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The largest circulation Armenian e-magazine
Established in 1999, circulates every Wednesday

Gibrahayer - Nicosia 27 April 2006.
With marches, gatherings and vigils Armenians in Cyprus joined the world condemnation of an unpunished crime against humanity, the first Genocide of the 20th Century. The Cyprus government and political parties joined their Armenian countrymen, in condemning and demanding from Turkey to recognise the reality of the Armenian Genocide.
The President of the House of Representatives Mr. Demetris Christofias and Minister of Education and Culture Pefkios Georgiades, as well as representatives of every political party in Cyprus attended the April 24 Commemoration of the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
To view the events click on the following link:

The Armenian Prelature of Cyprus condemned the Azad Dzayn publication of last week that has accused the Temagan Joghov for "losing a golden opportunity".
This is the English translation of announcement of the Armenian Prelature titled "In search of the truth" which you can also read it in Armenian by clicking here.

The Armenian Prelature further stresses that regarding the editorial note appearing on, it wishes to make the following clarification:
The Armenian Prelacy wishes to clarify that it would have gone ahead with publicising the project regarding the restoration of Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in occupied Nicosia once all details related to the project were finalised and incorporated in an official document. Included in the document would be
- Report of experts regarding the nature and extent of consolidation work on the Church
- Estimated cost of project
- the contribution of the Prelacy towards the total cost of the project.

Recently, we have read articles in the local press, some bearing signatures others not, that stir up once again, the issue of the Armenian cemetery near the Ledra Palace Hotel and those of the St Magar monastery and the Armenian church of the Virgin Mary in occupied north Cyprus.
In one of those articles (Cyprus Mail, 24 February 2006) we read with astonishment the statement of Mr Kudret Akay, adviser to the "Foreign Ministry" in the North that "we have contacts with the Armenian community in Cyprus and are considering allowing them to use the monastery on religious days."
In the light of this article, the Armenian Prelacy of Cyprus sent out a circular to the Cyprus press explaining that the Armenian Church of Cyprus, lawful owner and custodian of the Monastery, had never been involved in any consultations with the Turkish side nor had the Turkish side ever contacted the Armenian Prelacy. The circular went on to counsel all parties not to get involved in initiatives without prior consultation with the Armenian Prelacy so as not to create difficulties for the Prelacy in its efforts over this matter.
To our greater astonishment, the March 2006 issue of "Azad Tsayn" carried an article on its first page with the banner headline of "incomprehensible negligence", an article written with obvious ulterior motives and with insinuations that force us to break our silence in order to present the facts and establish the truth.
Over the last few years the Armenian Church of Cyprus has been in continuous contact with the UN, UNOPS and UNDP, cultivating cordial ties with many high ranking officers of these organisations, presenting to them and discussing with them many of the problems faced by the Armenian Church of Cyprus. The repair work on the walls of the Ayios Dometios cemetery, as well as the general cleaning up and tree planting at the same cemetery under the Cypress Tree Project of UNOPS in the Summer of 2005 was the first tangible result to come out of this cooperation.
On the 1st of February 2006, Mr Andrew Russell, Programme Manager of the UNDP in Cyprus, accompanied by his assistants, visited the Armenian Prelacy and presented to us the new programme of the UNDP-ACT for Cultural Heritage Preservation that includes preservation of historical sites, sacred places or monuments in the occupied North of Cyprus. Mr Russell expressed the view that this was an ideal opportunity to go ahead with consolidation work on the Church of the Virgin Mary about the fate of which we had expressed our anxiety at previous meetings. Mr Russell also mentioned that the programme envisaged a 25% participation by the applicants towards the total cost of any project. We raised the issue of the examination of the structure of the Church by experts and the preparation of a report on the necessary repair work required and an estimate of costs. Mr Russell informed us that an expert from Venice would be invited for this purpose and that Armenian architects could also have an input in this direction. We also raised the issue of the fate and status of the Church after repairs but Mr Russell would not be drawn into conjectures. We finally presented the financial difficulties of the Armenian Church of Cyprus and asked for the waiving of the 25% participation clause.
Before his departure Mr Russell also left us a copy of "Call for Proposals - Grants for the Cultural Heritage Preservation" for our records. The "Call for Proposals" can be downloaded from the site . This "Call for Proposals" happens to be the same document that Dr Atamyan presented to the Diocesan Council of the Armenian Church at its meeting of the 15th of February 2006. At this meeting Archbishop Varoujan informed those present that a copy of the document was already in his possession and explained that projects undertaken by us within the framework of this programme were expected to foster long term cooperation across the Green Line i.e. had to be projects in the occupied areas. The Armenian Church of Cyprus had already expressed its views to the Programme Manager of UNDP-ACT and was looking forward to his reply.
With his letter of the 27th of February addressed to Archbishop Herkelian, Mr Russell confirms the agreement to support the consolidation of the Armenian Church of the Virgin Mary within the wider framework of the activities of UNDP-ACT.
Enough said about the "lost golden opportunity" of "Azad Tsayn".
As for the old cemetery near the Ledra Palace Hotel, the task of drawing up the plans for its restoration was given to the 4arc+ architects office which has over the last months been working on the project.
With their letter of the 30th March 2006, the 4arc+ architects inform us that the drawing up of the plans has been completed and has been presented to the Municipality of Nicosia for approval. After approval the process moves on to tendering and then work should start on the site.
The Prelacy would have come out with an official announcement after the completion of all preliminary work.
We have often said and we repeat, the doors of the Prelacy are open to all, at all times and yet we have not received a single request from the local press and in particular from "Azad Tsayn" to inform them on any of the above mentioned subjects.
It is for this reason that we consider the mud slinging and misinformation in "Azad Tsayn" deplorable and dishonest, wrong and unacceptable. We understand the haste shown by "Azad Tsayn". We can read the deceitfulness and untruthfulness hidden between the lines and the machinations concealed there.
It is well worth reminding everyone that the Diocesan Council of the Armenian Church is not made up of individuals from one club or one side. This gives us reason to surmise that the article targets the Church in general and pursues wider interests. This is the reason for this response.
The Armenian Church has never sought and does not seek confrontation. We would like to record however the fact that there are some individuals sheltering behind "Azad Tsayn" who for their own and varied reasons keep hacking away stubbornly at the Armenian Church without realising that their actions are aimed at the Institution which forms the backbone of all communities in the Armenian diaspora. We would like to remind these people that all our enemies have targeted the Armenian Church but it remains and will remain firm and sturdy in its continued mission of serving the people.
tatiana's corner by Tatiana Ferahian

GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

news in brief
The armed forces of Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR) held three-day military games that started on April 18. MKR Defence Ministry spokesman Senor Hasratyan said that "The measure aims at improving the combat readiness of Armenian forces of Nagorno-Karabagh and coordinating their work during defence and counterattack operations."
The US is considering setting up three naval bases in Turkey, a Turkish newspaper reported on Monday. Cumhuriyet said the bases would have the same legal status as the American-Turkish Air Force base at Incirlik, where the presence of Turkish representatives is mandated and all activities must be coordinated with the local authorities.
One of the few women members of Armenian Parliament, Alvart Petrosian from ARF Dashnaktsoutiun said that Armenia must demand democracy in order to boost the role of women in the country's political life. Armenian women are grossly underrepresented in government. Armenia has no female government ministers and only six out of 131 members of its parliament are women.
On Thursday 4 May, one hour, two minutes and three seconds after midnight, the time and date will look like this: 01:02:03 04/05/06 . This will not happen again for the next 100 years!
The Hamazkayin Armenian Cultural and Educational Associations held the 5th World Congress April 13-15 in Lebanon, with participants from the Middle East, Europe, North and South America, Australia, and Armenia. The Cyprus Oshakan Chapter was represented to the 5th World Congress by Effi Mahdessian who was elected at an extraordinary general meeting a month earlier in Nicosia. Also attending the meeting was Chairman of the Hamazkayin Cyprus region Arto Tavitian.
French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy expressed his indignation Wednesday at the desecration of the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Lyon. The memorial, which is to be unveiled on April 24, was vandalised Monday with revisionist inscriptions that read, "There was no genocide." Sarkozy called the incident "unacceptable" and said that its authors "must be severely punished by the justice of our country."
In order to commemorate the Armenian genocide, hundreds of Armenians gathered in Athens-Greece Saturday morning to demonstrate in front of the Turkish Embassy. The peaceful gathering was broken up by police officers who used batons to disperse the demonstrators. The demonstrators attempted to submit a memorandum to the Embassy, but Turkish diplomats refused to take it. The following day, a wreath honouring the victims of the Genocide was placed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the central square of Syntagma. Community members, Armenian Embassy staff, and Greek political figures were present at the event.
More global April 24 events at

your emails click here for all emails
Dear Readers,
May 21 is a very important date for the Armenian Cypriots. It will shape our future. It will shape the future of our children and grandchildren. It will shape the future of our schools and much more. It is, basically, a make or break date for our community. And in order to start shaping our future correctly, everything starts by electing the correct candidate. In my opinion, a representative of a community should have all or most of the below mentioned points:
to read the rest of the email as well as all emails, click on:
Emails to the Editor - click here |Interview of the week here |Articles by Professor Hovhannes Pilikian here |Tennis Champ Zaruhi Harutyunyan. How YOU can help here |Artsagang issue click here

