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Anadolu Agency: 2/7/2005 BAKU - Turkish Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc has stated that the Armenian occupation of over 20 percent of Azeri territory is cruelty. "Despite UN resolutions, Armenia continues to occupy Azeri land," said Arinc. In a meeting with Arinc, the Azeri Parliament's Speaker Murtuz Alasgarov told that the real genocide was committed by the Armenians in 1992 in Khojaly.
The Armenians have forced about 250,000 Azeris to leave their homes after 1980. 20% of our land is currently under Armenian occupation. Over one million Azeri citizens have been forced out of their homes and have to live in tents. We hope to resolve our dispute with Armenia peacefully and support the Minsk Peace Process. Karabagh is Azeri territory and we do not accept an Armenian government there. Armenians must immediately withdraw from Azeri territory and Azeri refugees must return to their homes," stressed Alasgarov.
Arinc added that the United Nations adopted four resolutions to force Armenian troops out of Azeri territory. "Yet, Armenia continues to refuse abiding by UN decisions. Turkey supports a solution under the Minsk Process. For the past 10 years, Armenia has been occupying Azeri territory. Turkey will continue to give support to Azerbaijan in all platforms," expressed Arinc.

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NEW YORK (AP) The U.N. oil-for-food program chief under scrutiny for alleged corruption and mismanagement blocked a proposed audit of his office around the same time he's accused of soliciting lucrative oil deals from Iraq, according to investigators.
A U.N. auditing team, which was severely understaffed, said running the $64 billion oil-for-food program was "a high risk activity" and a priority for review. But Benon Sevan denied the internal auditors' request to hire a consultant to examine his office in May 2001 -- an act top investigators of the program are now calling into question.
"I think the auditors thought they were steered away from some areas," Paul Volcker, who is leading the independent probe, told The Associated Press. "Our judgement is that the main office should have been audited. And that leaves the inference that perhaps the auditors were not encouraged to do the work. I think we draw the inference that it was at least suspicious."

Wednesday 16 February WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Senate panel says newly obtained Iraqi documents provide fresh evidence that the former head of the U.N. oil-for-food program benefited financially from oil deals involving Saddam Hussein's government.
The staff of the Senate Governmental Affairs investigations subcommittee says the documents suggest that Benon Sevan didn't just serve as intermediary in Iraqi oil sales, as investigators have alleged, but may have made up to $1.2 million.
Sevan, who faces U.N. disciplinary charges, has denied wrongdoing. His lawyer, Eric Lewis, said Monday, "Benon Sevan never received any oil allocations -- period."
Finally, New York correspondent David Nason of The Australian concludes. "Exactly how much cash Saddam and his henchmen managed to rort from dodgy UN-approved oil contracts between 1996 and 2003, and where all that cash went, are key questions in the multitude of UN and US congressional inquiries into oil-for-food now under way. The biggest fear is that Saddam managed to channel large chunks into the pockets of terrorist outfits such as Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qa'ida, a frightening concern given that some estimates say upwards of $US 5 billion ($6.5 billion) was skimmed."

Arinc added that the United Nations adopted four resolutions to force Armenian troops out of Azeri territory. "Yet, Armenia continues to refuse abiding by UN decisions. Turkey supports a solution under the Minsk Process. For the past 10 years, Armenia has been occupying Azeri territory. Turkey will continue to give support to Azerbaijan in all platforms," expressed Arinc.

