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051212 - Robert Fisk as interviewed by David Barsamian

Inside the Crusader Fortress
The Spokesman no.88

Edited by Ken Coates

I. The Writing on the Wall II. Iranian Ghosts
Ken Coates

Inside the Crusader Fortress - Robert Fisk

Preventive Attack - Phil Shiner

My Father’s Funeral - Dario Fo

Genocide - Khatchatur I. Pilikian

A Letter - Kurt Vonnegut

Neoliberalism and Poverty - François Houtart

Regime Change 1952-3 - Donald N. Wilber

Aiding Proliferation - Tony Simpson

“It looks beautiful from the outside. A Crusader castle is lovely. But when you’re inside and its cold and damp and you can’t see out, you just have to peer through these loopholes, arrow slits…I could only see a mosque and a little bit of the river. That’s all. And that’s all the crusaders saw of the land they were occupying. And that’s now happening to the Americans in Iraq. They sit in this little Green Zone, which is where the Republican Palace was, where the American and British embassies are and where all the American-appointed Iraqis are, surrounded by palisades of pre-pressed concrete, the nearest we’ve got to the Crusader castle. And they peer out through the machine gun openings and they see a street outside. That is Baghdad. That is there connection with the land they occupy. And all these new positions, Kandahar airport in Afghanistan, the huge American base outside Falluja, the Green Zone inside Baghdad, are massive Crusader compounds…”
Robert Fisk as interviewed by David Barsamian

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