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Appello delle comunità Armene al Presidente Obama.
English, French, Español
Friend and compatriot,
In all respects, April 24th 2009 will be one of the most important dates in the history of the Armenian people. In fact, great hope has been instilled since President Barak Obama’s promise to have the Armenian Genocide officially recognized. However, in spite of this, the President may opt for a cautious approach considering the strategy set forth by Turkey, which consists in preventing this stand, supposedly in order not to hinder the openness pursued with Armenia.

This is why it is of utmost importance to encourage the Whitehouse to issue its opinion on the Armenian Genocide on April 24th 2009.

You will find below a text to be cut and pasted into the Whitehouse’s “contact us” form:

Note: If you do not reside in the United States, you should nevertheless indicate your postal code [Zip Code] and the name of your country to validate your entry. Ex: 10179/Germany

Given the significance of the upcoming date, I hereby urge you to immediately disseminate this message to all your contacts and to the groups on Facebook dedicated to Armenians.

Please, translate the text of presentation to your contacts who do not understand English, French or Spanish.

Unite too >
Thank you.
Jean Eckian
Journalist free lance
Ami et compatriote,
Le 24 avril 2009 sera à tous égards l’une des plus importantes dates dans l’histoire du peuple arménien. En effet un grand espoir est né depuis la Promesse du Président Barak Obama de reconnaître le génocide des Arméniens. Néanmoins, le Président peut choisir la prudence devant la stratégie mise en place par la Turquie consistant à empêcher cette prise de position pour, soit disant, ne pas entraver l’ouverture engagée avec l’Arménie.

C’est la raison pour laquelle, il est d’une importance capitale d’encourager la Maison Blanche à faire valoir son opinion sur la question arménienne le 24 avril 2009.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un texte à copier et à coller dans le formulaire de contact de la Maison Blanche >

Attention : si vous ne demeurez pas aux États Unis, vous devez quand même inscrire le code de votre lieu de résidence [Zip Code] et le nom du pays afin que l’envoi soit validé. Ex :13001/France

Devant l’importance de l’échéance qui nous attend, je vous prie instamment de communiquer immédiatement cette missive à tous vos contacts et aux groupes Face book consacrés aux arméniens.



Jean Eckian


Estimado Amigo y compatriota,

En lo que a todo respecta, el día 24 de abril 2009 será una de las fechas más importantes en la historia del pueblo armenio. De hecho, ha nacido una gran esperanza desde la promesa del Presidente Barak Obama de reconocer el Genocidio Armenio. Pero, a pesar de eso, el Presidente puede optar por un acercamiento más cauteloso considerando la estrategia seguida adelante por Turquía, la cual consiste en prevenir esta postura, supuestamente para no dificultar el entendimiento conseguido con Armenia.

Esta es la razón por la cual es de primerísima importancia apoyar a la Casa Blanca para que formalice su opinión sobre el Genocidio Armenio, el 24 de abril 2009.

Puede encontrar por debajo un texto a copiar y pegar en el formulario de contacto de la Casa Blanca >

Atención: Si Ud. no vive en los Estados Unidos, deberá de todas formas indicar su código postal [Zip Code] y el nombre de su pais para validar su envío. Ej : 1431/Argentina

Considerando la importancia de la fecha venidera, les recomiendo encarecidamente diseminar inmediatamente esta misiva a todos sus contactos y a los grupos en Facebook dedicados a los armenios.



Jean Eckian


Copy-and-paste / Copier-coller / Copiar-y-pegar


Mr. President

Armenians from the United States and around the world trust you.

Your predecessors had also promised to use the word Genocide to qualify the massacres of 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. Unfortunately, they did not keep their promises. Please make the CHANGE and give acknowledgment to a people and their ancestors that have awaited for so long. Armenians became the cuckolds of Geo strategy.

Mr. President, you entered the world's stage through the large door. Your historical presidency will be inscribed in the handbook of future generations.

Hoping that you will put an end to the deafening silence of the greatest democratic nation on earth to qualify the first genocide of the 20th century.

Along with the millions of other Armenians, survivors and their decedents now living around the world, we respectfully request that you adopt a resolution acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.

Submitted with all due respect for all you have accomplished for this Nation, as well as for all we hope you will accomplish.

Thank you, Mr. President.

The Armenian People

Jean Eckian

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