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Iniziativa Culturale:



06 03 07 - The coward assassination of the parents of president of Kurdish Institute of Brussels
Jean Eckian-
Kurdish Question
The coward assassination of the parents of president of Kurdish Institute of Brussels
The organizations signatories have just learned with sadness the coward assassination of the parents of president from the Kurdish Institute of Brussels Mr. Derwich Ferho by the occult forces from Turkish State. Mr. Ferho Akgül, 85 years, and Mrs. Fatim
Akgül, 80 years, were wildly killed on March 2, 2006 in their Mizizah village, close to Mardin, in Kurdistan of Turkey.

The two wire of the old couple, Mr. Derwich Ferho like Medeni Akgül, writer, political exiled in Belgium. According to the information disseminated by the Kurdish Institute of Brussels, the parents of its
president received threats since more than one month so that their sons cease their "anti-Turkish activities abroad".

With this occasion, we make a point of recalling to the Belgian opinion that the Kurdish Institute of Brussels east one of the targets of the terror of the Turkish State since years. November 17, 1998, the
ultra Gray Wolves nationalist, supported and protected by the Embassy from Turkey, had attacked and set fire to the room of the institute in
front of the eyes of the police force... The criminals always remain in the most total impunity in spite of the fact that they are easily identifiable on films of topicality passed by several Turkish and
Belgian chains of television.

The organizations signatories, partners of the Kurdish Institute of Brussels in the fight for a true democratization in Turkey, protest this new odious crime of the Turkish State and invite all the
democratic forces in Belgium to testify their sympathy to the Ferho family and to be solidarized with the Kurdish Institute of Brussels.

Association of the democratic Armenians of Belgium
Associations of the Assyrians of Belgium Euro-Armenian Federation Foundation Info-Türk

Correspondence: mall-to: foundation@info-turk
Tel.: 32-2-215 3576,
Fax: 32-2-215 58 60


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