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11 04 2007 - Call of David André Belhassen to the Israeli government
Call of David André Belhassen to the Israeli government In a long letter addressed to the Israeli government, former academic, Eastern specialist in language and archaeology, author of documentary films and journalist, David André Belhassen are indignant at the position of the Israeli government on the question of the recognition of Armenian genocide.

"It is as son of the Hebrew people and citizen of Israel's State, faithful to the revolutionary values of the Hebrew Movement of Liberation, which I require of the Israelian government to give up his Realpolitik towards to the negationnism of Mr. Erdogan and of all the leaders Turkish who preceded it. As long as Mr. Erdogan will not have recognized the genocidary crime perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenian people, Israel State must break the diplomatic relations with its government." He said.


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