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22 01 2007 - French-Armenians Shocked
Jean Eckian - Paris, January 22, 2007
Hrant Dink's murder : French-Armenians Shocked
The murder of journalist Hrant Dink in Istanbul struck stupor the Armenian community of France. In Paris, Marseilles and Lyon, 2000 people converged in silence, Saturday to 12:00 am local, towards the consulates and embassy of Turkey to testify their pain and to offer a vibrating homage to courageous man of conviction and to protest against this coward crime. The leaders of community (CCAF) denounced and condemned with force Turkish State which "killed the process of democratization while killing this militant of human rights !" said Ara Toranian.
Organization of defense for the freedom press "Reporter without Border " accompanied the Parisian procession in front of Turkish embassy.
This NGO invites the Turkish government "to take the measurement of the extreme gravity of this crime and to take care that a serious investigation identifies the culprits very quickly. It acts of an essential test for a country which aspires to integrate European Union
In Marseilles, Kurdish activists gave their support to the Armenian demonstrators. Sunday, after mass requiem, ordered by Mgr Nakachian, in the cathedral St. John the Baptist of Paris, in memory and for the rest of heart of great journalist, the faithful ones were meditative in front of Gomidas statue dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
Answering in 2005 a journalist of French daily newspaper "20Minutes", Hrant Dink affirmed hat the Armenian Genocide was a reality. "Only which does not know what it occurred, it is he population of this country (Turkey). Me which live in this country, I can say that the
Turkish population does not know what it occurred and only defends
what one taught him." he said.
"He was our conscience, they wanted to kill our conscience", said Fethiye Ceti, former lawyer of Hrant Dink of passage in Paris for presentation of its new work "The Book of my Grandmother".
According french TV "LCI" safety measures was reinforced around Turkish interests, in particular at Orly airport (France).
Article 301 aimed: Come to give homage to the journalist of AGOS, Nobel Prize of literature Orhan Pamuk declared sunday to Associated press: "We all are responsible for his death in a certain way. But over all, I believe that it is those which defend article 301 of enal code which is responsible for its death ".
Jean Eckian Paris


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