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22 0'2 2008 - reportage on minorities in Turkey
La rete televisiva Euronews trasmetterà un documentario sulle minioranze in Turchia gli (giorni ed orari sorttoindicati)
Euronews is going to broadcast a reportage on minorities in Turkey in the framework of the magazine 'Parlemento'. Among others, this reportage will feature Laurent Leylekian, Executive Director of the European Armenian Federation.

Broadcast are scheduled on :

Saturday 23 February, 7:15 - 11:15 - 20:45
Monday 25 February, 12:15 - 16:15 - 21:45
From Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 February, 12:15 - 16:15

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European Armenian Federation
for Justice & Democracy
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Brussels, 1000

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