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051110 - Pan-Turanianism Takes Aim at Azerbaijan: A Geopolitical Agenda
Pan-Turanianism Takes Aim at Azerbaijan: A gopolitical Agenda

The situation is all the more dangerous now, given the disastrous anti-Israel speech by the Iranian leadership in Tehran. Truly "fuel for the fire". That speech is a godsend to pan-Turan separatists like Rahim Shahbazi.

The recent Ahmadinejad speech is detracting attention from the disasterous AEI meeting hosted by anti-Iran "scholar" Michael Ledeen. Ledeen's platform is one of many that provides pan-Turanian Azeri separatists such as Rahim Shahbazi, to spew non-sense narratives such as the "presence of Turks in Azerbaijan for 7000 years" and other such claims (see Part II of the on-line book). Pan-Turan ideology is discussed in Part I of the book, and Part II discusses how a false "history" has been invented for Azerbaiajn.

Thanks to the anti-Iranian nature of the panel, and Iranian ignorance regarding Iran's pre-Islamic past, people like Shahbazi can act as pan-Turanian Prima Donnas.

The on-line book will fully expose the fraudulent basis of Pan-Turanian claims and who these so-called activists (including the Kurdish and Ahwazi seperatists) are. These are discussed in the Part VI of the book as well.

The book also focuses on the virtually unknown Bernard Lewis Plan and the geopolitical agendas (Part VI of the book). You may wish to start with Part VI first, before reading the book from its outset. This is because Part VI reveals information that will greatly surprise you - esp. regarding the pan-Turanian separatist agenda against Iran.

Preparation of this book has taken a few years, so please be patient as you read this - try and read it in chunks. There are close to 200 pictures in the book as well (some will be shocking indeed). There are many details that I hope you will read carefully.

Pan-Turanian ideology has spent a lot of time and resources to prepare for Iran's destruction. Shahbazi now talks of Iran's "Balkanization". Make no mistake - he is a Grey Wolf (Turkish racist party) pan-Turan racialist. The man is on record for the use of profane language against Iranians and Armenians. His powerful backers (e.g Ledeen) and handsome funding allow Shabazi to engage in widespread intellectual flatullence.Â

But this is what you must take notice - as you see in the attachment below, Shahbazi's argument is not with current regime in Tehran - he is against Iran and Persian culture itself. He is one of the Chehreganli-school hate-mongers who insists on viewing issues in racial (Persian vs. Azeri) terms. The recent Ahmadinejad speech is lamentable, however that must not detract us form witnessing the fruition of a long-term plan to "Balkanize" Iran.

There are many parallels with Yugoslavia in the late 20th century. Foreign sponsorship of seperatism as well as inept political leadership in Belgrade (recall Slobodan Milosevic) destroyed that nation. Iranians need to wake up to what is happening. It is up to the people of Iran now to save their nation from destruction and senseless violence.

Please forward this on-line book to as many people and associations, esp. Azeri ones as much as possible. I already have sent these to many Azeris, I only ask that we all work together.

To Unity, Understanding, Peace and the Preservation of Persia
Dr. Kaveh Farrokh
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Greetings to Ruth Matthee & ASPS Members,
It was suggested to me to forward the following information to your group. I have humbly posted my upcoming book (originally intended for publication) for free and unrestricted on-line public access. The link is:


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