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Iranian-American Mayor of Beverly Hills and Djanbazian Dance Company featured on FOX11 NEWS First Iranian-American Mayor to Take Office in Beverly Hills - Last Edited: Friday, 16 Mar 2007, 7:13 AM PDT Created: Thursday, 15 Mar 2007, 11:09 PM PDT Watch the report at:

( Annette Melikian L.A.)
Today.Az » Politics » U.S.-Azerbaijan Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Security Cooperation
22 March 2007 [23:17] - Today.Az
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Azerbaijani Foreign
...continua (Annette Melikian L.A.)
On behalf of the Armenian National Committee of Toronto (ANCT) we applaud and support MPP Brad Duguid's initiative to introduce an Armenian Genocide Memorial Day in Ontario and commend his diligent efforts to promote understanding and raise awareness am

Tuesday, March 27, 2007(Posted March 22, 2007 Eurasian) (A.Melik.)

pour diffusion immédiate 24 mars 2007
Contact: Varténie ECHO Tel/Fax : +32 (0)2 732 70 27

A l’occasion du cinquantenaire de la signature du traité de Rome, la Fédération Euro-Arménienne adresse ses plus chaleureuses fé

( A.Melik.)- http:// (A.Melik)

MUSIC REVIEW; Bending Toward Elegance With a Virtuosic Efficiency Print Save Share Digg Facebook Newsvine Permalink By BERNARD HOLLAND Published: March 16, 2007Liszt's piano music is something between a mirror and a lie detector. Think flashy and

NAASR Board Chairman Nancy R. Kolligian will participate in the program "Rediscovering
Our Ancestral Lands: A Journey through Historic Armenia" on Sunday, March 25, at 12:45 p.m., at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Greater Boston, 145 Brattle Street, Camb
...continua London , ( from Annette Melikian)

Robert Fisk: The truth should be proclaimed loudly When has any publisher ever tried to avoid publicity for his book? Published: 17 March 2007 Stand by for a quotation to take your bre

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Emil Danielyan 3/20/07 The United States and the European Union are stepping up pressure on the Armenian government to hold free-and-fair parl

Two Special Public Events in the Armenian Community. Please Participate.

Danza Persiana " Baba Karam " in versione moderna;
Clicca e vedi il VIDEO
The Mission of "Ararat Foundation": The primary objective of "Ar
...continua ( Annette Melikian )
Joshua Kucera 3/16/07 The Bush administration is publicly opposing a resolution pending in the US Congress that would officially rec

Ahmadinejad opens Iranian gas pipeline to Armenia
March 19, 2007
AGARAK, Armenia -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Armenian counterpart inaugurated Monday a natural gas pipeline reducing energy-strapped
Armenia's reliance on Russian gas.

Ahmadinejad and Armenian

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 21:47:58 +0100
Armenia To Perform 23 At EuroVision Song Contest
Yerevan, March 13, Armenpress: Armenian singer Hayko who will represent Armenia at Eurovision song contest in Helsinki, Finland on May 12, will go on stage 23-rd. it emerged yesterday after th

organise le
7ème Tournoi
Européen Intercommunautaire
de Genève
Week-end de Pâques 6-9 avril 2007
• Basket-ball féminin et masculin
• Ping-pong féminin et masculin
• Volley-ball mix

March 15, 2007 - Sinfonia Toronto
Nurhan Arman, Canadian-Armenian Music Director of Sinfonia Toronto will make his third trip this season to Italy to conduct the renowned Orchestra Sinfonica 'Giacchino Rossini'.

The concerts wil

YEREVAN, March 9 (RIA Novosti) - Armenia's deputy foreign minister said Friday the Caucasus state was not considering the possibility of deploying elements of a U.S. missile defense system on its soil.

A senior Pentagon official said March 1 that the United States would like to deploy a rad

Da tempo in Turchia è aperto un dibattito sulla revisione della controversa legge a causa della quale sono stati perseguiti intellettuali come lo scrittore Orhan Pamuk, processato per aver parlato apertamente del genocidio armeno, e Hrant Dink, un giornalista armeno turco ucciso lo scorso gennaio ...continua

L'Iran ha emesso una nuova serie di banconote, con in effigie il simbolo iconico della radioattività. Una aperta sfida all'Occidente, come scrive
Con la scusa di Ataturk la Turchia oscura internet
Sigilli a YouTube per un video satirico. Sullo sfondo, l’eter

Difesa antimissilistica Usa anche nel Caucaso? Il governo dell'Armenia lo nega ma, anche se Georgia ed Azerbaijan non stanno trattando con Washington, rimane l'impressione di un allargamento della nuova "cintura verde" dalla Polonia e Cekia verso il Caucaso, dove i governi locali mantengono legami...continua

Difesa antimissilistica Usa anche nel Caucaso?
Il governo dell'Armenia lo nega ma, anche se Georgia ed Azerbaijan non stanno trattando con Washington, rimane l'impressione di un allargamento della nuova
"cintura verde" dalla Polonia e Cekia verso il Caucaso,

A Lecture at Harvard University's Center for
Government and International Studies by-Dr. Taner Akçam
Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of History, University of Minnesota

A pioneer among scholars of Turkish origin, Dr. Taner
Akçam is the author of the recently publis

Nel periodo successivo alla condanna di Dogu Perinçek, capo della "parte dei lavoratori" turchi, per negazione del Genocidio Armeno sul suolo elvetico, il giornalista Tristan Mendes-France *, ed uno specialista in comunicazione su Internet, Alban Fisher, intervisterà
la popol

-- A l’heure où l’Union européenne envisage de pénaliser le neggationnisme, la Suisse montre la voie à suivre --
Le président du Parti des Travailleurs turc, Dogu Perincek, a été condamn

Noticias IAN
Es Ley la Doble Ciudadanía en Armenia

Ley de Reconocimiento del Genocidio Armenio: El Ministro de Educación Argentino con la Comunidad Armenia (invitación)

Le projet de déclaration écrite critiquant le projet de loi français rejeté par 95% des députés

Le projet de déclaration écrite déposé le 13 novembre dernier par trois parlementaires européens « sur l’adoption par l’Ass

For photographs see
"Comitas Intsitute" of London makes comments on the reconstruction "Surb Khach" church of Akhtamar Isle, Turkey, in a press release.

"During the last two years the Turkish authorities have made

Jean Eckian
Will Turkey Keep Its Promise? Friday March 9, 2007
By Appo Jabarian
Executive Publisher/Managing Editor-USA Armenian Life Magazine -Hye Kiank Armenian Weekly
The Armenian Genocide resolution, H.CON.RES.195,
commemorating the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, is ...continua

- March 7th, 2007

Please forward this press release to whom it may concern - Merci de transmettre ce Communiqué au journaliste ou à la personne concernée


A World in Transition: Armenians in the Ottoman Photographs Collection of the Getty Museum An Illustrated Lecture at St. George Armenian Church by

Van Aroian

The Getty Museum in Los Angeles, California, houses
the Getty Research Library, which contains an impressive co

-March 7, 2007 -Jean Eckian
Associated Press reports that Türk Telekom, first supplier of access Internet in Turkey, blocked the access to YouTube. The decision of the correctional court of Istanbul was made "after this Internet site had diffused a video considered to be offensive for
Il sito è curato dall'Arch. Vahé Vartanian e dal Dott. Enzo Mainardi;
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