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12Sett 2016 _Corsi di armeno occidentale presso la Fondazione Hrant Dink
Corsi di armeno occidentale presso la Fondazione Hrant Dink
La stagione autunnale dei corsi di armeno occidentale organizzati dalle Fondazioni Hrant Dink e Gulbenkian, si svolgerà a Istanbul dal 26 settembre al 22 novembre presso la Fondazione Hrant Dink.

L’insegnamento, condotto da Sevan Teirmenciyan, è suddiviso in due livelli.
Sono previsti tre incontri settimanali di 3 ore ciascuno, con un numero complessivo di 75 ore di lezioni nell’arco di due mesi.
Per iscriversi, si prega di compilare il modulo d'iscrizione, pubblicato sul sito della Fondazione Hrant Dink e versare sull'apposito c/c bancario la quota di partecipazione (TRY 750).

Per maggiori dettagli potete visitare il sito:


Western Armenian Language and Culture Summer Program completed

Hrant Dink Foundation’s Summer Program on Western Armenian Language and Culture was held in Istanbul for the first time from 11th of July to 12th of August 2016, in collaboration with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

In three proficiency levels, 18 participants of the language courses have received education between 10:00 to 13:00 every weekday. The courses by three instructors Sarin Akbas, Sevan Degirmenciyan and Nareg Seferian allowed all beginner level participants to read and listen Western Armenian while the intermediate level participants had the opportunity to improve their language skills.

In the afternoons, the seminars on Armenian Culture were held from Monday to Thursday. In these seminars, participants had the chance to attend variety of lectures from diverse fields who were thought by experts such as; Melisa Bilal, Ohannes Kılıçdağı, Zakarya Mildanoğlu, Silva Kuyumciyan, Eric Nazarian, Karin Karakaşlı, Murat Cankara, Silva Özyerli, Mehmet Fatih Uslu and Elmon Hançer, on topics such as Armenian history, culture, literature, Armenian community of Istanbul, Armenian politics. Additionally, they had the chance to experience different aspects of Armenian culture with gastro workshops and cultural trips.

Asso Armeni

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