March 11, 2011
The Armenian Church of the Holy Translators and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will present an illustrated lecture by Prof. Richard G. Hovannisian entitled "In Search of Armenian Cilicia," on Thursday, April 7, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., at t...continua |
We are pleased to announce that the Armenian TV program "Meronq" on the Armenia's H1 Channel will broadcast a segment about Lara Setrakian. As many of you know, Lara has been an AGBU member from a very young age – she attended Camp Nubar for many years, participated in the New York S...continua |
The Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA) and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will present the documentary Finding Zabel Yesayan on Wednesday, March 30, 2011, at 8:00 p.m., at the NAASR Center, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA. The documentary is the work...continua |
Ararat-Eskijian Museum and National Association for Armenian Studies and Research
The Experiences of of Musa Dagh Armenian Immigrants
in the United States, 1900-1950
A Lecture by
Prof. Vahram L. Shemmassian
Director, Armenian Studies Program, California State...continua |
On Monday, February 28, the Civilitas Foundation launched a new series of public forums. In addition to the periodic discussions by a group of individuals about specific topics on the national agenda, this new series will come to offer a stage to an individual who is or was in a position of authorit...continua |
Teaneck, N.J. and Belmont, Mass. . An Armenian folktale retold by
Armenian-American writer Lucine Kasbarian and illustrated by Moscow-based artist Maria Zaikina debuts with Marshall Cavendish Children.s Publishers in April 2011.
The Greedy Sparrow: An Armenian Tale is from the ancient Arme...continua |
Ararat-Eskijian Museum and National Association for Armenian Studies and Research
The Experiences of of Musa Dagh Armenian Immigrants
in the United States, 1900-1950
A Lecture by
Prof. Vahram L. Shemmassian
Director, Armenian Studies Program,
California ...continua |
[2]Music: Armen Martirosyan, Lyrics: Qrist Manaryan, Video Director: Ashot
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Watch Babenagan Guiliguia, the exclusive video clip of the participating
artists with ...continua |
NHMRC honour
Professor Chris Semsarian is one of 10 researchers that have been honoured in a new publication to highlight the life-saving work conducted by Australia's top researchers.
Professor Semsarian, Head of Molecular Car...continua |
From Arthur Hagopian
When the great historians, particularly Ormanian and Savalaniantz, set out to wrest from the obscure pages of the past the history of the Armenians of Jerusalem, one of the main objective they achieved was the establishment of chronologically ascertained points of refe...continua |
February 25, 2011
Consul General Grigor Hovhannissian, Sevak Kachadurian, Pattyl Aposhian Kasparian, Nagorno Karabakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan, Harut Sassounian, Gerard V. Kassabian
BEVERYLY HILLS—A group of young professionals launched the formation of the Artsakh Devel...continua |
Victims of Khojaly massacre were commemorated in Washington D.C. on the 19th anniversary of the incident.
Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA), Azerbaijani American Council (AAC), Assembly of Turkish-American Associations, Washington Turkish-American Association (ATA-DC) and Turkish Student...continua |
Dimostrazioni degli armeni-canadesi davanti all'mbasciata dell'Azerbaijan a Ottawa..pochi giorni dal 23° anniversario dei terribili massacri avvenuti a Sumgait il 27 febbraio del 1988..........
"Azerbaijan non può continuare ad uccidere il popolo armeno e distruggere i su...continua |
Nanore Barsoumian On February 15, 2011
For Armenia, pursuing trade and investment agreements is tantamount to weaving a net of vital lifelines that link it to regional and global economies, despite its hostile neighbors. Such agreements may also encourage technology and innovation flows, as wel...continua |
Submitted by k_kumkova on February 16, 2011 - 11:51am
February 16, 2011 - 11:44am
Armenian diaspora leaders in the United States are responding with cautious optimism to an initiative by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s administration to create a second chamber of parliament, one ...continua |
Arrests of Armenian Group in Calif.
Published: February 16, 2011
GLENDALE, Calif. — More than 70 members and associates of the Armenian Power organized crime group were arrested Wednesday mor...continua |
- Please tell more about your project, who sponsors it?
- The idea emerged in the Caucasus Center of Peace-Making Initiatives and was backed up by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia. For many years we have been realizing projec...continua |
Design, Projection, and the Armenian Genocide"
The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will host a presentation entitled "Traces: A Museum Without Artifacts-Design, Projection, and the Armenian Genocide," on Thursday, March 3, 2011, at 8:00 p.m. The fe...continua |
CenterAR News & 1915Club
Publisher, The California Courier
Last month, when German life insurance companies requested a rehearing from a Federal Court of Appeals, contesting its decision in favor of Armenian claimants, the Republic of Turkey filed an "amicus curiae" (friend of ...continua |
Parlement européen (Bruxelles) – La Fédération Euro-Arménienne pour la Justice et la Démocratie informe que le jeudi 9 février dernier, une réunion était organisée par l’ONG « Droits de l’Homme Sans Frontières International ...continua |
According to Stratfor Research Center experts’, Egypt scenario is unlikely to occur in Armenia and other former Soviet Union states.
Washington based think-tank report says:
“As protests continue in Egypt, there has been much speculation that similar developments could occur...continua |
Prof. George Bournoutian will give a lecture entitled “The Book of History of Arakel of Tabriz: A Vital Source on 17th Century Armenia and More,” on Thursday, February 24, at 8:00 p.m., at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Center, 395 Concord ...continua |
Italian & English
03-02-2011 - Ore 22:11 // Calcio - Serie A 10/11 - Roma
Movsesian: "Vogliamo la Roma in quindici giorni"
Uno dei componenti della cordata americana ha parlato al sito "Bloomberg,com": "Siamo stati scelti, potremmo essere gli orgogliosi prop...continua |
Civil.am (http://by137w.bay137.mail.live.com/default.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0) – a website created by Civilitas last year to offer the non-governmental sector room to publicize its successes and attempt to secure financial support for new projects – has added a new section called Resources. Th...continua |
The National Association for
Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)
Presents a Lecture by
Dr. Taner Akçam
Kaloosdian/Mugar Professor of Modern Armenian History and Armenian Genocide
Studies, Clark University
Forced Assimilation As a Structural Compo...continua |
2 Articles frome Jean Eckian / Paris
In article "Hranush Hakobyan in Paris "
I made an unhappy error. In the sentence, it is necessary to read: "has stopped" in Paris"
"As part of an official trip that led her to the United States and Canada, the Minister of Diaspora Hr...continua |
Sunday, January 30th, 2011
By Khatchatur I. Pilikian
The 'Golden Palm' for best short film in last year'...continua |
We are writing to bring to your attention the following two importantitems;
First, we are proud to share an outstanding new book, /Family of Shadows/, by Garin Hovannisian.
According to David Ignatius, columnist for /The Washington Post/,Garin Hovannisian "tells one of modern histo...continua |
10 years ago to the day, President of the French Republic, Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, affixed their signatures under the text of Law No. 2001-70 of 29 January 2001 on the recognition of Armenian genocide in 1915.
...continua |
With roots in Lebanon, Avo speaks on various topics which people would love to hear: Composing the music of Frank Sinatra's Strangers in the Night; about his encounter with the Shah of Iran; the Korean War; the benefactor Melkonian family; his world-...continua |