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06 07 13 - GIBRAHAYERe-magazine
[]Elif Shafak - a highly respected and best-selling author - is facing trial on charges of “insulting Turkishness” under the notorious Article 301 of the Turkish Criminal Code. Her publisher, Semi Sökmen of Metis Publishing and translator Asli Bican are also facing charges. They are accused in connection with Shafak’s book, The Bastard of Istanbul. One month ago, on 7 June 2006, the Beyoglu Public Prosecutor in Istanbul dismissed proceedings launched against Shafak after hearing Shafak and Sökmen’s argument that the book was a work of literature and it was therefore not appropriate for prosecution. They added that the book aimed to promote the culture of peace. However, in early July the Istanbul 7th High Criminal Court over-ruled the decision not to proceed, following a complaint filed by Kemal Kerincsiz, a member of a group of right wing lawyers known as the “Unity of Jurists” who have been active in the launching of prosecutions of numerous writers and journalists in recent months. The trial date has not yet been set. Shafak’s book tells the story of two families – one based in Istanbul, the other an exiled Armenian family living in San Francisco - who share a family secret dating from the early 19th century that continues to effect the lives of their daughters in the present. Originally written in English, the book was published by the Metis Publishing House in March 2006 and has since become a best seller. It is due to be published in English by Viking/Penguin. VISIT TO THE TURKISH-ARMENIAN BORDER MEP Marie Anne Isler Beguin, Chair of the Parliament’s delegation to Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, has published footage of her recent visit to the Turkish-Armenian border. According to the MEP, «the European Parliament never ceased to reiterate the need to open the border in its resolutions, as the current situation isolates and penalises not only Armenia and the Turks in the border area, but the entire region too. For Isler Beguin, reopening the border must be a pre-condition to Turkey joining the EU.” Isler Beguin further comments that Turkey closed the border more than 10 years ago in reprisal for the conflict in Nagorno Karabagh. Watch the video at : More on relations between Armenia & Turkey ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH DELEGATION VISIT MP VARTKES MAHDESSIAN IN NICOSIAGIBRAHAYER e-magazineCyprus 5 July 2006: A delegation from the Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus visited Mr. Vartkes Mahdessian, the newly-elected member in the Cypriot Parliament. The visit took place on Wednesday, July 5, 2006, to congratulate Mr. Mahdessian on his election. The delegation representing the Armenian Evangelical Church included Mrs. Nevart Kassouni, Mrs. Lydia Gulesserian, Mr. Louder Nassanian, Mr. Hagop Chopourian, Mr. Norris Gulesserian, and Mr. Hrayr Jebejian. Mr. Hrayr Jebejian gave a comprehensive history of the Armenian Evangelical Church, explaining the worldwide set up of the Unions in which theArmenian Evangelical churches exist and function. It was communicated to him that the Church in Cyprus is a member of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. Mr. Jebejian also outlined the historical developments of the Armenian Evangelical Church in Cyprus that was established in the 1920s and that operated until the Turkish invasion in 1974. Mr. Jebejian said that the present ongoing efforts to reorganise the Armenian Evangelical ministry in Cyprus is aimed at serving the entire Armenian community and enhancing Christian education and Bible teaching. “There is, and will be, close communication and contact between the Armenian Evangelical Church and all the different organizations and entities in the Armenian community,” said Mr. Jebejian and continued, “Our relationship with the Armenian Orthodox Church is very good, and we want to work together forthe welfare of the Armenian community in Cyprus”. Mr. Vartkes Mahdessian thanked the delegation for their kind gesture. He praised the Armenian Evangelical Church and its ministry around the world. He encouraged the ongoing organisational efforts of the Armenian Evangelical community in Cyprus and stressed the importance of Christian education.GIBRAHAYER e-magazine Mr. Mahdessian emphasised the challenges and the importance of working closely together as an Armenian community in Cyprus. The visit was also a good opportunity to talk about the Armenian Evangelical Church premises in occupied Nicosia. The delegation pointed out the imperative of making this issue, along with the occupation of the two Armenian Orthodox churches, the concern of the entire Armenian community in Cyprus. Mr. Vartkes Mahdessian is elected for a term of 5 years, up to 2011.