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 10, ARMENPRESS: Arsen Ghazarian, the chairman of the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen, denied today a report by a Turkish daily Zaman that said Ghazarian and Sarkis Asatrian, the head of the Youth Party of Armenia, met Wednesday in Ankara with Ankara Trade Chamber president Sinan Aygun. Aygun was quoted by Zaman as saying that turning incidents of the past into a blood feud will bring no benefit, but only disturb people. Speaking to Armenpress Arsen Ghazarian said no delegation visited Turkey and never met with Aygun. "The report in Zaman is another concoction of the Turkish press and it is not the first instance when I have to deny its reports. This comes to prove one again that one should not take seriously what Turkish newspapers write," he said.
By Ruzan Poghosian

On February 9, Turkish Daily News newspaper published a new article by Mehmet Ali Birand on the policy Turkey conducts in the issue of the Armenian Genocide's recognition. The article is entitled "We Missed the Train".
The author admits in the article that the Armenians made success in recognition of the Armenian Genocide especially in the West. Birand suggests to elaborate a new line in the Turkish policy. "The Armenians consequently achieved their aim in the course of the last 75 years. They published thousands of books and articles, opened departments at Universities and could convince the international community and achieve the recognition of the Armenian genocide though they didn't have sufficient proofs for that and do not reflect the reality," he wrote in the article.
Birand calls on opening a new page in the Turkish policy that will take into account the current situation of increasing danger.
He cited the following statement made by Yusuf Halacogli, president of Turkish History Foundation: "We can't overcome this situation by propaganda, creating documents, books and films.
We should continue our efforts, but we should take steps that will arouse interest. Together with the historical science we should act in the policy as well. We should concentrate our strategy."
Birand stated that Turkey should wake up, elaborate a strategy and realize that it will achieve nothing if its leaves that to the historians only.
"It is high time to act at the UN and to open new horizons for achieving success in the international arena. Wake up!" he appeals.

( As Apisoghom Aga, our Cyprus correspondent has indicated, when this debacle began over a year ago, many of us put much hope in Benon Sevan.
After all he was a Melkoniantsi, a fellow student and graduate, was he not a distinguished UN official and member of the AGBU Central Board?
No doubt he would help, make them see reason.
He encouraged us, told us not to give up hope.

Then the final communique of the AGBU, which the CB told us was a unanimous decision.
Benon said he had been away, had not signed it.
Someone was obviously lying.
If Benon was telling the truth why did he not complain, even resign?

Slowly we started losing faith in the man.
Then the Oil for Food scandals came to light.
Many did not believe it, not "our" Benon; must be a mistake.
While nothing has been proved so far, the official UN report into the affair contained the following statement "Inquiry chief Paul Volcker says there is "conclusive" evidence that the UN programme director (Benon Sevan) had a "conflict of interest""

This was enough for UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to suspend Sevan immediately, pending possible criminal action against him.
Maybe Mr. Sevan has a way with "Conflict of interest"

He certainly seems to have been walking a very crooked path when it came to the Melkonian

At worst he may be a crook, at best incompetent......

Thursday 10 February 2005 - Gibrahayer Nicosia: Milan Festival award winning movie "The Journey" by Melkonian school graduate Edwin Avaness premiered for a one show only at K-Cineplex in Nicosia on February 9, to a sold out capacity crowd of 350. It is unfortunate that many were turned back as tickets were unavailable.
Prior to the showing Hamazkayin Oshakan Cyprus Chapter representative Harout Tahmazian, after his initial remarks, welcomed the director Edwin Avaness, who in turn shared his thoughts on the making of the film and thanked the Armenian community for their support.
The director of the film was later joined by community members at a dinner held at AYMA.

Honest commentators and analysts know full well that Sevan was set up for fall as a means of discrediting Annan, who declared the war against Iraq as illegal. Secondly, it is an attempt to cover up real corruption.
i.e. a case of offence being the best defense:
See one such analysis below:,3858,5121725-103677,00.html

Dear Stepan,
Most of the readers who contacted Gibrahayer regarding the above story, are upset with the unprofessionalism exhibited by the "leaders" of our community, who were quick to draw conclusions about events, without having in hand, hard facts and evidence.
Nobody knows whether Benon Sevan was framed, whether he is guilty or whether he is innocent.

For his sake and the good name of our community hopefully "our Benon" is innocent.
However, this is not the way to go about conducting our affairs.
Just because he is family, childhood buddy or friend, this does not give "our leaders" the right to speak with certainty about issues, and to do so, in the name of the entire community, without its consent.
By the same token, it is neither right to say, "where there is smoke, there is fire".
May be there is no fire at all... I certainly hope so!

