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06 11 01- Gibrahayer. Armenian Cyprus News Magazin

Gibrahayer - Nicosia 29 October, 2006 - An arrogant Azerbaijani under 19 football side, almost unconcerned with its surrounding - playing in Cyprus in front of partisan Armenian Cypriot crowd - littered an otherwise calm match with political arch-rivals Armenia, with unsportsmanlike behaviour, obscene gestures and constant provocations aimed at the fans on the stand.
These gestures that went "unnoticed" by the referees throughout the game, fired up the Armenian fans, both from Cyprus and Armenia, who "retaliated" when the Azerbaijani side went ahead 2-1. Instead of celebrating in a sportsmanlike manner, three footballers of the Azeri side moved towards the Armenian fans and continued their heroics.
Armenian Cypriot fans climbed the protective fence and headed towards members of the Azeri team. One of the Armenian fans singled out the Azeri no.22 who was specially "graceful" in his conduct throughout the game. He approached and delivered him a single blow.
Number 22 went down.
The fight spread in seconds.
Play was interrupted for more than half an hour, during which the Azeri side was rounded up by UEFA official for a pep talk to stop the provocations.
Armenian football star Romik Khatchadryan - currently playing with Anorthosis FC - whose current team's stadium Antonis Papadopoullos was being used for the under 19 fixture - was among the many who tried to calm tensions.
After police intervention, play resumed, that saw the scoreline unchanged until the final whistle.

COMMUNITY ALERTS: If you would like to receive Gibrahay community event ALERTS, please send us your email address and your mobile number, to be notified on Armenian events taking place in Cyprus. Please note that this is a separate e-list different than Gibrahayer e-magazine. Reply to this email with your full name, email and mobile number.
27.10.2006 17:26 - YEREVAN (YERKIR) - Despite the efforts of the Consulate General of Turkey in Milan (Italy), the Council of the Province of Milan by overwhelming majority has adopted a resolution formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in Ottoman Turkey in 1915, independent French journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net.

Recommended site of the week - click here
Gibrahayer - 31 October, 2006 - Newly elected Party Chief of the ruling DI.KO party Marios Garoyian began meetings with Greek Cypriot party leaders as well as President Tassos Papadopoulos and House President Demetris Christofias. He also received congratulations from numerous personalities in Cyprus political arena, including one from Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian who in his letter among other things stated.
"... on behalf of the Armenian community and myself I would like to express my warmest congratulations for your victory and wish you every success in your new duties. I am sure we will see you achieving higher posts in Cypriot political life. I look forward to the further enhancement of our relations in the future, so that we will address and solve the problems facing the Armenian community through co-operation, mutual understanding and co-ordination on a parliamentary, governmental and a wider community level."
Community Happening - Happy 90th Birthday Diran Der Avedissian
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineGibrahayer 31 October 2006 (from Gibrahayer correspondent) - Diran Der Avedissian and more than a hundred community members, gathered for a unique event on October 31, 2006 at The Utudjian Hall of the Armenian Prelature. It was Diran Der Avedissian's 90th birthday and his daughters, Sirvart and Hasmig had the innovative idea to celebrate it by organising a photo exhibition of pictures taken by their father over the years.
A selection of fifty pictures - out of Diran's collection of over 5,000 pictures - was exhibited, that had community members glued to the walls of the Utudjian Hall, comparing notes, remembering moments and faces of the community's past and seeing the accomplishments of the Armenian Cypriot community marching through these pictures.
In the opening of the event, Nareg ex-Principal Vartan Tashdjian delivered a moving speech introducing the veteran member of our community, which was followed by the blessing of Archbishop Varoujan who read his blessing note, specially prepared for this occasion. His Eminence also praised the two daughters of Der Avedissian, who had the idea to organise this very successful event.
Pictures from the event will be posted in the next issue.
News in Brief