* To click on the images of the Armenian Evangelical Church in occupied Nicosia click here* To receive the special issue of Gibrahayer e-magazine on the above Church entitled "Lost and Found: An Armenian Church in occupied Nicosia" dispatched last year, please send Gibrahayer e-magazine a request changing the subject line to "Send Church issue" 17 ARMENIAN CYPRIOT YOUNGSTERS ON THE WAY TO KHALKIDIKI SUMMER CAMP IN GREECE (Gibrahayer 12 July, 2006) 17 Armenian Cypriot youngsters from Cyprus are ready and packed for a unique experience at the Khalkidiki Summer Camp of the Armenian Relief Society of Greece. A representative of The Armenian Relief Society Cyprus Sossee Chapter said that the kids were very excited and looking forward to meeting and spending 15 days with Armenian youth not only from Greece but from all over the world who are expected to make the annual Khalkidiki Camp into a small Hayasdan. DIRECT FLIGHTS TO ARMENIA BEGIN END OF JULY(Gibrahayer 10 July, 2006) Karian Travel have announced that as of July 31, 2006, they will begin chartered flights to Yerevan which will be brought to you by ArmAvia Airlines and Sputnik Travel Agency.For more information you can contact the following numbers in Limassol, Nicosia and Larnaca: 25316849, 25318949, 22765760, 24643360. ARMENIAN CYPRIOT YOUTH WOMEN ALERT The Cyprus Youth Council and the The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies are organising a EU-funded Training Seminar on "Young Women: Fit for Politics!" on Saturday, 22 July 2006 09:30 - 16:00 (lunch and refreshments will be provided) at Navarria Hotel, Vergina Street, 3504, Limassol, tel. 25320855 We urge Armenian Cypriot women to participate by calling the Armenian liaison with the Cyprus Youth Council Hagop Manougian on 99442886. The workshop is for young women aged 18-25 and aims to provide theparticipants with an opportunity to acquire or improve upon many skillssuch as public speaking, debate, presentation, research and organisationalskills, and personal development. Through this interactive and adaptabletraining manual, young women will be trained in leadership skills, such asrhetoric, presentation techniques, assertiveness, self-assuredness,consensus-oriented debating, teamwork, open-mindedness, defining personalskills and weaknesses and working with them, setting and pursuing aims,developing plans, taking responsibility, networking etc. The workshop is offered within the framework of the project "Young Women: Fit for Politics!" coordinated by Women without Borders (Austria)and funded by the European Commission Socrates Programme. The project aimsto improve and enhance female youth participation in local politics and start a networking and exchange process on an international level in order to empower young women in their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. The workshop will be conducted in English by Elizabeth Kasbauer (Womenwithout Borders, Austria) and Chrystalla Ellina (Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies). The workshop material and programme was developed by 3 organizations from:Austria: Women without Borders-WwB,,Cyprus: The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies-M.I.G.S, andTurkey: ARI Movement, If you are coming from Nicosia on the highway, take the exit"Mouttayiaka." At the traffic lights turn left on the seaside road. On the next set of traffic lights, 100 meters after passing Arsinoe Hotel, you will see Hamlet Pub on the left corner. Turn left and Navarria Hotel will be on your left.
tatiana's corner by Tatiana Ferahian
GIBRAHAYER e-magazine
news in brief
Welcome to “34 the Shop”GAP Vassilopoulos E-Media Ltd
Keep playing this inspiring Game Play Now!did you come across the Armenian Trivia questions in the Game?
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR click her for more emailsLetters to the Editor has evolved into a popular section in our e-magazine.Make good use of it with your constructive comments and substantiated views. The views in this section do not necessarily portray the views of our e-mag.
My dearest friend Alidz,I do not blame you for not having a clue for many issues I raised. Not to worry. You will gradually get there.By the way, the hatred part of my message was not addressed to you, I should have made it more clear, and for which I apologise to you.You are right your message was long, so I read through it very hastily and tried to grab from it whatever I could. In conclusion I would like to bring up one more saying in Greek. Ta polla logia ine ftoxia. Stick to actions, preferably proactive ones. Just know one thing that I will NEVER EEEEEVEEER, for yours, mine and our new generations' sake, accept and try not to allow, any other gendi gelen nincompoop to get hold of the wheels in any leading/decision making post of our community. You are valuable to our community, very much needed, and obviously can offer much. Stay on line.Love you,Garine Costanian To view last week's emails please click on
History of Macedonia
The majority of scholars consider Basil an Armenian who had settled in Macedonia, and speak of his dynasty as the Armenian dynasty. But in view of the fact that there were many Armenians and Slavs among the population of Macedonia, it might be correct to assume that Basil was of mixed Armeno Slavonic origin ... for more click here
news in brief
