November 1944, was the first place where the word "genocide" appeared in print."
http://www.preventgenocide.org/lemkin/AxisRule1944-1.htm<...continua |
Chapter IX: "Genocide"
from Raphael Lemkin's Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation - Analysis of Government - Proposals for Redress, (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1944), p. 79 - 95.
Axis Rule in Occupi...continua |
US-Turkey relations set to worsen over Iraq and Armenian 'genocide' By Guy Dinmore in Washington and Vincent Boland in Ankara
Published: February 9 2007 02:00 | Last updated: February 9 2007 02:00
Turkey's strained relationship with the Bush administration is likely to worsen afte...continua |
zaman - gloomy days for Turkey or intoxication ??
It was almost shocking what Time magazine did this week by publishing a full page ad about "a compelling documentary on the Armenian genocide" combined with a 98-minute DVD on the "genocide," both paid for by the weekly magaz...continua |
By Vartan Oskanian, VARTAN OSKANIAN is minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Armenia.
February 7, 2007 - Los Angeles Times
ANKARA HAS LET a rare moment pass. Three weeks after the assassination of acclaimed Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, it appears the Turkish autho...continua |
Dear Khatchig ,
Here is the requested Tribute of the BRPF. It would be highly appropriate and necessary to publish it with the note (abridged) I sent to the Chairman Prof Ken Coates. (Such things do not just happen out of the blue). Here it is then for publication in VONS.
Keep wel...continua |
Il toccante omaggio a Hrant Dink al parlamento inglese -The House of Commons- dell'intellettuale armeno-britannico, Khatchatur I. Pilikian .....
A Tribute To Hrant Dink For MPs in the House of Commons
30th January 2007
Prof. Khatchatur I. Pilikian
After few seconds of distilled ...continua |
http://www.hyetert.com/anasayfa.asp in Turkish, and has been translated to
English by a friend.
Rebel Against My Turkishness
I am a Turk. Hrant was an Armenian. I am a writer at Agos.
Hrant was Agos. Hrant had one ambition only which was to end the hatred, malice and grudge betwee...continua |
Interviews with Elif Shafak last night was mostly about Armenian Genocide and Hrant Dink.
Listen to it on NPR - Listen to this story...
Elif Shafak
Author Elif Shafak was acquitted after being taking to trial for "insulting ...continua |
www.azad- hye.org <br>
On Sunday 24 December 2006 a prayer for world peace was offered in the Saint George (Kevork) Armenian Church in Addis Ababa with the participation of the Archbishops of the Ethiopian and Greek Orthodox Churches and priests from the Indian-Malabar and Ethiopian Evange...continua |
www.azad- hye.org
By Mariam M. Al Serkal
Over a hundred Armenians gathered at their community church in Sharjah on Tuesday evening to pay their respects to the slain Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink who died of gun shot wounds last week.
Silvia Davidian who attended ...continua |
www.azad- hye.org
From January 14-21, with the blessings of His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, Very Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, Manager of the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy of Calcutta and parish priest of the Armenian community of India, traveled to Jordan and Iraq...continua |
www.azad- hye.org
Armenia Village Operation was established in Yerevan in 2005 with a mission to "end extreme poverty in rural Armenia through community development".
AVO in partnership with various private donors and organizations has successfully implemented 5 projects in 4 rural ...continua |
Armenian lobby hits back with Time’s help
Time magazine on Friday released a 52-minute documentary by French director Laurence Jourdan on the Armenian “genocide.”
With a full-page advertisement by “a coalition of Armenian Groups,” the DVD also includes a 46-minute interview with Dr. Yv...continua |
The Associated Press
SOCHI -- President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday warned that the potential for a new outbreak of fighting in the strategic South Caucasus remained high and pledged that Moscow would work to resolve the region's most dangerous, outstanding conflicts, including the dispute over...continua |
e Yacoubian Building (2006)From Ass.ne Com.ià Armena RM/Lazio )
Constructed of equal parts florid soap opera and taboo-shattering social realism, The Yacoubian Building is an entertaining, if overwrought ensemble drama that opens a fascinating window on life in contemporary Egypt. This spra...continua |
by Fatma M... 7:16
Dear Colleagues,
Below and attached is my translation of the eulogy Hrant Dink’s wife Rakel Dink delivered in front of his coffin today, on 23 January 2007 in Osmanbey Istanbul. The translation is the one given at the Bianet news site that cites that it is her of...continua |
The February 12, 2007 issue of the European edition of TIME magazine .
available in newsstands throughout Europe as of February 2nd . carries a full-page factual announcement on the Armenian Genocide, along with
a complimentary DVD, in English and French, which contains a compelling 52-minut...continua |
..H. RES. 106 ..Calling upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record
relating to the Armenian Genocide...continua |
The Armenian Genocide was officially recognised at the Holocaust Day Event in Newcastle, UK at the weekend, following representations from Armenia
Solidarity official John Torosyan,a leading figure in the the Welsh-Armenian Community.(supported by Nor Serount Cultural Association).
Our ori...continua |
Turkey launched an inquiry into footage showing a teenager charged with the murder of Agos editor Hrant Dink posing with the Turkish flag and security officials after his arrest, police said on Friday. A
17-year-old unemployed youth, Ogun Samast, has confessed to the murder of Turkey's leading t...continua |
Paris, Febuary 3, 2007
One week after the Armenian Genocide was officially recognised at the Holocaust Day Event in Newcastle (UK)
Armenians and Kurds gathered with Turkish intellectuals in a vigil outside the House of Commons, London tuesday, 30th january to honour Hrant
Dink and to call...continua |
Dans son édition européenne diffusée le 2 février 2007 (daté du 12 février 2007) TIME Europe consacre une pleine page au Génocide des Arméniens accompagnée d'un documentaire de 52 minutes en DVD ...continua |