I am more concerned about how we carry ourselves in times like this, and the ethos and political seriousness that we portray, specially to the outside world.
Unfortunately, people who made statements in the name of our community, were eager to give cover to a friend, when perhaps they should have been a little bit more reserved and a little bit more critical.
This is at best, amateur.

I am convinced that this is the reason why we are in almost total retreat as a community.
I am convinced that the client relationship between the "old guard" (Jean Ipdjian called it the Junta) and its dependants allows no one to criticise, seek the truth, keep community structures in checks and balances and question and challenge the myths we sometimes manufacture ourselves.
The Melkonian is being lost partly because of this.

The same community representative - Mr. Bedros Kalaydjian - who received a heroes welcome for "saving" Melkonian and "overturning" the decision of the Central Board of the AGBU, was now quick to deduce that while Kofi Annan had ordered an investigation in the United Nations and while the Manhattan District Attorney launched an investigation in criminal activity on Sevan ... "our Benon was innocent," because he is his friend and because Kalaydjian says so.

The need to make news headlines and to play hero with false and unchecked sensational rhetoric weighed more once again.
Unfortunately, the game plan to save Melkonian turned into a series of sensational rhetoric as well, that continued months later with the Benon Sevan saga.

Unfortunately, some behavioural patterns never seem to change in our community.

Simon Aynedjian Wednesday 16 February, 2005.

By Harut Sassounian; Publisher, The California Courier

11 Feb 2005 David Phillips, the moderator of the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission, is about to publish a book that discloses the true motives of those who initiated and supported TARC.

Based on an advanced copy of Phillips’s book, "Unsilencing the Past: Track Two Diplomacy and Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation," analyst Emil Danielyan wrote two lengthy reports last week for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Here are some of the highlights of Phillips’s interesting revelations, as reported by Danielyan:
-- Phillips confirms that the US government was the driving force behind TARC. The idea was suggested to him by Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman, the number three figure in the State Department under the Clinton and Bush administrations. TARC held its first meeting in Vienna in early 2001.
more at:

Take a picture tour through the Ararat region!
Tens of readers of Gibrahayer sent the following link.
Undoubtedly it "won" the Recommended Website of the week award.

Dear Simon,
As a newspaper man who has been in this trade 52 years I must commend you on doing such a fine job. It is with a great deal of pleasure to read Gibrahayer. Keep up the good work.....
Mitchell D. Kehetian,
Editor - Macomb Daily,
Mt. Clemens, Michigan, USA


Hi, Simon,
We'd be very grateful if you would put the request for Rita Mahdessian to make contact through Gibrahayer, as you suggest. We still have no pictures or information from her branch of the family to put on the Family Tree. We'll be happy to send her a copy of it, too.
So: Rita, if you're out there, please get in touch with us. You may remember Berge Kouyoumjian, Asdig Shekerdemian's son. We compose and send out a huge family tree going back to the 18th Century, and you're on it. We'd love to have your details and pictures, and to hear how your branch is getting on.
Love to the family, Berge & Joy - U.K.


This is an e-mail that I jut got regarding the closure of Melkonian (Patriarch Mootafian's legal action action the AGBU, see below and attached). This is what the majority of Armenians think. I hope this will reach the deaf ears of the AGBU. I hope you can publish it in your newspapers.
I quote: "I agree 100%!!"

