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06 09 21 - Replica of 13th-century ship comes to landlocked Armenia
The replica of XIII century merchant sailing ship of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia started its journey by medieval trade sea routes around Europe in 2004

International Herald Tribune
Published: September 19, 2006

YEREVAN, Armenia A replica of a 13th-century trading ship has gone on display in the main square of the landlocked country's capital as a reminder of the era when Armenia stretched from the Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea.

The "Kilikia," which was built by Armenian craftsmen following traditional techniques, came to Yerevan after a series of sea voyages in which it visited ports in 26 countries.

The display in Yerevan's main square is part of the commemorations of the 15th anniversary of Armenia's declaration of independence from the Soviet Union, which will be marked Thursday.

Next spring, the "Kilikia" is to be taken to Lake Sevan, where it will be anchored.

YEREVAN, Armenia A replica of a 13th-century trading ship has gone on display in the main square of the landlocked country's capital as a reminder of the era when Armenia stretched from the Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea.

The "Kilikia," which was built by Armenian craftsmen following traditional techniques, came to Yerevan after a series of sea voyages in which it visited ports in 26 countries.

The display in Yerevan's main square is part of the commemorations of the 15th anniversary of Armenia's declaration of independence from the Soviet Union, which will be marked Thursday.

Next spring, the "Kilikia" is to be taken to Lake Sevan, where it will be anchored


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