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06 10 27 - hurriyet-EU: Turkish reforms moving too slowly
hurriyet-EU: Turkish reforms moving too slowly European Commission head Barroso: Turkish reforms moving too slowly26 Ekim 2006 The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, has made statements to the Italian Corriere della Serra newspaper in which he portrayed a slow and difficult process for Turkey in its quest for full EU membership. Barroso told an Italian reporter "I am sorry to say it, but things are not going well for Turkey. We are in a very critical period with them. Reforms in Turkey are moving ahead very slowly, and I am still not seeing the developments I was expecting. We are hoping that Finland, the EU term president, will be able to prevent the accession talks from being stopped in a traumatic fashion. But to speak truthfully, I am worried." Barroso spoke about the growing debate in EU country over Muslim immigrants and whether they are assimilating to the society around them, saying "I will repeat again: we must not look at European Muslims as though they are from Mars. But those who immigrate to our countries must also do what they can to unify themselves with the people around them."
Armenian lawsuit in Paris against Turkish Ambassador Delayed


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