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Prague - Today, in an interview with journalists from the French television France
Dec.23, 2011
Jean Eckian
Prague - Today, in an interview with journalists from the French television France
2, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, reacts to criticism of Ankara, said:
"France supremely defined policy. France does not require authorization.
France has convictions. The Human Rights. Respect to the memory. Ten years ago, France passed a law recognizing the Armenian genocide. 1.5 million
Armenians massacred.
The question in Parliament today, was to determine if
recognition of the genocide, was to involve those who doubt, may have to account. France has principles. It carries a message.
Each country must makethe effort to revisit his past. France not will give a lesson to person, butnFrance does not want to receive."

On thursday, december 22, France's National Assembly voted the first step towards passing a law criminalizing the Armenian genocide denial.


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Jean Eckian

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