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06 10 25 - The Guide of Istanbul Accuses French Politicians & journalists
Jean Eckian -Paris, october 24, 2006

The Guide of Istanbul Accuses French Politicians & journalists<BR>
The French version of the official website of Turkish tourism of Istanbul currently posts a banner to protest against the bill (October 12, 2006) voted by the French members of Parliament, penalizing the negation of the Armenian Genocide. While clicking on the red banner on which is written "Turkey never made genocide on its History", amessage addressed to the French politicians and to the journalists. In the second passage of the message, the writer does not hesitate affirming only the people to which he says "that those do not know a minimum the History of Our european continent". Obviously, each European knows that Turkey is located in Asia, except Istanbul.
Further, the precision is brought: "Turkey was born in 1923, therefore it had any Turkish army nor no Turkish in 1915. Then, the French members of Parliament are challenged on be-saying it Madagascan « genocide » made by France "which has so many blood on the hands and so much corpses in the cupboards space". No comment…



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