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/PanARMENIAN.Net/ April 2 Armenian Ambassador to France Edward Nalbandian in Gap took part in the opening ceremony of a khachkar erected in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide victims. In Nalbandian’s words, it’s essential to remember and condemn this crime against humanity. R

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New revised date Dear Friends, You are cordially invited to hear Dr. Armen Ayvazyan, Executive Director of Pan-Armenian Commonwealth NGO, prominent historian, researcher in the Matenadaran and an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the American University of Armenia. 'The liberated t...continua


Consistent with the initiative taken by the joint committee, "Memorial pour le génocide Arménien à Lyons," the European Armenian Federation calls upon
all European democratic forces - political leaders, NGOs representativ

La Fédération Euro-Arménienne – en relais de l’initiative lancée par le collectif « Mémorial Lyonnais du Génocide des Arméniens » – appelle l’
ensemble de forces démocratiques européennes – leaders politiques, responsables associatifs et simples citoyens – à soutenir et à remercier M.

ARMENIA.COM 01.04.2006 21:00 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «The US should understand and Armenia should remember that the Azerbaijani state will not only disagree with partition of its lands, but will also prevent it,» stated Azeri Deputy FM Araz Azimov. In his words, the US com

ARMENIA.COM 31.03.2006 22:01 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia cannot take seriously similar statements by Azeri diplomats and moreover comment on them, RA MFA Spokesman Hamlet Gasparian told PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, Elmar Mammadyarov’s statements arouse nothing but perple

ARMENIA.COM 17:09 31/ 03/ 2006
MOSCOW, March, 31 (RIA Novosti) - A deputy commander of the CIS Integrated Air Defense System said Friday that in the past decade the air defense networks of Armenia, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan had been restored from scratch.
"During this time, air defens

Iran tests new radar-invisible ballistic missile - television 15:46 31/ 03/ 2006
TEHRAN, March 31 (RIA Novosti) - Iran successfully tested a new Fajr-3 ballistic missile Friday, local television reported, citing military sources.
Iranian television said the rocket is versat

28.12.04 ARKA Armenian News Agency awarded certificate for full coverage of economic development of the country

03.05.04 ARKA News Agency to provide new services to its clients – organization of press conferences and presentations

06.04.04 ARKA News Agency awarded fo

ARKA News Agency
YEREVAN, March 31. /ARKA/. Presentation of report focused on landmines’ impact on Armenia is to be held on April 4, 2006, in the UN Yerevan Office, UNDP press service told ARKA News Agency. The aim of the report is to concretize social and economic impact of mines and stil
Gli EVENTI del 2006
Istanbul, 1-4 marzo 2006
Presso l'Hotel Armada di Istanbul si è tenuta dall'1 al 4 marzo la 6° Conferenza Internazionale dei Comitati Scrittori in Prigione (WiPC).

[March 31, 2006, 23:08:37] fonte della notizia http:/
On March 30, working visit of the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov to Canada and the USA has come to an end. It should be reminded, that Araz Azimov is the co-chairman from the Azerbaijan

Dear Friends,

You are cordially invited to attend to hear Dr. Armen Ayvazyan, Executive Director of Pan-Armenian Commonwealth NGO, prominent historian, researcher in the Matenadaran and an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the American University of Armenia. In a recent book t

in occasione del 31 03 06 dell'anniversario del "genocidio in Azerbaijan " nominata " Armenian Terror" potete visitare il video vosione nel sito sopraindicato....continua chronicles 31 03 06
The acts of genocide, which the people of Azerbaijan suffered along more than two hundred years, have turned to bloody and most tragic pages of our history. But this act of gen

[March 31, 2006, 21:26:00]
Workshop devoted to March 31-the Day of genocide of Azerbaijanis was held in Egypt. Azerbaijani nationals living in Egypt, the members of Writer’s Union of Eurasia and representatives of local mass media participated in the action.

Official chronicles -
[March 31, 2006, 18:02:53]
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a message of condolence to the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejat, whereby the head of Azerbaijan state expressed deep sympathy and heartfelt condolen

Minister Oskanian's interview to the Turkish Hurriyet Daily March 27, 2006
1. What will happen after the Armenian Constitutional Referendum? How will it affect Turkish-Armenian relationship?
The Armenian Constitutional Referendum was a domestic process. It can have no effect, one
...continua Politics
[March 29, 2006, 18:00:40]

The President of the Association of Jews of the former USSR in the USA Yuri Zilberman speaking to AzerTAc correspondent said, that in this country between
Wednesday 22 March - Montreal - Alice Panikian of Toronto was anointed Miss Universe Canada 2006, defeating 48 other hopefuls Tuesday night at the Casino de Montreal. The 20-year-old York University studen

Ankara on Wednesday dismissed any automatic linkage between its accession talks process with the European Union and the bloc's political criteria for membership, as the EU presidency struggles for a deal among member states.

"It is against the philosophy of the ne

-- La présidente de la sous-commission des Droits de l'Homme interdit de parler du génocide des Arméniens -

Bruxelles, Belgique - La Sous-Commission des Droits de l'Homme s'est réunie
ce jeudi 23 mars sous la présidence de Mme Hélène Flautre (Verts, Fr

Press Release March 29, 2006

The organisations Armenica and ArmeniaDiaspora would hereby like to inform you about their world wide campaign of "Light the Night". The content of the
campaign is stated below and further information can be viewed at

Dear Friends,
Armenia Forever! was set up by IAN (, the website of Spanish-speaking Armenians from Latin America as well as Spain. IAN has been developed by all Armenian institutions in Argentina.

Our site works for the defense of the Armenian Cause for the Spanish speaking
...continua[March 25, 2006, 12:05:27]

On 24 March an Armenian prisoner of war detained in Azerbaijan was repatriated under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The operation took place on the road between the Azerbaijani town of Gazakh a

- 31ST OF MARCH [March 28, 2006, 22:28:52]
Dear fellow countrymen!
Dear compatriots!
I am addressing you on the occasion of the 31st of March, the date when the Azerbaijanis all over the world, with a deep sense of sorrow, commemorate the victims of genocide.

The policy of g

Pagina BLOOD MEMORY [March 28, 2006, 13:24:03]

The genocide, which the people of Azerbaijan suffered more than once, and which has not been given a political assessment for many years, constitutes one of the most tragic pages of our history.

The goal of the policy of genocide, pu

Gli schiavi dalla COREA DEL NORD nel Cantiere Navale di Danzica

Venerdì "Gazeta Wyborcza", uno dei più grandi quotidiani di Polonia, ha rivelato che presso la Cantiere Navale di Danzica lavorano oltre dieci ore al giorno, anche nei giorni festivi, saldatori venuti dalla

-- La présidente de la sous-commission des Droits de l’Homme interdit de
parler du génocide des Arméniens --

Bruxelles, Belgique – La Sous-Commission des Droits de l’Homme s’est réunie ce jeudi 23 mars sous la présidence de Mme Hélène Flautre (Verts, France) pour un « échange de vue
Il sito è curato dall'Arch. Vahé Vartanian e dal Dott. Enzo Mainardi;
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