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AESA Solar Workshop Update- The Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America
The Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America (AESA) organized aSolar Energy Workshop on August 18, 2010. The workshop which was at Parsons corporate headquarters in Pasadena featured four prominent speakers who presented new advancements in the field of solar energy harnessing and usage as well as new government regulations and incentives. Attendees were welcomed at 7:30 p.m. with an open networking and discussion session, and lectures began at 8 p.m. Only 124 engineers and scientists from various backgrounds and ages were able to attend due to limitation of the space. We regret that some were not able to attend the workshop.

The first speaker on the panel was Dr. Peter Gevorkian, president of Vector Delta Design Inc., who presented the physics and basics of solar energy and how the natural chemicals and elements convert the solar energy from the sun to an electrical current and power. Following his presentation, Mr. Vahan Garboushian, president of Amonix Inc., discussed material on his research and study on optimization of solar energy and how to create more efficient solar panels to maximize benefits and resources.

AESA also invited Mr. Yamen Nanne to represent the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. His presentation touched on the basics of existing and forthcoming government initiatives at the federal, state,and local levels. The final panelist on the forum was Mr. Sevan Varteressian, president and CEO at California Green Designs. He discussed some of his projects involving commercial and residential installations and the mechanics of installing thermal and electrical panels to harness solar energy for everyday use. The event was concluded with questions and answers from the attendees.

Please visit AESA web site at Solar Energy Workshop
<> to watch recordings of the Solar Workshop presentations and Power Point slides.

AESA is a nonprofit technical organization that organizes different technical events and lectures as well as initiates technical projects and publishes technical books in Armenia. The next lecture organized by AESA will be about Cosmic Ray and Monitoring Station on Mt Aragast in Armenia on September 14th followed by October 12th lecture about
California High Speed Train.


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