Aras, a publishing house in Istanbul, has recently published a book that includes original pieces and analytical articles about the first five prominent Armenian feminist writers and activists of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic: Elbis Gesaratsian, Srpuhi Dusap, Zabel Asadur(Sibil), Zabel Yeseyan and Hayganush Mark. The book, titled "A Cry for Justice: Five Armenian Feminist Writers from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic, 1862-1933," is edited by Lerna Ekmekcioglu and Melissa Bilal.
The seventh anniversary of the terrorist act at the Armenian National Assembly committed in 1999 was marked by House members who laid flowers on the monument to the victims of the tragedy in the yard of the Parliament building. The terrorist group led by Nairi Hunanian killed eight state and political figures, including National Assembly's leadership on October 27, 1999. The terrorists are serving a life sentence.
A Labor Day Weekend tradition, the Armenian Youth Federation of Dashnaktsoutiun held its annual Olympic games this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over 2,000 gathered together to watch athletes from New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, Greater Boston, Fairfield County, North Andover, Providence, Detroit, Chicago, Racine and Granite City participate in competitions of golf, tennis, swimming and track and field. The weekend concluded with the Olympic Grand Ball while a farewell brunch concluded the weekend. Since 1943, the organization has held its annual games every Labor Day weekend, each year hosted by a different chapter in its region.
35 million dollars has been spent on the construction of the arrival hall of Zvartnots International Airport's terminal. Another 63 ,million is needed for the construction of the 4-story terminal. It can now service 2 million passengers a year. Last year Zvartnots serviced 1 mln 119 thousand passengers.
There are 12 "migration" tables in the arrival hall and 6 tables for granting entry visas. All the electric and mechanical equipment and the air conditioning system are computer-run. The hall also has a heating system.
Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun intends to participate in the presidential elections with its own candidate. To comments made to A1+ last month, representative of the party Hrant Margaryan said "We see problems that only our candidate can guarantee the solution to." This is why Hrant Margaryan announced that their party will not support the candidature of Serge Sargsyan.
Armenian worldwide population today, is estimated at a little more than 10 million. Although it is an impossible task to compile an accurate count of all Armenians in the Diaspora, we continuously try to update and maintain the information on this page as accurately as possible. Help us update the population table on this page by sending us any information you might have on Diaspora population in specific countries by visiting our site. click here
In September Transeuroenegery Corporation, Canada, started exploring hydrocarbon in Armenia. Very soon we will be able to say whether Armenia has a chance to enter the cartel of oil exporting states. Click here for full story.

"Viken Attarian is the son of one of the greatest short-story writers of the
Armenian Diaspora, the late ARMEN TARIAN, survived by his wife, ARSINEH
ATTARIAN, who recently was awarded the British Queen's Medal in Canada, and is the older sister of our own Professor Pilikian.
Simon Aynedjian - Editor
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineMontreal, October 20, 2006 - AGBU Montreal is proud to announce that RCI (Radio Canada International), the international radio broadcasting arm of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), has selected its former chairman, Mr. Viken L. Attarian as a regular panelist for its new programming lineup starting on October 30, 2006.
The new program is called The Link, presented by host Marc Montgomery. It will focus on various current affairs in Canada which have an international dimension. The panelists will articulate positions of immigrant citizens who have a wider range of views on international matters.
"I was honoured to accept this offer" said Attarian, "because it allowed me to present to a worldwide audience my perspective on important matters. Our world is constantly evolving and as citizens, we should not only be continuously informed, but also continuously engaged. Democracy demands nothing less and this program allows me to do precisely that. Being engaged in debate and have my voice heard."
The first broadcast of The Link will be on October 30th as part of the new program lineup. The first topic of discussion is "On the eve of the 1st anniversary of the riots in France, can what happened there happen in Canada?", further discussion topics include a focus on the contentious topic of dual citizenship, very relevant in view of the recent evacuation of Canadian citizens from Lebanon; the issue of recruiting doctors from developing countries, the topic of prayer spaces in public schools and so on.
RCI broadcasts regularly in nine languages to the whole world on a variety of mediums. It can be listened to on analog short wave frequencies, live and directly on the Internet and on the Sirius satellite network. Information about RCI, its programs and schedules can be found at
AGBU Montreal congratulates Mr. Attarian on this achievement. AGBU Montreal
urges its members and the Armenian public to support this initiative, by listening to this new program, writing letters of encouragement to the RCI editorial team and management and also by spreading the word about this program to their personal networks.
Information about AGBU Montreal can be found at
Entretien avec Simon Aynedjian, Arménien de Chypre. Publié le : 05-08-2006
Merci à Azad-Hye pour son autorisation de reproduction
24.02.2006 (translation. Georges Festa)

Dear friends, please read carefully this article and fill free to forward it to other friends. This is important article and serious analysis in the point of view national security of Armenia and Artsakh.
David Simonyan: Surrender of territories to Azerbaijan: strategic consequences for Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
REGNUM publishes the article of security expert David Simonyan (Yerevan), which reflects his vision of the future of the Karabakh conflict. The article is published in the author’s wording.
In the light of the continuing discourse on how to preserve the “favorable window of opportunities” in the Karabakh peace process, people in Armenia keep actively talking about the settlement principles that have reportedly been presented to the Armenian and Azeri presidents for discussion and possible signing. These principles stipulate that Armenian troops be withdrawn from the liberated territories and the territories, except for the Lachin corridor, be given back to Azerbaijan.
ARTSAGANG in pdf click here
Read Artsagang - the community's 16 page Armenian newspaper in pdf before it reaches you by post, by clicking here


