Doenmeh Jews of Turkey -I find the following story interesting for a couple of reasons.
First I remember my grandfather talking about the Young Turks who were responsible for the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and how m...continua |
Vahe: DUNEMEH in lingua turca o Azera = Convertiti o ragirati - Leggi fondopagina;
BY HILLEL HALKIN-- The New York SUN-July 24, 2007
URL: http://www.nysun.com/article/58997
Some 12 or 13 years ago, when I was reporting from Israel for the New York weekly, the Forward, I wrote a...continua |
News > Robert Fisk (From Annette Melikian )
Robert Fisk: Bravery, tears and broken dreams
Mount Ararat, towering symbol of Armenia, is an awful reminder of wrongs unrighted
Published: 04 August 2007
There is nothing so ...continua |
Caucasus Reporting Servic (From Annette Melikian )
Life is poor in Azerbaijan’s exclave province, where the authorities keep everything tightly under control.
By Sabuhi Mammadli in Nakhichevan (CRS No. 404...continua |
da Washington "Il giornale" del 05 08 2007
Richard Hoagland ha perso alcune guerre, una di 90 anni fa, l’altra della scorsa settimana (ma non solo quelle) e ha firmato ieri il proprio atto di resa. L’hanno sconfitto gli armeni, i turchi, gli iracheni, i francesi più...continua |
White House gives in on Armenia envoy
It pulls the nomination of Richard Hoagland. Senate objected because he wouldn't call mass killings by Turks 'genocide.'
By Paul Richter, Times Staff Writer
August 4, 2007 LosAngeles times 5-8-07
WASHINGTON — The White House on Friday ...continua |
http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/6225C1AD-28E5-4B50-86D3-2AD885C17EAA.htm from A. Melikian USA.
Armenia open to talks with Turkey.
A row over the alleged mass killings of Armenians
by Ottoman Turks is at the hea...continua |
L'ARMENIAN RELIEF SOCIETY - HAI OKNUTIAN MIUTIUN organizzazione umanitaria armena diffusa in tutta la Nazione Aemena da cent'anni ha organizzato per la prima volta una crociera di 12 notti dal 15 al 27 AGOSTO
2008 con la nave SUMMIT CELEBRITY CRUISES in paetenza da Barcellona con le seguenti...continua |
lundi 23 juillet 2007, Stéphane/armenews
Le Premier Ministre anglais Gordon Brown a nommé le professeur Sir Ara Darzi
(Terzian) Sous-Secrétaire d’Etat au Département de la Santé.
Ce dernier à toutefois annoncer qu’il continuera ...continua |
30 Jul 2007, 02:56:44 PM MILANO
L'aeroporto armeno Zvartnots introduce il sistema di controllo passeggeri tramite impronte digitali
- Il nuovo aeroporto della capitale armena Yerevan, è tra i primi al mondo ad utilizzare questa tecnologia
A causa dell'aumentata rigidità dei regola...continua |
WHO WERE THE YOUNG TURKS? An unprecedented lecture on the Turkish crime of the Armenian Genocide
PRESS RELEASE"Defenders of Fatherland"
e-mail: defendersoffatherland@hotmail.com
July 28, 2007
HISTORIAN C...continua |
Sunday, June 10, 2007: Saving Armenia
We know him as the generous benefactor of the carousel in Saint Paul.
Now, see how Twin Cities businessman Gerry Cafesjian is inspiring other Minnesotans to help him save his strugglin...continua |
Plans to assassinate Armenian Patriarch Mesrob Mutafyan, Fener Greek Patriarch Bartholomew and Turkish Jewish businessman Ýshak Alaton were found on a computer belonging to Bekir Öztürk, head of the National Forces Association (Kuvva-i Milliye).
