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04 12 2008 - Middle-East Minorities to mark the 60th anniversary of the UN Genocide Convention
Subject:60th Anniversary
A warm invitation to a landmark conference on Middle-East Minorities to mark the 60th anniversary of the UN Genocide Convention, on tuesday, 9th December

"The struggle of the Kurds of Iran", monday, 8th december
Rahman Haj-Ahmadi, leader of the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PEJAC) announces the conference,
For info ring 07709435998

Part 1
"The Minorities of Turkey face continuing Cultural Genocide"

In Committee Room 17 of the House of Commons, London

at 12 noon, 9th december

1 The recent comments by the Turkish Prime Minister and Defence Minister

Prime Minister Recep T. Erdogan, on 4th November 2008 (at the press conference for the visit of the Lebanese Prime Minister, Fuad Siniora),said that "Turkey consists of one nation, one flag and one land and that anyone who is not in agreement with this should leave the country".
On the 10th november in Brussels,Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül celebrated the genocide of Armenians, praising the policy of what he termed the "deportation", because it allowed the construction of the Turkish nation. And he added: "Would it be possible today to maintain the same national State if the existence of Greeks in the Aegean region and of Armenians in several regions of Turkey had continued as before?"

2 The Human Rights of Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Crypto-Armenians, Crypto-Assyrians

Speakers: Des Fernandes(Author of The Kurdish and Armenian Genocide)
Prof Khatchatur Pilikian
Akif Wan (KNK)
Rebwar Fatah (Kurdish Media)
Dr. Kajal Rahmani (Kurdistan Justice and Peace Academy, Boston, USA)
An Assyrian/Suriani speaker from Turkey

Sponsor and Chair : Dr. Bob Spink MP (Independent)

Co-organisers : Solidarity with the Victims of All Genocides,(SVAG)
Nor Serount Cultural Association
CHAK (Centre of Halabja)
supported by
Seyfo Centre

RSVP to 07876561398 or 07718982732


Part 2
The present ethnic cleansing of the Minorities of Iraq-
will Britain take some responsibility for a solution?

in Room 2A of the House of Lords

on Tuesday, 9th December

6.30 p.m. till 8.00 p.m.

Co-organisers: "Lobby for the Christians and other Minorities of Iraq"
Centre of Halabja, (C.H.A.K.)
speakers:(all speeches will be brief)-
1 :Dr Layla Alrummi of the Mandaean Human Rights organisation
2 Researcher Nicola Craven on Mandaean refugees in Syria
3 Archbishop Toma Dawod,(Syriac Church) , Monsignour. Khoshaba Georges,(Ancient Church of the East) Fr Habib Jajou (Chaldean Church) Fr Nazar Semaan (Syrian Catholic Mission)--- one joint statement
4 Neville Kyrke-Smith, the National Director of Aid to the Church in Need UK
5 Adnan Kochar of CHAK (Halabja Centre) on Yezidis and Kurdish-Minority relations
6 The Syrian Ambassador HE Dr. Sami Al Kiyami on aid to refugees in Syria
7 Dr. Kajal Rahmani(Kurdistan Justice and Peace Academy, Boston, USA) on Yezisis and Shabaks
8 Mr Joe Obayda (Iraqi Christians in Need)
9 Suhail W. Michael (ICIN)
10 Dr Manera Omed (The oppression of the Failis)

Also in attendance: Alexander de Châlus (UNHCR)
Prof Gregory Stanton (President, International Association of Genocide Scholars)


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