* Three rounds before the end of the national championship FC Pyunik (former HMEM) of Yerevan have secured their sixth consecutive (and ninth overall) Football Championship.
* Armenian chess player Robert Aghasaryan won the World title in the Under 12. The World Youth Championship took place in Batumi, Georgia. Aghasarian did not lose any games and gained 9 points of 11.
* AYMA / HMEM counts two losses in two games. They lost against ESOBGA 4-2 in the opening match of the second division of the Amateur League, and against Kakkaristra 9-2 last week.
* Ararat AGBU Futsal team, defeated rivals Parnassos 3-1 in the Cyprus Division One Championship and will be hoping for a fresh title this year.
* The final Championship of the year, the Cyprus National Tennis Championships are under way at the National Tennis Center in Nicosia. Four Armenian tennis players are participating. You can follow the results on

UNDER 19 ARMENIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM'S RESULTS: Armenia Vs Azerbaijan 1-2, Armenia Vs Cyprus 1-0, Armenia Vs Hungary 1-4. With the above results the Armenian team does not qualify.

"Breaking the mould"
Breaking The Mould - The first Cypriot-Finnish Visual Arts Exhibition in Helsinki -featuring artists Tatiana Ferahian, Marianna Constanti, Christina Papakyriakou, Haris Paspallis, Janne Räisänen, Matti Kalkamo, Tarmo Paunu, and Heli Rhanen. Organised in cooperation with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Finland, under the sponsorship of Cyprus Culture and Education Ministry.
7-17 November, Helsinki City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13.

Zaruhi Harutyunyan preparing for tournaments in the United States
A new challenge has began for Zaruhi Harutyunyan, who will be testing her strokes on the professional tour in the United States, after her successes in 2006 saw her jump from 1245 to the top 200 that included five ITF championships, two of them in Turkey. For Zaruhi Harutyunyan's tennis activity in 2006 - click here

Laiki Bank Strovolos Industrial Area, Stavrou 96 I, 2034, Strovolos:
Account No. 101-08-037631 for Zaruhi Harutyunyan under Simon Aynedjian
International transfers at IBAN CY30 0030 0101 0000 0101 0803 7631
Swift Code address LIKICY2N

g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r & e v e n t s

Sunday November 5-ARS (HOM)Cyprus Sossee Chapter Luncheon-POSTPONED
Wednesday November 8, at 7:30 pm - Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association presents "The Genocide in Me", a documentary by Canadian Armenian Araz Artinian at Cineplex 1, followed by question and answer with the filmmaker during dinner at AYMA. For more information contact: Arto Tavitian at 99633715, Tickets: 5cyp.
Sunday November 26, at 4:00 pm - Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Sossee Chapter Annual Charity Tea / Bazaar at Holiday Inn in Nicosia.
Saturday December 2, at 8:00 pm - Jashgerouyt / Khrakhjank at AYMA with resident Armenian Band.
Tuesday December 12, at 8:00 pm - Musical Evening by Zakar and Camila Keshishian (flute and piano) organised by Hamazkayin's Cyprus Oshagan Chapter at Kasteliotissa Hall in Nicosia.
Monday December 25 at 9:00 pm - AYMA / HMEM Annual Ball at the Cyprus Hilton - Nicosia.

Gibrahayer e-magazine has been circulating since 1999 on a weekly basis free of charge. Furthermore any contributions made to the e-magazine, has been directed to a worthy cause.
Due to increasing and recurring costs, Gibrahayer e-magazine is unable to continue its regular weekly e-publication and therefore the Editorial Board will be accepting your contributions to ensure its continuity.
To ensure transparency, all contributions will be published, unless anonymity is requested.
At the same time, we will continue assisting young Armenians in sports and the arts and we will continue supporting the efforts of rising Armenian tennis star Zaruhi Harutyunyan. It was through the generous support that came from our readers, that enabled Zaruhi Harutyunyan to travel, and win five ITF events in 2006 under the colours of Armenia. As she prepares for her American tour, we are grateful for the new contributions that are coming in, as published below.

To the Zaruhi Harutyunyan Tennis Fund:
Georges & Talar Torossian-Larnaca - 150.00
John Evangelides - London - UK 40.00
Sarine Balian - 15.00

To Gibrahayer e-magazine:
Thelma Antoniadou - Germany 20.00
Trent Media UK - 40.00 sterling
Anonymous - Nicosia 10.00
In memory of Shake Manoukian
Simon & Louise Aynedjian 20.00
Vahan Aynedjian 10.00

The next issue of Gibrahayer e-magazine will be published on November 15.

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