I couldn't believe it when i heard about the closure some time ago. how could they even imagine something like that! when i spoke to people at the AGBU they told me the school was not making money! what a joke, what armenian institution is making money in the diaspora? I told them they could spend less money on their lavish meetings in 5 star hotels all over the world and spend that money on schools! this is when it makes me sick in my stomach to be armenian!
You know when they will reverse they decision? when most benefactors, small or big, stop their donations. money always talks, right? oh well, what else is new... armenian story! as my father says: "menq mard chenq ellar !!!"
Melkonian Institute belongs to the Armenian people not the AGBU. It is NOT FOR SALE.
Harout Bronozian
3000 Honolulu Av., Unit 4 - Glendale, California 91214
Hi Simon,
Hope all is going well. Thanks for always sending me this very interesting newsletter you put out. It is both informative and attractive layout-wise.
Thanks for all your efforts . Keep up the great work.
Armen B - Lebanon
Dear Simon,
Please, find below a website about Armenian Lt. Gurgen Margaryan. The site is being developed by a few young people. It is still under construction, yet, it can provide necessary info both about the case and Karabakh events.
With best regards and appreciation,
Nara Aghabekyan
Simon put it in your newsletter a very good source on armenian genocide from German archives.
Mihran Keheyian - London
This corner is reserved for local artist Tatiana Ferahian's comic strips which are amalgamations of Armenian-Cypriot social commentaries, painted with her usual wry and ironic humour, to stimulate and encourage awareness and interest toward our community's everyday happenings.

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[] A bomb blast killed billionaire businessman-turned-politician, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut. Nine died and 100 were injured in the blast, which left a crater at least two meters deep and 10 meters wide.
[] Assisted-suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian is back in prison after undergoing hernia surgery. Kevorkian, 76, is serving a 10 to 25 year sentence for second-degree murder after being convicted of giving a fatal injection of drugs to a Lou Gehrig's disease patient in 1998.
[] His Eminence, Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios, Prelate of the Canadian Greek Orthodox Church, visited the Canadian Armenian Prelacy.
[] Azeri Defense Ministry stated that one of its soldiers was killed by intense Armenian fire in the Agdam district, this being the fifth violation of ceasefire in the region in 2005.
[] The Armenian National Security Service has arrested an Armenian citizen, who is
suspected of collaborating with Azerbaijani special services. However, they have not revealed the name of the suspected spy in order "not to hinder the investigation."
[] The Yerkir online has initiated a series of interviews with politicians, statesmen and public figures. You can address your questions to them by visiting
[] Serge Sargsian, minister of defense of Armenia, met with the President of Iran, Mohammad Khatami, within the framework of a three-day official visit.
[] Armenia-Lada Company President Rafael Shahmuradian was killed in the Russian town of Tolyatti. An unsuccessful attempt on his life was also carried out last May. He had then declared that his assassination was ordered by Armenian Minister of Transport and
Communications, Armenia-Lada stockholder Andranik Manukian.
g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r

