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06 09 09 - Spanish MPs Rosa M. Bonas and Joan Puigcercos to open discussions on the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
Spagna: Al Parlamento.prossima, una mozione per il riconoiscimento del Genocidio Armeno...
Da: " Comunità Armena di Roma e Lazio"

La Sig.a Rosa M. Bonas, membro del Parlamento Spagnola, dicchiara di non aver mai sentito parlare del genocidio degli armeni...!

Armenians of Spain Call upon Parliament to Recognize Armenian Genocide
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian community of Spain called upon Spanish MPs Rosa M. Bonas and Joan Puigcercos to open discussions on the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. The deputies appealed with a corresponding interpellation to the Foreign Relations Committee and other MPs to recognize the Armenian Genocide as a crime against humanity. Later Rosa Bonas told Anatoly Turkish news agency, “We'll make changes in the proposal by taking out an article pressing Ankara to recognize the Armenian Genocide.” At the same time she said that she always has a special attitude to national minorities nut learned about the Armenian Genocide only after the appeal of the Armenian community. For his part, Turkish Ambassador to Spain Volkan Vural stated that if the discussions open they will damage the Spanish-Turkish relations


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