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Save the ArQ - Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem
On Thursday evening, October 21st 2010, over 240 guests enthusiastically came to support Michael Aram and Save the ArQ at Tabula Tua in Chicago, IL. This was the second annual fundraiser for Save the ArQ and the evening was so successful thanks in part to Michael Aram—who personally engraved any of his stunning gift and tableware collections bought that evening; Carrie Nahabedian and Michael Nahabedian of NAHA restaurant—who donated and provided the incredible spread of Mediterranean-inspired appetizers, autumn drinks as well as their staff; and Grace Tsao-Wu—the owner of the upscale boutique, Tabula Tua, who initiated this meaningful event and gave ten percent of all Michael Aram purchases to Save the ArQ.

The highlight of the evening was auctioning Michael Aram’s original sculpture and masterpiece Perpetual Perseverance which Michael so graciously donated to Save the ArQ. The sculpture—Michael’s interpretation of the khacthkar—was open to all bidders globally through ebay; nonetheless, a Chicago Armenian had the highest bid. Michael gave a heartfelt speech explaining how his own personal feelings were so intricately intertwined in the making of this one-of-a-kind piece which was made in remembrance of all the Armenians who sadly perished and survived the Armenian Genocide. Michael further shed light on the significance—and urgent need—to support Save the ArQ as he says:

Preserving the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem is a responsibility for all of us who value our historic and cultural legacy. Working on Perpetual Perseverance and donating it for Save the ArQ’s fundraising efforts was a wonderful experience for me. In studying various old stone khatchkars and seeing wonderful examples of them in Armenia, I was able to interpret the art form in my own style; yet, full of the narrative and symbolism which comes directly from our artistic and cultural and past. Without safeguarding the Armenian Quarter’s great legacy, future generations of Armenians will not be able to reference and understand our great and ancient culture.

Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter is unquestionably the most significant area in the Armenian Diaspora. Armenians are the only people to have a Quarter in the Old City with the three great monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These Four Quarters, which make up the Old City of Jerusalem, is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and consists of a one-third square mile walled area with the Armenian Quarter encompassing one-sixth of this area.

Historically, Armenians have lived in Jerusalem unscathed, their antiquities have remained intact and the very reason why survivors of the 1915 Armenian Genocide traveled to this area seeking refuge. Once a thriving Armenian community with over 30,000 people; today, this area has vastly dwindled to fewer than 500 Armenians and cannot survive without the help of Diasporan Armenians.

As Chef Carrie Nahabedian of NAHA restaurant states,

I hope this is the start of many more fund raising events on raising the awareness of the Save the ArQ project to Armenians worldwide.

Save the ArQ is passionate about helping to sustain this community and promote the Armenian life which has existed in the Old City of Jerusalem for the last two millennia.
For further information or support, please go to the Save the ArQ website at: or contact Mary Hoogasian at:

CONTACT: Mary Hoogasian
November 7, 2010 -847-867-7430

Mary Hoogasian

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