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ANTELIAS, Lebanon - The last week of the Great Lent, which marks the events in the final week of Jesus Christ’s life on earth, includes some of the richest and most educational legacies in the tradition of the Armenian Church. Good Thursday in particular is marked by three consecutive services...continua

From: Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 7:23 AM
Subject: Persian not Farsi

My name is Fereshteh Davaran and I am writing my Ph.D. dissertation in the NES department at U. C. Berkeley and teaching Persian in Diablo Valley College.

I wanted to ask you, as Iranians, not to use "

The MEPs adopted a critical but concurrent urgent resolution concerning the crisis in Armenia
Strasburg – France – The European Parliament adopted an urgent resolution yesterday on the situation which prevails in Armenia since the State of emergency was instituted after the president

1. Levon Ter-Petrossyan Disrespectfully Dismisses The Catholicos of All Armenians from the Gate of his House

2. A Public Appeal by Armenian Americans For Stability In Armenia
AN ONLINE PETITION on the March 1st Riots in Yerevan, Armenia

Ter-Petrossyan: A straw man for foreign forces who seek the weakening and destruction of Armenia.
The post election turmoil and the state of emergency in Armenia, caused by riots in Yerevan, took several ugly twists an

Armenian MP press release - Nicosia 7 arch, 2008 - Armenian Parliamentary representative of Cyprus Vartkes Mahdessian

Dikran Abrahamian (
Protagonists of both sides try to point fingers towards their respective opponents for the tragedy that occurred on March 1, 2008 in the streets of Yerevan resulting in 8 people dead and many wounded. The authorities are in no retreat at all, but in damage
ANTELIAS, Lebanon -The pilgrimage day in Antelias becomes an opportunity for a long-awaited meeting every year between the faithful and the Holy Right Hand of Saint Gregory the Illuminator. Our people once again experienced this

On February 19, just before USA Armenian Life Magazine's deadline, I wrote an article titled "Raffi Hovannisian Panders to Turkey at the Cost of Political Bankruptcy."

Both positive and negative responses were received. But the most notable response came from a denialist Turkish

Read more >>>
The Armenian National Assembly ratified on 26 February 2008 a loan agreement worth US$10 million between the Armenian government and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates). ...continua

By Harry Koundakjian
UNITED NATIONS, NY - Florence Avakian, an accredited United Nations journalist, and free lance writer based in New York, recently was interviewed on Al Jazeera television which has a worldwide audience of over 70

(Jabarian's Mar. 7 column)

1. Azerbaijan Tries to Exploit Armenia’s Internal Turmoil by Military Aggression

2. AN ONLINE PETITION on the March 1st Riots in Yerevan, Armenia

3. People in Yerevan, Armen

The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will present an illustrated lecture by Dr. Levon Abrahamian entitled “Fighting with Memory and Monuments: Re-Shaping Post Soviet Armenian Identity” on Thursday, April 3, at

Executive Committee concludes

ANTELIAS, Lebanon - "More than at any time at this point in history, the Christians of the Middle East must act together. This is the call of our Lord and the imperative of new times", stated His Holiness Aram I.


Gibrahayer - Nicosia Thursday 6 March, 2008 - Marios Garoyian was today elected President of The Cyprus House of Representatives. His political career rocketed in the last three years. In 2006 he was elected member of Parliemant and then President of DIKO and today he was voted to the second highest...continua

6 March 2008
Suspects in journalist Hrant Dink's murder and their lawyer removed from court after anti-Armenian hate speeches, interference with testimony

SOURCE: IPS Communication Foundation (BIANET), Istanbul

**Updates IFEX alerts on the Hrant Dink case of 13 February 2008,

Istanbul /06/03/ 14:23
Turkey is bracing for a joint military operation with Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan's daily Yeni Musavat writes in today's edition. According to the newspaper, the preparations are under way for a comprehensive military operation in Nagorno Karabakh against me

Paris, March 6, 2008
Turkish writer Temel Demirer: «There was a Genocide in our history»
According to the Turkish Bianet independent agency, the following day of the murder of Hrant Dink on January 19, 2007, the Turkish writer Temel Demirer read a declaration to the pre

By Lada Yevgrashina and Hasmik Mkrtchyan, Reuters

Azerbaijan and Armenia accused each other on Wednesday of triggering an exchange of gunfire in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh that killed up to 16 people, one of the biggest such clashes in several years.

Both sides gave different accou

The European Armenian Federation welcomes the European Union’s efforts for political dialogue
Brussels (Belgium) – President Robert Kocharian has declared a State of Emergency on March 1st, forbidding any kind of gathering for 20 days in Yerevan. This decision was made to end the con
domenica 02 marzo 2008
Notte di scontri e sangue a Yerevan, in Armenia, dove le tensioni di ieri, dopo lo sgombero dei manifestatnti e l’arresto del capo dell’oppo
...continua di Fausto Gasparroni

CITTA' DEL VATICANO - Un viaggio in programma da tempo, che ora si presenta delicato e difficile: il segretario di Stato vaticano, cardinale Tarcisio Bertone, ha in ag

feb 29, 2008,
Holy Etchmiadzin
To our dear and pious faithful, We are deeply troubled and distressed with the tense internal political landscape in our country following the presidential elections. The waves of emotions contain within them seeds of intolerance and c

The Town of Burgas (Bulgaria) recognizes the Armenian Genocide
On febuary 28, the Town council of the Burgas's town (Black Sea cost) at 390 km east of Sofia, in Bulgaria, adopted with an crushing majority of the votes: 43 against 2, recognition of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Moreover, the cit

February 26, 2008 22:40:13- Press TV, Iran
Armenia: Iran atomic plans peaceful
Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:09:19
Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian
Armenia's foreign minister says Iran's nuclear program is peaceful and stress

Beverly Hills, Calif. – As American citizens of Armenian descent, we strongly condemn the massive vote rigging, ballot stuffing and coercive tactics employed by the loyalists of Mr. Serzh Sarkisyan, the ruling regime candidate, during the presidential elections held on February 19, 2008.

February 22, 2008
Beverly Hills, Calif. – As American citizens of Armenian descent, we strongly condemn the massive vote rigging, ballot stuffing and coercive tactics employed by the loyalists of Mr. Serzh Sarkisyan, the ruling regime candidate, during the presidential elections held on Fe

Tolerance and Xenophobia in the South Caucasus region
PROGRAMM- February 25
Hotel “Marriott-Armenia” “Tigran the Great” Hall
09:30-10:00 – Registration of participants of the conference
10:00-11:00 – Opening Speech and Plenary session
Opening S

Jean Eckian -Febuary 22, 2008
Turkish Military Tribunals : a New Book from Zoryan
After years of painstaking effort, with the assistance of Zoryan Institute (Canada) two experts historians, Turkish and Armenian, on the Armenian Genocide, have completed a new, authoritative translation and
...continua Sunday, February 24th at 5pm
What: Hamazkayin Heritage Committee and the Producers of East of Byzantium would like to invite you to a fundraising event for the forthcoming epic film: East of Byzantium: Fugitives and Warriors-the epic of Vartan Mamigon
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