Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:



2004 2009 Session document 14.2.2006
with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law pursuant to Rule 115 of the Rules of Procedure by on behalf of on cultural heritage in Azerbaijan

The European Parliament,

61485; having regard to its resolutions of 9 June 2005 and 27 October 2005 on Azerbaijan ,
 having regard to its resolution of 18 January 2005 on the European Neighbourhood policy,
 having regard to its previous resolutions on South Caucasus and especially its resolution adopted on 11 March 1999 and its recommendation adopted on 26 February 2004 ,
 having regard to the decision taken by the Council on the 14 June 2004 to include Azerbaijan in the framework of the European Neighbourhood policy, in particular for the purpose of fostering good-neighbourly relations, especially through respect for minorities,
 having regard to the obligations of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe, especially through the European Cultural Convention, the revised European Convention for the protection of archeological heritage, and the Framework Convention for the protection of national minorities, that it has ratified and committed to respect, having regard to the UNESCO 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its 1954 Protocol, to which both Armenia and Azerbaijan are party, as applicable to occupied territories, having regard to the 2003 UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage whereby the international community recognizes the importance of the protection of cultural heritage and reaffirms its commitment to fight against its intentional destruction in any form so that such cultural heritage may be transmitted to the succeeding generations, having regard to the report of ICOMOS and the intermediary report on freedom of worship and religion made by the UN Committee for Human Rights , having regard to rule 115, paragraph 5, of its Rules of Procedure,

A. Whereas allegations have been made by Armenia that campaigns to destroy the Armenian cemetery of Djulfa in the region of Nakhichevan, were carried out by Azerbaijani forces in November 1998 and December 2002;
B. Whereas numerous reactions were issued following these actions by the international community; whereas Azerbaijan has been unwilling to provide answers to inquiries from Mr Abdelfattah Amor, the former special rapporteur of the United Nations (WILL BE CHECKED);
C. Whereas serious allegations have been raised about the involvement of the Azeri authorities in the destruction of these monuments;
D. Underlining the exceptional nature of this archeological site, which still had 6000 “khatchkars”remaining – crosses carved in stone typical from the Armenian religious art – and which testifies to the ethnic and cultural diversity of the region;
E. Whereas the destruction or desecration of any monuments or objects of cultural, religious or national heritage infringes the principles of the European Union;
F. Considérant que cette destruction intervient dans le contexte du conflit gelé entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan sur le territoire du Haut Karabagh ;
G. Considérant que le conflit sur le Haut Karabagh a déjà amené directement ou indirectement à des destructions par les forces armeniennes de nombre d'éléments précieux du patrimoine culturel, religieux et historique azerbaidjanais dans les territoires occupés et du Haut-Karabagh ainsi que sur le territoire arménien,
H. Considérant que les négociations sur le Haut Karabagh pourraient connaître prochainement une issue favorable et qu'un accord sur les principes du règlement du conflit pourrait être trouvé malgré l'absence de résultats de la rencontre de Rambouillet entre les présidents de l'Arménie et de l'Azerbaïdjan le 10 et 11 février 2006,
I. Recalling that the European Neighbourhood Policy aims to establish a privileged partnership with Azerbaijan and Armenia on the basis of common values, including respect of minorities and their cultural heritage;
Condemns strongly the destruction of the cemetery of Djulfa as well as the destruction of all sites of historical importance that has taken place on Armenian or Azerbaijani territory, and condemns any such action that seeks to destroy the cultural heritage of a people;
Calls on the Council and the Commission to make clear to Armenia and Azerbaijan that all efforts must be made so as to stop the practice of ethnic cleansing which has led to such actions and find ways so as to facilitate gradually the return of refugees and displaced people;
Demands that Azerbaijan and Armenia respect their international commitments - notably in the cultural realm - and especially those deriving from its accession to the Council of Europe and its integration into the European Neighbourhood Policy;
Stresses that the respect for minority rights including the historical, religious and cultural heritage is conditional to the genuine and effective development of the European Neighbourhood Policy which must lead also to the establishment of good-neighbourly relations between all the countries concerned;
Demands that Azerbaijan allows missions dedicated to survey and to protect the archeological heritage on its territory, especially Armenian heritage, such as by experts working with ICOMOS, and also allows an European Parliament Delegation to visit the archaeological site of Djulfa;
Appelle l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan à respecter leurs engagements internationaux, en particulier dans le domaine culturel et de conservation du patrimoine, pris dans le cadre de leur participation aux instances internationales comme l'UNESCO, le Conseil de l'Europe, et les appelle à tout mettre en oeuvre pour protéger l'héritage archéologique, historique et culturel présent sur leur territoire in order to prevent the destruction of other endangered sites;
7. Invite la Commission européenne et le Conseil à intégrer une clause sur la protection des sites archéologiques ou historiques précieux de ces territoires dans les Plans d'Action actuellement en cours de discussion dans le cadre de la Politique Européenne de Voisinage;
8. Invites the Commission and the Council to condition the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy action plans on Azerbaijan's and Armenia's respect for universally accepted principles, in particular their obligations as a member of the Council of Europe, regarding human and minority rights, and calls on the Commission and on the Council to integrate into these action plan specific provisions on the protection of the cultural heritage of minorities;
9. Instructs its president to transmit this resolution to the Council, to the Commission, to the national parliaments and governments of the member states, to the Government and to the President of Armenia, to the Government and to the President of Azerbaijan, as well as to the parliamentary assemblies of OSCE, of the Council of Europe, to the Director General of UNESCO and to the Secretary General of the United Nations.


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