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The compassionate, the merciful Captain Shahbazi's international campaign and his statement
Clic for vot >>> PETITION • Now we have the translation in german and enlish . you can forward for evry body and your freids
• Ora abbiamo in versione Tedesco , inglese e farsi per divulgare agli agli amici vostri ovunque , è una battaglia di civilta e equità contro il mercato nero dei prodotti favorendo il mecato nero dei trafficanti ; in questo caso la vita dei passeggeri aerei,iraniani e stranieri che lavorano in Iran ;
In the Name of God
The compassionate, the merciful Captain Shahbazi's international campaign and his statement
in condemnation of sanctions imposed upon the sale of civilian aircraft to Iran,
Extending the best regards and wishes to you all – philanthropists, human right organisations and proud compatriots in Iran and around the world, especially advocates and supporters of Captain Shahbazi
We invite all of you to join Captain Shahbazi in his campaign against the unilateral sanctions imposed on the sale of civilian aircraft and spare parts to Iran.
Please join him in condemning biased statements and actions taken by some Western governments by leaving your signature on this petition which isaimed at lifting all such sanctions.
Numerous air crashes in Iran have resulted from mechanical failure and a shortage of essential spare parts.
Numerous innocent people have lost their lives though they had nothing to do with politics.
Numerous families have fallen victim to politics unwillingly and Numerous Iranians are still mourning their loved ones who died in such crashes.
With the hope of a happy ending to these bitter days,we hereby sincerely call on people around the world to support us lift these unfair sanctions placed on Iranian civil aviation, knowing that the Almighty will be always with right-seekers.
Let us hope humanity does not close its eyes.
Let us hope politics does not take more innocent lives.
Let us hope the empowered stop mistreating others.
Let us hope smiles return soon on the lips of innocent children and their worried parents by the lifting of these unfair sanction.
Aufruf eine weltweite Campaign
Zur Unterstützung der Aufhebung das Sanktionen gegen der Iran für den Verkauf von zivilen Flugzeugen und die Ersatzteile
Hiermit möchte ich mich aufrichtig alle Menschen der Welt aufzurufen, mit Ihren Unterzeichen für die Aufhebung der unfairen Sanktionen im Bereich zivilen Luftfahrt bzw. Passagierflugzeugen uns zu unterstützen und das Leben der Menschen retten.
Die Erschöpfung, verschleiß und Mangel an wesentlichen Teilen in den Passagier-Flugzeugen haben in die Weite des Himmels viele technische Probleme verursacht und viele unschuldige Menschen und viele Familien außerhalb der Politik waren die unerwünschten Opfer dieses unheimlichen Spiel der Weltpolitik und haben ihr Leben in den Luft-Katastrophen verloren.
Mit Ihren Unterzeichen unterstützen Sie uns und damit das Leben viele Menschen
Kapitän Houshang Shahbazi
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Il sito è curato dall'Arch. Vahé Vartanian e dal Dott. Enzo Mainardi;
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