Nabaztag : derrière ce vocable mystérieux, qui signifie « lapin » en arménien, se cache l'objet tendance du moment. Comme tout droit sorti d'un manga
japonais, il signe l'arrivée d'une nouvelle race d'appareils high-tech : les « objets communicants », don...continua |
moment historique pour la Turquie se préparait pourtant. La conférence devait donner lieu à un débat totalement inédit sur la question arménienne. Pour la première fois, historiens, sociologues, politologues et juristes, issus de la diaspora turque, ou enseignant e...continua |
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Abdullah Gül, avait même, un moment,annoncé sa présence le jour de l'ouverture. A quelques jours du 3 octobre, qui
marque l'ouverture des négociations d'adhésion de la Turquie à l'UE, ce nouveau contretemps ne va p...continua |
Born: 06.07.1956, Armenia (USSR)
Since 1972: Research on the new painting technic that creates photographic accuracy and 3D depth.
Fingerprints of the 20th century.
This new painting technic is a direct replica of the technologies, developed by the industrial revolution. Why Indust...continua |
(Nicosia Wednesday 21 Tuesday 2005) - Moments before Gibrahayer e-magazine was being dispatched, a third candidate - Parsegh Zartarian of Nicosia, joined the two doctors of Nicosia for a bid for the October 9 by-...continua |
Dear Simon Aynedjian,
My name is Stepan Kerkyasharian and was born in Nicosia Cyprus.
I now live in Australia.
I found out about your e-publication from y sister and would be obliged if you could add me to your subscribers list.
I take this opportunity to congratulate...continua |
Armenians and Turks live in different eras. If we want to build a true dialogue between the two sides, it is GIBRAHAYER e-magazinethis time-related fact that we first need to recognize. What happens when an Armenian girl speaks about her past with average Turkish women?
Ar...continua |
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineThe Lord And the Madness of Mammon-Worshippers
Requiem for an Armenian nuclear Family
We proudly present the first publication of this new poem by Prof. P...continua |
Affinity with Night Skies: Astra Sabondjian's Story is a new biographical novel by British Armenian author, Astrid Katcharyan. Her book was just published by Taderon Press and released in London to great acclaim. Affini...continua |
•15 year old Zaruhi Harutyunyan of Armenia has began her training schedule with the Cyprus National Tennis Team. Her training involves more than six hours of drills and physical training every day. She will soon be travelling from Cyprus to ITF tournaments in Europe and the Gulf.
R...continua |
•PUBLIC DEBATE with the participation of the candidates of the by-election. Details to follow, pending confirmation by the candidates. Gibrahayer e-magazine will circulate a special issue by the end of the week, Wwith details of the public debate.
•KEF AT AYMA on October 1, 2005 with...continua |
A l’initiative des trois politiques arméniens, FRA Dachnaktsoutioun, ADL Ramgavar, et Social-Démocrate Hentchak, une manifestation exceptionnelle contre cette Turquie négationniste dans l’Union européenne, aura lieu à Luxembourg, le lundi 3 octobre 2005, date ...continua |
September 15, 2005
International Relations Committee Chairman and Ranking Democrat Lead Strong Bipartisan Majority in Approving H.Res.316 and H.Con.Res.1...continua |
Sabato, 17 settembre - Ore 17,10. Raiuno
Uomini e religioni di tutto il mondo, insieme per parlare di pace. Da Lione, Andrea Sarubbi racconta l’incontro organizzato questa settimana dalla Comunità di Sant’Egidio, con l’obiettivo dirichiamare le varie confessioni ad un ...continua |
La Padania 14/9/05
Stupore e indignazione per il processo allo scrittore che ha parlato di genocidio degli armeni
La stampa Usa boccia Erdogan New York - L’America si indigna per la causa di Orhan Pamuk, l’autore di “Neve” e “Il mio nome è Rosso” mess...continua |
Dr.Atamyan's candidacy expected to follow