Avedis Aharonian, known in Armenian literature as the "Singer of Armenian pain", was also a political activist and represented the First Republic of Armenia in the Peace Talks following World War I. He signed the Treaty of Sevres on behalf of the Republic of Armenia.
Aharonian suffered a stroke in 1934 while delivering a speech to the Armenian community in Marseilles, France. The stroke caused him loss of most of his abilities, including the ability to speak and write. The famous writer lived in that state for 14 years and he passed away on April 20, 1948.
The funeral procession of Avedis Aharonian was filmed. On the 58-th anniversary of Avedis Aharonian's passing away, the Hairenik Association converted the film into digital media. The 10 minutes film is available on the Hairenik Online TV's web site. To watch the clip, visit

recommended sites
Kemal Ataturk Admits Reality of the Armenian Genocide in a 1926 Interview"

Edmond Aynedjian and Yiannos Kouyoumdjian lost to the seed two and one respectively at the Annual Development Tournament last week that was organised by the Cyprus Tennis Federation and took place at The National Tennis Center in Nicosia.
Zaruhi Hatutyunyan has made it to her second straight finals at Nottingham and this week she is being tried out by ex Wimbledon winners Jo Durie and Ann Jones. She travels to two tournaments to Turkey in May. Read her section further down.

latest on Zaruhi Harutyunyan

London - Saturday 22 April - 15 year old Zaruhi Harutyunyan and her partner Polina Dzyuba of Russia, made it to their second straight doubles final in Nottingham, after winning the Sutton ITF last week.
In the singles, Zaruhi made it to the quarter finals losing to fourth seed Amanda Elliot 6-3, 3-6, 3-6 in a match that could have gone either way.
This week, by special arrangement of Londonahay tennis enthusiast Dick Bedrossian, Zaruhi is being taken to Hazelwood to meet Alan Jones' assistants Jo Durie and Ann Jones, both of whom are ex Wimbledon winners. Alan Jones is seeing her this Friday.
After that, Zaruhi Harutyunyan travels to Bolis - Turkey for two hard court ITF tournaments. The first from 15-20 May at the Enka Sports Club and the second at the TED ITF from 22-27 May, 2006.
For Armenia's star Zaruhi Harutyunyan to become eligible for Grand Slam tournaments (Wimbledon and the French) she needs to play tournaments (such as the ones in London and Bolis) and win valuable points. To travel the tournaments she needs funds. We are hoping our readers will do just that by sending their valuable contribution to the following address.
Laiki Bank Strovolos Industrial Area, Stavrou 96 I, 2034, Strovolos
Account Number 101-08-037631 for Zaruhi Harutyunyan under guardian Simon Aynedjian. International transfers at IBAN CY30 0030 0101 0000 0101 0803 7631 - Swift Code address LIKICY2N
gibrahayer calendar
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineSunday 30 April, 2006 - Vartkes and Maggie Mahdessian invite the ladies of our community to a Tea Party at the Hilton Park in Nicosia at 4:30 - 6:30 pm. All ladies are welcome.
Sunday 7 May, 2006 - Feast of Sourp Magar Monastery and traditional Herissa Blessing at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church. Badarak starts at 9:30 am. Details to follow.
Sunday 7 May, 2006 - Campaign gathering organised by the Election Committee of independent candidate Vartkes Mahdessian at The Cyprus International Conference Center at 8:00 pm. Main Speaker will be Vartkes Mahdessian who will also answer to questions addressed by the audience. The program will include a surprise. Cocktail reception will follow.
Sunday 14 May, 2006 - Community Luncheon. Details to follow.
Sunday 21 May, 2006 - Cyprus Parliamentary Elections. Parallel to the general election Armenians will elect their new representative for the next five years.
Sunday 16-30 July, 2006 - Hamazkayin Forum - Yerevan - Armenia. All youth who want to participate from Cyprus, please contact Raffi Mahdessian on 99-441588.


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