· When addressing the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) session, the head of the Armenian delegation parliament vice-speaker Vahan Hovhannesian stated that a Nagorno-Karabakh representative will one day appear at the PACE forum. Drawing parallels between Montenegro and Nagorno-Karabakh, Hovhannesian attracted the attention of the PACE parliamentarians to Serbia's civilised approach in a similar issue.· California: More than 10,000 community members flocked to the Birmingham High School field on Tuesday for the closing ceremonies of the 31st annual Homenetmen Navasartian Games, which culminated in a parade of athletes and scouts and an impressive display of fireworks.· President Robert Kocharian Thursday ended a two-day visit to Tehran during which he and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejadcalled for the strengthening of the already close economic and political links between Armenia and Iran. The two men met twice and presided over the signing of seven Iranian-Armenian agreements covering a broad range of areas on Wednesday. One of the agreements paves the way for the construction of a third transmission line that will connect the power grids of the two neighbouring states.· The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia maintained close relations with the Baltic states. Last week, the Armenian ship "Kilikia" arrived at the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda. Armenian merchants and craftsmen had settled down in Lithuania many centuries ago. "Cilicia" arrived in Klaipeda not only to pay tribute to our ancestors but also because three of the crew members had served in the army in the Baltic states. Next stop will be Stockholm.· A French Roman Catholic priest has been stabbed by a knife-carryingattacker in the Turkish Black Sea port of Samsun. The attack on Father Pierre Brunissen, 74, is the third assault on a Catholic priest in Turkey in recent months.· Zohrab Kouyoumdjian is the winner of the Gibrahay Youth competition who predicted that Italy would be the 2006 World Cup Winners. GibraHay Youth thank all of you for participating in our monthly competition.The July Competition begins soon at· The Commission of the Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament will vote this Wednesday July 12 a draft Resolution on "progress of Turkey towards adhesion". It will have to come to a conclusion before about the few 343 amendments deposited on the basis of report prepared by Mr. Camiel Eurlings (EPP, Netherlands). Many members of Parliament resulting from the principal political groups (EPP, PSE, ALDE, GUE) unanimously asked Turkey "to raise without condition the blockade of Armenia" and to recognise the Armenian genocide as "a prerequisite to adhesion".
· Marcos Baghdatis has climbed to the top ten of the world rankings after his impressive run at Wimbledon. His bid to win a Grand Slam event will have to wait. He lost on Friday against world number two Rafel Nadal in three sets, collecting valuable points and a few hundred thousand pounds on the way. · Bolton have handed a trial to Iran midfielder Andranik Teymourian who caught the attention of Bolton boss Sam Allardyce playing for Iran at this summer's World Cup. The 23-year-old figured in all three of Iran's games in Germany and he impressed Allardyce who has now invited the star to England to train with the Bolton first team squad. The Bolton coaching team will cast an eye over Teymourian in training before deciding whether or not to pursue their interest. · Zaruhi Harutyunyan has began her expedition in Scotland with an emphatic first round victory over Olivia Battye (GBR) 6-3, 6-0 at The Scottish Junior International Championships that conclude in Edinburgh this week.
Turkish proverb of the week
"Rum Ermeniye dost olmaz, it derisinden post olmaz."Literally: a Byzantine Greek cannot be a friend to an Armenian - one cannot make fur from dog-skin.Meaning: When a joint-strategy is unlikely to succeed - given that the involved parties have opposing interests to start with.Special Note: It is one of those sayings which have come down to our day by word of mouth. It is to be taken within a historical context. It was probably coined by Turkish-speaking Armenians pre-1915 in historic western Armenia / Anatolia and must have held true at the time.
gibrahayer calendar
· Sunday July 23 - Annual traditional Khanasori Arshavank celebrations organised by ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Committee, and affiliate organisations. Venue: Last year's picnic site at "Loumada ton Aeton." · Sunday 16-30 July - Hamazkayin Forum - Yerevan - Armenia. All youth who want to participate from Cyprus, please contact Raffi Mahdessian on 99-441588. Visit the Hamazkayin Forum site at: · 12 - 30 July - Khalkidiki Summer Camp organised by the Armenian Relief Society of Greece for 12 - 16 year old Armenians. Sosse Chapter of ARS (HOM) Sosse Cyprus announce that 18 Armenian youth from Cyprus are participating and unfortunately no more applications can be accepted.
Panda Software's Weekly Report on Viruses and Intruders - The Oscarbot.IV, Peerbot.B and Netsad.B worms are the subject of this week's PandaLabs report. Oscarbot.IV is a worm that opens several communication ports on infected computers, allowing attackers to access the system remotely. It also drops the Protestor.A Trojan on the system, which can capture screenshots and steal user data. Oscarbot.IV spreads via America On Line Instant Messenger, sending messages to all active user contacts. When run, it is installed on the system as a service called "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Notification", trying to pass itself off as a Microsoft antipiracy service and ensuring it is run on every system startup. For further information about these and other computer threats, visit Panda Software's Encyclopedia (

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