Gibrahayer September 12, 2005. A prominent community activist - a dentist by profession - with an impeccable track record in commu...continua |
Day Two in Iran: A Meeting with Rafsanjani's Son •
Day Three in Iran: Meeting with the Grandson of Ayatollah Khomeini •
Day Four in Iran: Women Rights Rally Turns Ugly •
Day Five in Iran: The Journey ...continua |
Parigi, 10/09/2005
Il 3 ottobre gli aermeni di Marsiglia (Francia) sarnno in Lussemburgo per chiedere il riconoscimento del Genocide prima che la Turchia entri in negoziato con l'Unione europea. Arméni dell'Europa sono invitati di partecipare a questa manifestatone che e'sostenuta da F.R.A....continua |
Gibrahayer. Nicosia Tuesday September 6, 2005. The Armenian community of Cyprus bid a final farewell to its representative in the Cyprus Parliament of ten years, Bedros Kalaydjian on Saturday September 3, 2005 at the Armenian Cemetery of Larnaca after a funeral service at Sourp Stepanos Church in hi...continua |
Sourp Stepanos Armenian Church - Larnaca
Saturday 3 September, 2005 at 4:00 p.m
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineNICOSIA, Friday September 2, 2005 (Masis Der Partogh)- Bedros Kalaydjian, the Representative of the Armenian minority in the...continua |
- The program, titled «Has Turkey Changed?», scheduled for Thursday, September 22nd
- The Second Consultative Meeting of European Armenians to take place on Friday September 23rd
Brussels, Belgium - A European Armenian Federation conference, titled "December 2004 - Octob...continua |
Gibrahayer. Nicosia 30 August 2005. The Armenian community of Cyprus bid a final farewell to four victims of the air tragedy of August 14 on Saturday 27 August 2005. Hagop and Hilda Tutundjian and their two sons Ara (16) and Baret (12) were buried in a family grave in the new Armenian Cemetery. ...continua |
-La conférence « La Turquie a-t-elle changé ? » se déroulera inalement le jeudi 22 septembre.
- La Réunion Consultative des Arméniens d'Europe aura lieu le vendredi 23
-Bruxelles - Belgique : La conférence organisée par la Fédération Eur...continua |
YEREVAN, Aug 25 (Reuters) - Global Gold Corp has bought gold producing plant Tukhmanuk in central Armenia for $3.5 million from the Armenian company Mego Gold, a company official said on Thursday.
"We have already transferred $1.5 million for a 51 percent stake and will pay off the rest wi...continua |
Producer, Masterpiece, BBC World Service Nahide Kaptan (front row, second from left) was taken in aged nine Ninety years ago, hundreds of thousands of Armenians died in mass killings that still resonate through Turkey's social and political life.
Armenians say that up to 1.5m of their peop...continua |
Encourage Edinburgh Dear Friend and compatriot,
The city of Edinburgh (scotland) is is at the time to make a decision to recognize the Genocide. Encourage the Councillor Donald Anderson.
Mister the Councillor Anderson,
The Armenian community of France observes with a kindly atten...continua |
Emmanuelle Debelleix
Trois questions à Naif Alibeyoglu, maire de Kars
« Nous ne voulons plus être le trou noir de la Turquie », déclare l’homme d’affaires devenu le premier magistrat de la ville.
Correspondance particulière.
La c...continua |
Da HUNANITE’/17/8/05
Voyage aux confins de la Turquie
Si le territoire turc intégrait l’Union européenne... Quelles seraient les frontières orientales qfficielles de l’UE ?
Correspondance particulière.
Posof, poste frontière turco-géor...continua |
Dans son jugement du mercredi 6 juillet 2005, le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris a jugé fautif la présentation du Génocide des Arméniens en 1915 par le QUID dans ses éditions 2002, 2003 et 2004 aux rubriques “Turquie” et “Arménie...continua |
06/07/2005 - 15h39 Associated Press (AP)
Le tribunal de grande instance de Paris a condamné mercredi le Quid et l'éditeur Robert Laffont à un euro de dommages et intérêts pour avoir favorisé le point de vue turc sur le génocide arménien. Ce jugement doit...continua |