reprinting authorized by Appo Jabarian Jean Eckian / May 24, 2007
"Official people do not like the Armenians, because in their hearts they ask: 'Why have the Armenian people throughout one thousand years … not become Muslims and have resisted Turkification?"
An interview with Rev. Krikor Aghabal...continua |
Jean Eckian / Paris
Cannes Fim Festival: The Banishment, a film based on a William Saroyan's story
« The Banishment » directed by Andreï Zvyagintsev takes part in the official selection of Cannes's Festival. The film is based on "The Laughing Matter", a novel by...continua |
L’Azerbaïdjan aurait multiplié par 6,5 en quatre ans son budget de la Défense dimanche 20 mai 2007, Krikor Amirzayan/armenews
Alors que le budget de l’Arménie consacrée à la défense avoisinera probablement les 250...continua |
PARTIMOINE ARMENIEN- 24 marzo 2007 - leggi i messaggi e ringraziamenti su questo l'evento- .
L’Iran demande à l’Unesco, le classement du monastère arménien Saint Thaddée au rang de Patrimoine mondial
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Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan received today newly appointed ambassador of Italy to Armenia Masimo Lavetso Kasinely. The prime minister rendered his hope that the ambassador will contribute to further development of Armenian-Ita...continua |
Dr. H. Martin Deranian of Worcester, MA, will launch his new book, Miracle Man of the Western Front: Dr. Varaztad H. Kazanjian, Pioneer Plastic Surgeon, with a lecture and book signing on Thursday, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Center, 39...continua |
L’Ayatollah Khatami rencontre les Arméniens d’Italie
17 mai 2007, par megurditch [retour au début des forums]
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asso.armeni@iscali.it ci comunica
Abbiamo appena appreso dalla TV armena la scomparsa a Yerevan dell'amatissima cantante d'opera Gohar Gasparian chiamata l'"Usignolo* dell'Armenia".
aveve 83 anni . La sua fama di cantante era internazionale. Aveva cantato con un repertorio d...continua |
• The position of the French Foreign Minister may pass to Patric Devejian, member of the French Parliament. It is known that the latter is the ally and the friend of the newly elected French President Nikolas Sarkozy. The Turkish sources state that after the victory...continua |
Azg on line 5-15-07
Here is another example of the generous intentions of our democratic, civilized and friendly Turkish brethren...
Anti-Armenian Actions in Turkey
On May 14 "Glob...continua |
L'organizzazione GREENPEACE ricostruira l'Arca di Noé sul Monte Ararat.(5137m.)...che in futuro diventera un albergo ... .per sensibilizzare il mondo sul tema della protezione ambientale...
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mercredi 16 mai 2007, Stéphane/armenews
Le 8 mai, l’Ayatollah Khatami a rencontré à Milan, au siège historique de la Maison d’Arménie, les représentants de la communauté arménienne d’I...continua |
-- Les observateurs internationaux considèrent que la consultation s’est déroulée selon les normes internationales --
Bruxelles (15/05/2007) – Les élections législatives qui se sont déroulées se samedi 12 mai en Arménie ont de l’avis g...continua |
le : 06-05-2007 (A.Melikian)
Entre 25 000 et 30 000 Arméniens d’Hamshen musulmans, parlant arménien, vivent dans la région de Khopa en Turquie. Entretien avec Sergey Vardanyan, philologue, vice-président de...continua |
Presented by NAASR and Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, Boston Chapter
Antonia Arslan is a former professor of Italian literature at the University of Padua whose first novel, the best- selling La Masseria delle Allodole, has recently been translated into English and pub...continua |
Note: Attached photograph shows relief sculpture of Armenian King Gagik holding model of the 10th century Holy Cross (Surp Khach) Cathedral on Aghtamar Island, Lake Van.
TALK ON ARMENIAN ARCHITECTURAL MODELS AT NAASR BY DR. CHRISTINA MARANCI Dr. Christina Maranci of the University of Wiscon...continua |
Ieri, 10 Maggio è iniziata a Helsinki la fase eliminatoria della competizione canora "EUROVISION SONG CONTEST"2007. Classificata nel 2006 tra i primi 10 paesi partecipanti (con Andre che cantava "without your love"), l'Armenia si trova già tra i finalisti di domani -Sab...continua |
Jean Eckian
Basque Parliament (Spain) Recognizes the Armenian Genocide
Pursuant to the resolution adopted by the held ordinary plenary Meeting on April 20, 2007, this Presidency, being prevailed of the provisions article's 97 of the rules in force of the Room, orders its publication in the O...continua |
(Jabarian's column)-Turkey & L.A. Times'( A. Melikian )
Turkey & L.A. Times' Douglas Frantz Conspire to
Undermine Freedom of Speech In America
By Appo Jabarian
Executive Publisher/Managing Editor USA Armenian Life Magazine
During the last few years, the activists...continua |
Madame, Monsieur, Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à participer au symposium européen sur la mémoire arménienne qui se tiendra à Lyon ces 25 et 26 mai. Vous trouverez ci-joint le programme de ces journées, structurées en trois session, la première introd...continua |
Giovedì 17 maggio, alle ore 21, e sabato 19 maggio, alle ore 17, nella Sala Grande del Teatro Dal Verme (via San Giovanni Sul Muro, 2 – Milano), appuntamento di chiusura della 62ª Stagione Sinfonica dell’Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali all’insegna dei giovani talenti.
...continua |
Title: Diamond Award Honorees Announced for 2007
Dates: 4/23/2007 - 6/30/2007 (A.Melkian)
The City of Glendale Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department and the Arts and Culture Commission are pleased to announce the winners of the Annual Diamond Awards for Achievement in the A...continua |
An Evening with Novelist Antonia Arslan Author of Skylark Farm <BR>
Presented by NAASR and Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, Boston Chapter
Antonia Arslan is a former professor of Italian literature at the University of Padua whose first novel, the best- selling...continua |
http://www.jewishjournal.com/home/preview.php?id=17582 Jewish Journal4-27-07 United States Jewish groups are caught in the middle of a growing political struggle between two of their traditional friends, Turks and Armenians.Top Turkish officials and Turkish Jewish leaders in recent weeks have sough...continua |
In tribute to the 15-th anniversary of the liberation of Shoushi, Hairenik
Web TV added 9 clips on its website:
The liberation of Shoushi: the story
>Vartan Pakhshian
>Vartan Sde...continua |
Progedit informa:
L’opera, in edizione bilingue, consente di approfondire la politica anti...continua |
Abyaneh - A hidden treasure from (A. Melikian
Abyaneh; Entrance to Iranian History
Dear Friends:
Abyaneh is a famous historic Iranian village near the city of Kashan in Isfahan Province, 375 km southwest of Tehran.
With a unique reddish hue, the village is one of the oldes...continua |
LA TIMES-May 7, 2007
Southland troupes to receive Lester Horton Dance Awards Recipients of the annual Lester Horton Awards include the Djanbazian and Backhausdance companies and Francisco Martine...continua |
Director Patrick Cazals will present and discuss his new hour-long documentary on the life and work of pioneer film and stage director Rouben Mamoulian entitled Rouben Mamoulian: The Golden Age of Broadway and Hollywood, on Wednesday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m., at the Armenian Library and Museum of Ameri...continua |
Director Patrick Cazals will present and discuss his new hour-long documentary on the life and work of pioneer film and stage director Rouben Mamoulian entitled Rouben Mamoulian: The Golden Age of Broadway and H...continua |