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03 11 2008 - Recent updates in Keghart
Dear Friends,
It is with deep sorrow that I inform you about the passage to heaven of our very dear friend, patriot, nationalist, community activist, journalist George Apelian.
His number one objective was to raise the consciousness of Armenians of all ages regarding various problems that we are facing all over the world. His TV programs were educational with political and social evaluations the objective of which was to keep us awake and be ready to face various problems in Armenia and Diaspora. A true Hayrenaser.
For many years George Apelian was a very active member of the ARF. For the past 15 years he served his nation as an independent and free intellectual and political activist.
If you have any comments or if you would like to write about George Apelian, please e-mail me and I will forward it to this e-mail list.
Let each one of us have a certain part of George Apelian's spirit in our own way and serve Armenia and Armenians as best as we can.
May God bless his soul.
A memorial TV program took place on Monday October 20. .........
Please feel free to share it with your friends..............
Harout Bronozian , Glendale, California
George Apelian was respected by many thousands scattered throughout the world, and his patriotic work was much appreciated. expresses heartfelt condolescences to his family and close friends, and joins all those who honour his memory.
Recent updates in Keghart:
Armenia's Choice: The Inalienable Diaspora By Aram Adamyan MSc, MBA, ACCA, Toronto
"The Diaspora is the only reliable partner that Armenia has. With its widespread contacts and untapped soft-power it will show its active unity with the Homeland and will be able to save Karabakh."
Old Economics for Today's Crisis By Robert Skidelsky, member of the British House of Lords and the author of the biography, John Maynard Keynes: Economist, Philosopher, Statesman.
"We know now that we know very little. But Keynes's insights should not be tossed away as old garbage. At the very least we can say that we have no warrant for basing economics on assumptions that are so often discredited by events. Suitable perhaps for professors and students, such economics are likely to be especially toxic for policy-makers."
American Jewish Official Retires After Long Anti-Armenian Campaign By Harut Sassounian, Publisher, The California Courier
"One would hope that those who replace Jacobs and Foxman would reassess their organizations’ questionable stand on the Armenian Genocide and join the growing ranks of Jewish leaders who sympathize with the tragic history of the Armenian nation and resent being used as a tool to carry out Turkey’s denialist policies."
Alternative Interpretations:Karabakh Under the Hammer & LTP's 17th October Meeting By Bruce Tasker, Yerevan-Armenia
"This blog is an effort to expose this betrayal; the sell-out of Karabakh, by its own Karabakhi regime, who now dominate Armenia, and who are determined to reap a multi-billion Dollar reward, at the expense of the peoples of Armenia and of Karabakh and the surrounding territories."
What Went Wrong? By Avedis Kevorkian Philadelphia, PA USA
"There you have "Kevorkian's Theory of What Went Wrong". It probably will not get me the Nobel Prize for Economics but, somehow, I think that Professor Hoffman would not disapprove."
Reflections on the Occasion of the First Anniversary of By Dikran Abrahamian BA, MD, Ontario, Canada, 18 October 2008
"... nobody has a monopoly over ideas, Armenians in the Diaspora do not form a monolithic entity, and their affairs are governed foremost by individuals within a matrix of a multicentric environment."
From Other blogs:
US Elections: The Armenia Effect By Simon Maghakyan
A Call To Action Dr. Anne Anahid Shirinian-Orlando, US Coordinator for The Greens Union of Armenia,


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