Lecture series dedicated to clergymen that were killed in the Armenian Genocide of 1915 will continue every Wednesday after Hsgoum throughout Medz Bak with the following schedule.
* Wednesday 16 February 2005 - Smpad Yebisgobos Saadetian (1871 - 1915) is presented by Mashdots Kahanah Ashkarian
* Wednesday 23 February 2005 - Ardavast Dz.Vart.Kalemderian (1876 - 1915) is presented by Momik Kahanah Habeshian
* Wednesday 2 March 2005 - Souren Dz.Vart.Kalemian (1884 - 1915) is presented
by Dr.Antranik Ashdjian
* Wednesday 9 March 2005 - Nerses Yebisgobos Tanielian (1868 - 1915) is presented
by Anahid Eskidjian
* Wednesday 16 March 2005 - Shavarsh Dz.Vart.Sahagian (1881 - 1915) is presented by Elsy Utudjian
Super Bingo at AYMA on Wednesday February 16, 2005 at 8:30 pm. For dinner reservations call Mr. Youra at 22 499889
Pub Night...on Saturday February 19, 2005 at 8:30 pm organised by The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus Chapter at AYMA. Music, dancing and a special appearance by musical duo Jean Davidian and Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian. Entrance CYP 5,00 including first drink. Sign up with Arto Tavitian on 99 633715 and Louise Aynedjian on 99 533684.
Annual Traditional Michink Dinner at AYMA organised by The Armenian Relief Society "Sosse" Cyprus Chapter on Wednesday March 2, 2005 at 8:30 pm at AYMA.
Tsunami Relief Aid Concert March 2, 2005 at 7:30 p.m., MEI Auditorium, organised by the AGBU Melkonian Educational Institute with the participation of Melkonian Students.
Two Day celebrations in Cyprus for the 75th Anniversary celebrations of the Cilician Seminary and the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia. Main event on Saturday March 5, 2005 at 8:00 pm at the Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia where Shnorhali Choir from Beirut under Der Bartev Vartabed Guelimian will perform. Speakers at the same event: His Holiness Catholicos Aram I. Sebouh Tavitian and Vartan Tashdjian.
Holy Mass on Sunday March 6, 2005. Karoz by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I followed by a Luncheon at Makedonitissa Palace at 1:00 pm organised by the Temagan and Varchakan Joghov.
Armenian Cultural Event – Dance & Poetry April 8, 2005 at 7:30 p.m., MEI Auditorium. Organised by the AGBU – Melkonian Educational Institute with the participation of Melkonian Students.
The "Sipan" Dance Group of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association of Cyprus will be presenting the Musical Performance of Toumanyian "Famous Children's Stories" on Sunday April 10, 2005 at 8:30 pm at PASIDY Auditorium.
The "Timag" Theater Company of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association of Cyprus is getting ready for its annual performance which will take place on Saturday May 7, 2005 at 8:30 pm
Armenian musical duo of Jean Davidian and Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian perform at Champs every Friday at 9:30 pm. Reservations on 22 873888.
Arevakal and Hsgoum ceremonies begin from Wednesday 9 February, 2005 as follows: Every Wednesday and Friday - Arevakal 7:40 am and Hsgoum at 6:00 pm
Opening of Painting Exhibition of Armenian Cypriot Artists, organised by The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus Chapter at The Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature, on Friday 18 March, 2005 at 7:30 pm. The Exhibition will remain open until the 20th of March, 2005.

Commemoration of Armenian Genocide – 90th Anniversary April 20, 2005 at 7:30 p.m., MEI Auditorium. Organised by the AGBU – Melkonian Educational Institute with the participation of Melkonian Students.
Lecture by Peter Balakian on Friday May 20, 2005 organised by The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus Chapter. Details to follow.
Cyprus Dart Championships. AYMA/HMEM is participating in the Cyprus Dart League with home matches being played every other Thursday at AYMA.
AYF Badanegan Mioutian get-togethers take place on Saturday at 3:30 pm at AYMA. Contact Vartoog Karageulian on 24-659245.
Practices of the "Sipan" Dance Group of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association of Cyprus for the Musical Performance of Toumanyian "Famous Children's Stories" take place as follows: Every Friday and Sunday at 5:30 pm and every Saturday at 4:30 pm
AYMA/HMEM Chicco Football practices take place every Friday from 7:00 - 8:30 pm for children starting from the age of 7. Contact Krikor Mahdessian on 99650897.
AYMA/HMEM Table Tennis practices take place every Saturday from 5:30 pm under the guidance of ex-Cyprus Champion Sirvart Costanian. Classes for all ages.
AYF meetings every Wednesday at 9:00 pm at AYMA.
AYMA/HMEM Football team practices are now taking place every Tuesday at 9:00 pm and every Thursday at 7:30 pm.
For more details of the next Bible Study Class organised by the Armenian Prelature at the Vahram Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature call Father Momik Habeshian direct on 99 307966 or at the Prelature Office on 22 493560 email
Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via real audio on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time (14:00-15:00 GMT)
The Armenian Prelature announces that the next permit for the Armenian Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is on Sunday February 27
Every Wednesday from 7-8 pm (Cyprus time + 2 GMT) on CyBC's Trito, Puzant Nadjarian presents the "History of the Blue". Internet edition on


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