Today's Zaman informs referri...continua |
Taner Akçam - July 16, 2007
In May 2007, I revealed the identity of Murad “Holdwater” Gümen, the secretive Webmaster of <I>Tall Armenian Tale</I>, an extensive and influential site devoted to “the other side of the falsified Genocide” and the d...continua |
Turkish Prime Minister Bans Calling The Armenian Genocide "Alleged" - ly 26, 2007
By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier
The Prime Minister of Turkey Receb Tayyip Erdogan has reportedly issued a confidential decree (No. 2007-18) on July 3 banning the use of th...continua |
Stuart Williams
CHALDORAN, Iran -- The tents of thousands of pilgrims dot the hillside, the air is heavy with the scent of incense, and the sounds of the church bell toll across the valley.
This is the Armenian Christian pilgrimage marking the ...continua |
http://www.extraonline.it/ VERSIONE ITALIANA
This information is being circulated at Walter ReedArmy Medical Center as well.
Please circulate to all you know; Cancer update
John Hopkins - Cancer News from John Hopkins
No plastic containers in micro
No water bottles in f...continua |
July 24 –August 7, 2007 www.djanbaziandance.com
If the first Tour of Djanbazian Dance Company to Armenia was called “Return to Cultural Roots”, what should we call the second journey? Reunification with unforgettable memories?
Djanbazian dance Company, with an ...continua |
Calls to Fire ADL’s Abe Foxman Gathering Steam
11 07 2007
The Claw
Joey Kurtzman a senior editor for the Jewcy, a hip Jewish online magazine has writtent a legnthy expose about the life and times of Abraham “Abe” Foxman. The colum...continua |
date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:23:28 +0200
-- Conferees to Develop New Armenian Expectations of an Evolving Europe
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - The growth of the Armenian community as a powerful voice in the civic life of Europe will mark a major milestone with the convening, this October, of t...continua |
From: "Jean ECKIAN"
Date: 11 Jul 2007, 10:25:52 AM
The Number of Members of the UK Parliament recognising the Armenian
Genocide passess 150
The majority of non-Conservative eligible Members have now signed the Genocide motion.
Another important mi...continua |
From: "Jean ECKIAN" <jeaneckian@gmail.com>
"Memorie di Mgr. Jean Naslian"(Trebizonde) pagina170<BR>
Traduzione elettronica del francese<BR>
1. Le deportazioni Fin dai primi giorni del mese di g...continua |
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your support. The campaign promises to be a success. Responses are coming from all corners. It is encouraged to send the link http://protest.keghart.com
to your associates and friends, specially to people of non...continua |
Prova il sig. Gorrini Console generale dell'Italia a Trebizonde (Giunio 1915) da Jean E.
"Memorie di Mgr. Jean Naslian" (Trebizonde) pagina 170 Traduzione elettronica del francese
1. Le deportazioni Fin dai primi giorni del mese di giugno 1915 tutti i musulmani appresero che i Armeni ...continua |
www.atgusa.orgshapeimage_2_link_0 In memory of Henry
Noel Gharibian
What is ATG? Armenian Technology Group is a non profit organization based in Fresno, Ca. Its core mission is to help Armenian villagers achie...continua |
Putting Bread on the Armenian Table: The Seed Multiplication Project Reaches 326 Villages.
Hovhanness Gaboyan
Hovhanness Gaboyan, a participant in ATG's Seed Multiplication Program and a recipient of the Armenian government's gold medal award.
In a rece...continua |
New Prime Minister of UK, Gordon Brown, has appointed a practicing surgeon as a minister at the Department of Health.
Professor Sir Ara Darzi (Terzian), who is charged with improving patient
care, has been promoted from his previous role as National Advisor on surgery. ...continua |
Dear evrybody
Arat Dink, Serkis Seropyan, Karin Karakashli, Aydin Engin, all members of the staff of "Agos" weekly in Istanbul, and Erdal Dogal, the Dink family lawyer, are charged with "denigrating Turkishness" under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code....continua |
Great Congratulations to Harut, Appo and all armenian activists- Jean Eckian,Paris-www.inhomage.com
30.06.2007 14:12 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ After escalating criticism from the Armenian American community for his role in obstructing an article on the Armenian Genocide this April a...continua |
http://www.minagro.am/eng/news.asp 19.04.2007
Dear Friend,
We invite you to participate at the “Armenian Apricot” International Conference, which will be organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Repu...continua |