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Australia’s largest state recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh
Il Parlamento di New South Wales, Il più grande stato dell'Australia, riconosce l'indipendenza della Repubblica di Karabagh grazie all'intenso impegno del Comitato Nazionale Armeno dell' mozione è stata presentata dall'On. Maria Ficara da molto tempo sostenitrice della causa armena.
La mozione, adottata all'unanimità, riconosce il 20 anniversario dell'indipendenza della Repubblica di Karabagh, difende il diritto all'autodeterminazione del suo popolo e "fa appello al Governo di Commonwealth dell'Australia a riconoscere ufficialmente l'indipendenza della Repubblica di Nagorno- Karabagh e rafforzare le relazioni dell'Australia con Nagorno-Karabagh e i suoi cittadini"...............
Australia’s largest state recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh
09:31 • 25.10.12
The Legislative Council of the New South Wales Parliament adopted a resolution recognising the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and the right to self-determination of its Armenian people, who declared independence from an oppressive Azerbaijan 20 years ago.

The motion, which was unanimously adopted on Thursday 25thOctober, comes after many months of advocacy from the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia). It was introduced to the Chamber by the Hon. Marie Ficarra MLC, who was been a long-standing supporter of Armenian issues, the Committee says in a media release.

The motion acknowledges the 20th anniversary of independence for the Republic of Nagorno- Karabakh, it supports the right to self-determination of its people, and it “calls on the Commonwealth Government [of Australia] to officially recognise the independence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and strengthen Australia's relationship with the Nagorno-Karabakh and its citizens”.

ANC Australia Executive Director Vache Kahramanian and with Communications Director Haig Kayserian were present in the Gallery to witness the successful passage of this historic motion.

“Nagorno-Karabakh has been at the forefront of ANC Australia’s recent activities. Today’s result is a victory for all those who continue to remain oppressed under brutal regimes,” Kahramanian remarked.

“The NSW Parliament has always been, and continues to be, a beacon of hope in upholding human rights. We thank all members of the Legislative Council for taking a stance to uphold the basic human right to self-determination. In particular we thank Marie Ficarra for her courageous stance.”


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