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06 05 18 - Brussels warns Turkey to step up reforms
Hurriyet- English
18 Mayýs 2006

Turkey has been warned by Brussels that it will suspend EU membership talks unless it steps up the reform process to meet with European standards. European capitals are concerned over Turkey's reforms of human rights and democracy with the growing nationalism that has been seen since the historic entry talks in October last year.
Olli Rehn, the Enlargement Commissioner, said: “It is necessary that the Turkish Government takes immediate action to restart the momentum of the reforms in the country,” otherwise there could be a “train crash” in membership talks. “That is the best and only way to avoid a recess later on this year in the negotiations between the EU and Turkey,” he said.

The EU’s first and most pressing requirement is that Turkey opens its ports and airports to planes and boats from Cyprus. This has been a stumbling block with the EU.

Issues such as the recent French demands that human rights must be considered throughout the talks rather than at the end.

Fears that Islamic headscarves, robes or beards may not be worn in state-run buildings, including universities, parliament and public offices are all issues that critics of Turkey have said are not supporting human rights.
There are many pressing issues say the critics that will need to be solved, which will go some way to resolving the air of suspicion in Turkey.


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