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Anti-Iran Pan-Turk Racialists in Tehran Azadi Stadium Chanting "Arab Gulf"þ
W: Anti-Iran Pan-Turk Racialists in Tehran Azadi Stadium Chanting "Arab Gulf"þ
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Anti-Iran Pan-Turk Racialists in Tehran Azadi Stadium
Below is video of pan-Turk anti-Iran separatsts chanting anti-Iranian slogans in Tehran’s Stadium – this was forwarded to on Friday, Aug 27, 2010 by Tara Farhid-Gallo. In the video below, pan-Turk activists:
• Chant separatist sentiments for Azarbaijan.
• Then in a strange twist, they chant “Urumieh is ours, A–b Gulf is yours“. This is strange as these activists are now adopting historically false pan-Arabist rhetoric in reference to the Persian Gulf.
• They also flash the pan-Turk fascist salute and then howl like wolves in accordance with their philosophy of hailing from a mythical mythical Grey Wolf ancestor.

The above video is also startling in that nearly all of the activists are youths and young adults.
The fact that pan-Turk activists are so brazen at this time should come as no suprise to readers.
1) The dangers of pan-Turkism were warned as early as 1989 by Dr. Jalal Matini in the Iranshenasi Journal as early as 1989:
Matini, J. (1989). Azerbaijan Koja Ast? [Where is Azerbaijan?]. Iranshenasi: A Journal of Iranian Studies, I (3), p.443-462.
2) Western scholarship also produced a book that outlined the dangers of pan-Turkism for Iran in 2004:
Olson, R. (2004). Turkey-Iran Relations, 1979-2004: Revolution, Ideology, War, Coups and Geopolitics. Costa Mesa, California: Costa Mesa.
3) The writer of this posting prodced an illustrated on-line book in 2005, again outling the dangers of pan-Turkism to Iran:
Pan-Turkism takes Aim at Azarbaijan: A Geopolitical Agenda (posted also ed at UN Association in Geneva- see also Citations of book also made in academic venues).
Much of the activities of pan-Turk racialists have been tracked and documented for reference by For references to all information on the subject, readers are invited to consult this link:
Pan-Turkism or Pan-Altaism
Below are two examples of vandalism conducted by pan-Turk activists:

Pan-Turk activists engaging in book burnings of texts related to Cyrus the Great on December 19 2006. The photo was originally posted on pan-Turkist website, subsequently reported by Payman Pakmehr of Tabriz News. The photo was then withdrawn by the website.

Destruction of Achaemenid relief by anti-Cyrus vandals at Persepolis, December 6, 2006. Note that this was just 13 days before the book burnings by pan-Turks in Tabriz on December 19, 2006 (Report on December 23, 2006 by Maryam Tabeshian of CHN; and reported by Payvand news of iran).
Pan-Turkim is not some crude movement orchestrated by street thugs and boors. This is supported by certain parties motivated by economic-political interests. The plan was first unveiled in 1979 – a scheme known today as the “Bernard Lewis Plan:

A map of the Bernard Lewis Proposal (source: De Hoyos, L. (1985). Derivative Assassination: Who Killed Indira Ghandi? New York: New Benjamin Franklin House). Note how Iran is now renamed as “Persia” or “Iranistan”. This was first unveiled in 1979.
There are clear references to this plan by Western scholars:
As noted by Engdahl (2004, p.171), the Bernard Lewis proposes that the west
“…encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds…Ethiopian Copts… Azerbaijanis…” Engdahl, W. (2004). A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. London: Pluto Press.
Dreyfus and LeMarc (1980, p. 157-158) provide a very succinct summary of the plan’s methodology:
“According to Lewis, the British should encourage rebellions for national autonomy by the minorities such as the Lebanese Druze, Baluchis, Azerbaiajni Turks, Syrian Alawites, the Copts of Ethiopia, Sudanese mystical sects, Arabian tribes…the goal is the break-up of the Middle East into a mosaic of competing ministates and the weakening of the sovereignty of existing republics and kingdoms…spark a series of breakaway movements by Iran’s Kurds, Azeris, baluchis, and Arabs…these independence movements, in turn would represent dire threats to Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan and other neighbouring states.” [Dreyfus and LeMarc, Hostage. 1980, p.157-158. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company.]
Readers are also referred to:
Creating an “Arc of Crisis”: The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia The Mumbai Attacks and the “Strategy of Tension” – by Andrew Gavin Marshall
In addition, the Bernard Lewis Plan has been “fine tuned” in recent years by Ralph Peters. The map below was published in an article entitled “Blood Borders: How a better Middle East would Look” which appeared in the June 2006 issue of the US Armed Forces Journal.

A revised map of Iran and the Middle East as proposed by Ralph Peters. Note that Iran’s access to the Persian Gulf is shortened, Iranian Azarbaijan has been absorbed into the Republic of Azarbaijan, Iranian Kurdistan taken into a Greater Kurdistan with Iranian Baluchistan merged into Pakistan’s Baluchistan.
Despite numerous references to the contrary, Professor Bernard Lewis denies that he has originated the plan to Balkanize Iran, Turkey and other countries in Western Asia.

Professor Bernard Lewis. An expert of the entire Islamic World as well as ancient Iran. He categorically denies having any connection with plans to Balkanize Western Asia.
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