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4 Marzo. 2010 - Swidish- Six out of Seven Swedish Parties for a Genocide Recognition
Press Release Stockholm, 4 March, 2010
Six out of Seven Swedish Parties for a Genocide Recognition However, the existing ruling Alliance cooperation hinders the governing parties to recognize the 1915 Genocide. That is the interpretation of therecommendation by the Swedish Foreign Affairs Committee to the Swedish Parliament regarding the recognition of the 1915 Genocide. The recommendation is almost a carbon copy of the old text back in the spring of 2008, when the Parliament, on obvious faulty grounds,
overwhelmingly declined recognition. Since that the Parliament has been provided with information, data regarding existing research, conventions in regard to genocide in general and the 1915 events in particular. One major difference is that the largest Swedish political party, the Social
Democrats have now reconsider their position and openly support a recognition. Thus, the opposition, consisting of the Social Democrats, the Left and the Greens have put forward a reservation forcing the issue to be brought to the Parliament for voting on March 11, 2010.

The highly noteworthy point in the Foreign Committee recommendation is the two special amendments made by The Liberals (fp), the Christian Democrats (kd) and the Center (c), pointing out more or less that they would recognize the genocide based on their previous or current conviction regarding the reality of the events constituting a genocide, but they refrain from doing
so "due to existing agreements with the Alliance during this mandate period". This means that all parties but the Moderat Party (to which Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt is a member of) are willing to recognize thegenocide.
In a joint press release sent to MPs and media, the Armenian,Assyrian/Syrian and Pontic organizations have pointed out the utterly contradicting nature of the recommendation. It is now also clear that thedeniers of recognition have run out of arguments and a possible rejection is thereby totally based on political motives disregarding the overwhelming irrefutable evidence at hand confirming the reality of the 1915 Genocide.
Judging from the arguments presented in the Foreign Committee's recommendation and the posture of the majority of the Alliance parties the voting on March 11 will be close one. Thus, there is still a chance that Sweden will recognize the Genocide prior to the elections in the fall 2010.

The Administration of An cooperation between Union of Armenian associations in Sweden Union of Assyrian Associations in Sweden Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association Evxinos Pontos Stockholm


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