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3 _Aprile2016: Omar Khayyam statue Unveiled at Oklahoma University on April 2, 2016
Home / Arts & Aesthetics / Omar Khayyam statue unveiled at Oklahoma University
Omar Khayyam statue Unveiled at Oklahoma University on April 2, 2016 | 8:26:06
A marble statue of Omar Khayyam, the 11th century Persian polymath, was unveiled in Oklahoma University (OU), US, on March 30
Carved by the famed sculptor Hossein Fakhimi, the sculpture is placed in front of the College of
International Studies, IRNA reported
President of the OU David Boren appreciated the work and said that Iran’s culture and civilization has inspired the entire world for centuries
“This statue will stand on our campus for years and decades and hopefully centuries to come as a reminder to us of the role that a university is to play in society,” he said. “The role that a university should play in broadening our horizons and in deepening our understanding of other people and in building bridges between people of different countries and different societies”.
In the two-meter tall sculpture, Khayyam is depicted with a globe that contains constellations, representing his contributions to astronomy; numbers, representing his developments in binomial theorems and algebra; and a book representing his famous poetry

The statue of Omar Khayyam, the 11th century Persian polymath, was unveiled in Oklahoma University (OU), US, on March 30

Omar Khayyam (1048-1031) was born in Nishabur, in northeastern Iran. He was a Persian poet, astronomer, philosopher, scientist, and mathematician
Scholars believe he wrote about 1,000 four-line verses of poetry known as Rubaiyat, which have been translated into dozens of languages
Fakhimi, 71, holds a PhD in drawing from Complutense University of Madrid. He also got a license in sculpture from the Spanish master sculptor Juan de Avalos. He has made several sculptures so far and earned awards in the country
Boren also appreciated the Farzaneh brothers, Jalal and Mohammad, Iranians residing in the US, for their financial supports for the event as well as development of the Persian Language and Iranology studies in OU
He expressed hope that more American students would learn the Persian language and literature.

_Khayyam Statue
Omar Khayyam statue erected in Oklahoma University (OU), US

Center for Iranian Studies

According to a statement from OU, the University of Oklahoma will establish a Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies thanks to a $4 million grant from the Farzaneh Family Foundation.
“It is believed to be the largest gift in the university’s history from those who came to OU as international students,” Boren said
The center will provide opportunities for students to develop a better cultural understanding, appreciation and awareness of the US, Iran and the Middle East. It will include an academic major in Iranian and Persian Gulf studies
The grant will help fund scholarships for Iranian students and for students studying Persian language, three endowed professorships, an endowed lectureship, and a prize for Iranian literature. It will also establish a Persian artwork fund and an endowed Persian book collection.


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