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Los Angeles: Opening of Woodrow Wilson Legacy Foundation
Today, from 9:15 am (local time), will be inaugurated in the Los Angeles Marriott Downtown business complex, the offices of the Woodrow Wilson Legacy Foundation, named the 28th American president redefined the Armenian-Turkish border in 1920.

The foundation is to establish broad use of the philosophical, moral and ethical principles articulated by the Wilson presidency as tools to bring about a sustainable world peace.

It will be held under the auspices of many American personalities and of Armenian descent,
including its Chairman Donald Wilson Bush, a descendant of U.S. President Wilson; D. Randal Allen, Vice- President of Government Relations; Appo Jabarian , Vice-President of Institutional advancement and Mrs. Barbara Bush, wife of former U.S. President George Bush.

During his presidency, Woodrow Wilson redefined America’s partnership with the world.
September 29, 2010 marks the centennial of Wilson’s entrance into public life.
The Wednesday events proclaim that Wilson’s concerns for people of all nations still live in the hearts of many Americans.

It's Councilman of Los Angeles City, Dennis P. Zine, will present directors of the new foundation with a City proclamation and an official welcome. Mr. Donald Wilson Bush, of the 8th generation Woodrow Wilson family descendant will be present to receive the welcome.

Jean Eckian

Il sito è curato dall'Arch. Vahé Vartanian e dal Dott. Enzo Mainardi;
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