Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:



06 02 09 - apello di Jean Eckian per il reiconoscimento gel genocidio
gli Armeni del Galles li chiamano aiuto per il riconoscimento pubblico del
genocidio dei Armeni. Scrivere al primo ministro Rhodri Morgan
<> Grazie, Jean Eckian

Contact: E. Williams Cardiff, Wales

Tel: 07870267447

Wales-Armenia Solidarity

Uk government recognises the Armenian Genocide by the "back-door"

For the first time ever, an UK government web-site has referred to the
"Armenian Genocide" and "Armenian Holocaust" This was in the official
Holocaust Memorial Day web-site, with reference to the Commemmoration in
Cardiff, Wales of the Commemmoration of the Armenian and Jewish Holocausts
at the Temple of Peace, Cardiff on 26th January. Taking part was the First
Minister if the National Assembly of Wales, Rhodri Morgan. This might be the
way of testing the water by the British government, who are fearful of
debating the matter in full view of the media, but are hoping for a gradual
softening by the Turks on the issue. It seems that they are happily allowing
Wales to take the moral lead, seeing what the Turkish response will be.
During the meeting,Jenny Randerson, a senior figure in the Welsh Liberal
Democrats and a former minister in the Assembly government conveyed that she
was astonished at the sustained pressure to which she was subjected since
speaking out on the Genocide issue in 2001.We are proud that she has not
wavered once in her support. We can assume that those in the pay of Turkish
authorities are putting similar pressure on our prime minister Rhodri
Morgan. We call on Armenians world-wide to send messages of support for the
Recognition of the Genocide by the National Assembly for Wales to and to counter
this menace.


Il sito è curato dall'Arch. Vahé Vartanian e dal Dott. Enzo Mainardi;
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